really awful- Typical Repair Cost:
- No data
- Average Mileage:
- 108,600 miles
- Total Complaints:
- 1 complaints
Most Common Solutions:
- not sure (1 reports)

electrical problem
Helpful websites
- No one has added a helpful site for this 2003 Durango problem yet. Be the first!
I have wanted a Dodge Durango for the past 6 years. I finally purchased my dream vehicle last November, two days before Thanksgiving. Since I am a December baby this truck was definitely an early birthday gift! For those of you who don't want to do the math thats 4 months of ownership to date. Two weeks ago I stopped to get gas and left the radio on while my tank filled up and and jammed out while I cleaned out my car waiting for the click that tells you the pump is done running. I topped off my tank and climbed behind the steering wheel of my still beloved truck, closed the dooe put my seatbelt on, fixed the rear view mirror and turned the key. It didnt start, it tried but it didnt. So I thought it was something dumb I did like, put it in gear first or something, so I checked everything, it all seemed fine. After multiple attempts to start my vehicle with no success. I called my husband crying who was out of town and feeling helpless to ease my suffering. He called the dealership that we purchased the truck from they sent out their mechanic who promptly jumped me and followed me back to their shop. They immediately checked the battery and alternator which were my concerns and they both checked fine! They plugged up my vehicle to see if they got a read and I was told that I need an O2 sensor. Now I may not be mechanically enclined but I do know that an O2 sensor would not cause my earlier mornings problems. So I left feeling secure that it must have been some kind of weird fluke and reminding myself that the good Lord does have a sense of humor! Well 2wks went by and it happened again; same exact scenario, at the gas station filled up the tank before work! Again my husband was out of town for work! Again I cried! This time however i got it started, and luckily I was only2 blks from home! So now we are at present day. My good friend is dating a new guy and we all decided to go hiking. So we took my "trusty" truck up past Morton by Mt. Raineer! We were 12mi away from our destination with 1/2 a tank of gas down a road with barely any pavement that looked as if the pilgrims first made it! When all my gauges go bad, my car starts dinging, and the digital odometer says "no bus" My husband was behind the wheel this time of course. We pulled over, my husband and our other male passenger got out to help, our fuses were all fine and plugged in properly. In the cab my girlfriend and I checked all 4 phones in the car and none of us had service. Of course at this point every horror movie I have ever seen that takes place in the woods starts running through my mind! The plus was somehow my vehicle was still running. So we decided to turn around and find a trail closer to civilization! We all had a great time, all the while I was thinking the cause couldn't be too bad especially since my truck was still running. On the way back to town after our hike we stopped at an auto shop in Morton but today is Sunday and the whole town we soon discovered was closed! So we stopped at the HOBO INN and ate lunch. When we got to town we dropped my friends off and my husband took the truck to the dealership and it was closed, to Schucks who again only found the O2 sensor again, we went to the shop that the dealership uses and they were closed as well. So my husband came home and did some online research and found you! The rest of you Durango lovers and victims! I called around and have gotten prices adding up to about 1,200.00$ I want to know how many of us have to fork out all this cash before Dodge does a recall so the community doesn't suffer. I am not working rt now and my husband intermittently so thanks to my tax return we can pay rent but we cant afford to get this work done and keep a roof over our heads! I dont know what were gonna do yet, my husband is hoping the dealership will let us swap it out! But I am not so optimistic. Somebody out there needs to hear me, my family should not suffer behind this company's product. the purpose of a retail company should be to uplift the community and provide safe long lasting products that we can rely on and even better pass on to our children! Whatever happened to built to last?
- Davina R., Tacoma, WA, US