Dodge Dart
transmission Problems
Here are Dodge Dart transmission problems, by model year. The most common Dart transmission problems cost $3,400 to fix & occur at 28,000 miles. Regarding the worst model year 2013 Dodge Dart transmission problems, "The first year of the new Dodge Dart had a rough start, with owners reporting a disproportionate number of engine and transmission problems."
The worst model years for transmission problems are the 2013 Dart, 2014 Dart, and the 2015 Dart.
Worst Dodge Dart Transmission Problems
#1: Transmission Stopped Working 2013 Dart
- Average Cost to Fix:
- $3,400
- Average Mileage:
- 43,000 mi
#2: Shifting Roughly 2013 Dart
- Average Cost to Fix:
- N/A
- Average Mileage:
- 25,000 mi
#3: Over Revving Before Shifting 2013 Dart
- Average Cost to Fix:
- N/A
- Average Mileage:
- 14,000 mi