Durango Dakota Ball Joint Replacement - PICTURES with Best solution i have found for the DIY. Lots of work for the bottom BJ but will save lots of $$$$.
I have done my tops and with this added info I recently found will do the bottom soon and might as well do the arm.
Do suggest using quality parts after all it's your life we're talking about. Many accidents may have been because of failure in these parts resulting in death. Consider it a benifit not second guessing what you bought. Hope this helps.
I for quite some time, my Durango would squeak terribly especially when going over bumps. When I took it in, I was lucky to still be under warranty. The cost to fix it would have been around to $1000.
The front ball joints were completely broken. It took a week to get the parts and fix. It is really scary that my wheels could have fallen off at any time. I still have the Durango and honestly it sound like they are going again. It really sucks that something that could be fatal is not important enough to the company to repair up front. I would probably not buy another Durango.
Bought this vehicle and immediately found bad ball joint on left front, and had to replace the tire at my cost. returned to the dealer and the ball joints and upper control arms were replaced on both sides. I have had to replace the right side tire too. Later I found out these vehicles had been under investigation by NHTSA since back in july. Dealers should have to tell about safety defects I think. I have driven it 1500 miles in four months, only because I am afraid of it.
I purchased this DODGE in June of 03 with 30,500 miles (good Huh?)--In August it started to squeak--Bad lower ball joints is what I was told. The car only had 34,000 miles on it but it was under the extended warranty and cost me 100.00 deduct. In September it was squeaking again so I took it to a local Dodge dealer and they said it was the shocks---Had them replaced $200.00--One month later it squeaks again (I am really starting to hate DODGE) Now they say the upper ball joints are gone. Have to have them replaced $100.00--Today, Dec 6, 2003--the car squeaks again! BAD--I only have 41,000 miles--I can't go 6 weeks without a problem. I really want to trade this P.O.S. in and get something else--I want Dodge to take responsibilty for this DEFECT!--No other cars have these problems at this low mileage.. I am going to a independant friend mechanic on Monday and if I find the dealer did not do what they were suppose to....... Big time 2 problems--Dealer and Dodge! I hate them all.
Since this made the news on OCT 30,2003, I believe that Dodge Corp. should take a good look at this problem before someone gets hurt. I have a 1999 Durango that only has 59,000 miles on it and the ball joints are bad. My neighbor has a 2000 model and the ball joints on it are bad to and it only has 42,000 miles on it. I think this is "BULL SH*T" and Dodge should recall this and fix their problem.
Upper ball joints are bad... dealer cannot cover under warranty
- Lori S., Westminster, CA, US