Notes: The second generation Durango was introduced in 2004 and instantly came under fire for, well, catching on fire.
From 2004-2006 electrical overloading in the driver's side instrument panel caused numerous reports of interior fires. The interior infernos became so commonplace that Chrysler eventually issued a recall.
The problems didn't stop there, however. Owners of the recalled vehicles complained about being treated unfairly and given take-it-or-leave-it low ball settlement offers. "They offered me $2000 under NADA retail as a settlement," said one owner, "and have been rude and hostile to deal with." Nothing says awesome service like treating your customers rudely after their cars have caught on fire.
I have a 2004 Dodge Durango with 73,600 miles. For the last couple of months it's been acting up. The second I slow to a stop or put it in park, the RPMs start jumping around. It has stalled on me several times. When I accelerate, it doesn't seem to want to go, but jerks like it is going to stall and then takes off. It's kind of scary. I took it to auto zone today and had it hooked up to their diagnostic machine. They said that it isn't coding anything to be wrong. If any of y'all have figured out what the problem is, please email me. Thanks.
Durango started "stalling out". I checked the oil - it was fine. Correct level, and looked clean. Replaced the battery (just in case), and had an oil change. Stalling continued. Off and on through numerous months. The "idiot" lite never came on, but I kept checking the oil, because it just didn't seem like a starter, alternator, or battery issue, and I couldn't think what else it would be other than engine failure.
It started with just a jerking around when I took my foot off the gas to slow down and coast. Then every once in a while it would shut off when I went to slow down. Now it is shutting off at least 3-5 times a day and I only drive 5 miles to work. It has left me sitting in intersections, on busy streets turning in somewhere and in parking lots. Yesterday I was almost rear-ended because it shut off. It is to the point now that I don't get any warning like a jerking. It was only doing when I was going under 30mph but now it is doing on highways with speeds of 70mph. If there is anyone out there that has had this problem and has any idea what it would be please contact me. We have had it to 3 different garages and they all say that every thing is running fine. One of these was a friend of mine and we drove while he had his machine hooked up to our computer and it still said everything was fine even after it shut off.
while trying to make a u turn to get to a parking spot because the car was overheating the car stalled twice. nearly got hit by other cars because the stalls were so sudden.
I have a 2004 Dodge Durango with 73,600 miles. For the last couple of months it's been acting up. The second I slow to a stop or put it in park, the RPMs start jumping around. It has stalled on me several times. When I accelerate, it doesn't seem to want to go, but jerks like it is going to stall and then takes off. It's kind of scary. I took it to auto zone today and had it hooked up to their diagnostic machine. They said that it isn't coding anything to be wrong. If any of y'all have figured out what the problem is, please email me. Thanks.
- Barbi M., Baytown, TX, US