pretty bad- Typical Repair Cost:
- No data
- Average Mileage:
- 78,450 miles
- Total Complaints:
- 4 complaints
Most Common Solutions:
- not sure (4 reports)

electrical problem
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I own a 2012 Dodge Charger SXT. As much as I love this damn car, I also get very frustrated with her too! She's had one problem after another and still counting..... But this particular problem scared the living hell outta me....so I have this p/t side hustle to earn a lil extra pocket money Door Dashing. I go out, pick up food, and deliver it to people who call in orders.... Because hey..... Why not sit at home and have your McDonald's delivered to your front door that was only a few feet away from where you live, right?! I'm getting paid and living the American dream! So while I'm sitting in a somewhat empty parking lot waiting for my next call, my car does the most unthinkable, inconceivable, and unimaginable not to mention unusual sh*t I've ever seen! I'm on my phone playing a few games while waiting for another food run and my car goes ape sh*t banana's! First it did some crazy freak light show! I froze! Then after a few seconds my damn wiper blades went up and down and up and down.... Mind you, it's summer, my windows are hot and dry so at the same time it's making this horrible loud freakishly dry rubber on glass noise and moving at a very slow freaky pace! I tried to shut it off by turning the wiper blade control on/off, I even tried turning my car off and back on, and I tried opening my door thinking it would shut off the electrical power to the vehicle and not one damn thing worked. My radio then started to play and that was it! I jumped out of my poltergeist possessed car and realized I was standing in a dark parking lot by myself....and "Christine!" I had never been so damn scared in my life. All I thought was, "Sh*t! I'm not safe in this car and I'm sure as hell not safe standing outside!" So I did what anybody would've done.....I jumped back in...!! I grabbed my phone and called my dad! But I couldn't tell him what my car was doing because he would've died laughing and hung up thinking I was calling to prank him! So I had to come up with something more believable.....I told him, "Hey Dad you're never gonna believe this.....I think I just won a million dollars on my scratch ticket! You should come and check it out! We can split it 50/50 but you gotta hurry because I'm waiting on my next delivery call and I really wanna show you!!" That to my dad is more believable than my car being possessed!! He finally showed up within 5 minutes which seemed like an eternity..... Long story still kinda long, my car stopped what it was doing before my dad arrived but now she wouldn't start back up so my dad gave me a jump and left me with a message about the boy who cried wolf! What the....?! I was scared, it was night time, my car is Christine!! What was I supposed to say??!! I didn't want him to admit me.....!! So I shamefully agreed and promised not to lie about having won a million dollars! He also gave me the number to roadside assistance next time I needed a jump! I still don't know what's wrong with my car..... Please help! ~A very scared driver
- Nadine P., Colorado Springs, US