pretty bad- Typical Repair Cost:
- No data
- Average Mileage:
- 150,000 miles
- Total Complaints:
- 1 complaints
Most Common Solutions:
- not sure (1 reports)

drivetrain problem
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After rebuilding the engine at 150,000 it ran for about 2 mos. then, started running funny. And by funny I mean started it up one day and had to tap the gas pedal.(never had to) That went on for about 2 weeks until I was driving along and the damn thing just died. Like it ran out of gas.(had half a tank) Towed it to house, started checking it out. Went through a No start no run check. Same old bull. timing, spark(at plug, at dist. at coil) all good. Next gas (like I said half a tank). Next fuel pressure tested at 14 pounds ok that's what the book calls for. So what the hell. you've got timing, fuel, and spark should run right. WRONG! Then I find out about the world of bullshit it takes to get it to run or though I did. Then I find out about little things like tps, map sensor, pcm. Just to name a few. BUT MY BIGGEST BEEF IS WITH DODGE. When I went to a dodge dealership (who will be nameless) where I live in Avondale, And told them all of the above I was advice that my fuel pers. was to low. So like a dumbass I acted on it. I replaced the fuel pump and you guess it. It was the same pres. as before. need to say I was pissed. But when he told me the pers. should be 48 psi. then looked me in the eye and said "but you'll never really never know till you bring it (my truck) in and we test it" and smiled. Thats when I though hell wound freeze over first. and as of 5/19/06 thats where I still sit. I don't know if anybody out there has any idea's or not but if you do and won't to share them I'am all ears. Thanks e-mail address is rcbriver_rat@yhoo.com
- riverrat1, Avondale, AZ, US