Again, this is a V8, not included in the 2012 Challenger alternator recalls. My radar detector gave me a low voltage alert again today, 7 weeks after the alternator was replaced. My radio panel lights dim when I turn on the windshield wipers. I have been told it could just be a faulty alternator. Will be going to the dealer tomorrow. Just wondering if anyone else has experienced the same issue.
Note this car was not included in the 2012 Challenger recall since this is a V8. I'm trying to figure out if any other V8's are having the same issue as the V6 alternator recall.
This is the first of 2 complaints for the same problem, about 7 weeks apart. My radar detector gave me a low voltage alert. I figured it was because I drive a fairly short distance to work and back several times a day. Drove the car for an extended period of time, but received the same alert along the way. This went on for several months, just randomly. Finally the whining sound everyone reports on this thread started. I knew it was probably the alternator and sure enough that day I was stranded at work (thank heavens for AAA, don't go without it!)
Towed to dealer, alternator replaced, labor and all, $600 and that was not the most expensive one. Next complaint coming, it started happening again today, 7 weeks later!
First brand new car I ever bought, now I know why I have always purchased used cars, all the bugs are worked out. I can't begin to tell you how much of a "pain in the ass" this was. Luckily, my wife wasn't driving on the interstate she would have been injured for sure. Driving home from work, all the lights started coming flashing, on the instrument panel, then all of a sudden, with no warning the car "died". Completely shut down. After a few minutes she was able to get it started and on her way home from work there was a service station, so she pulled in and we were told that it was the "Alternator." How in the world can it be the alternator when there is less than 18K miles on our car. We have had issues with the air bag sensor (passenger seat) and the rubber seal that's on the inside of the hood, and the paint job is not the best. Don't get me wrong it's a beautiful car but I will never buy another one, as a matter of fact this is the 1st dodge that I have ever owned and honestly, I can't see me purchasing another one. Anyway contacted Chrysler this morning, spoke to a customer service rep and was told to submit my $780 receipt and that the company would reimburse us the full amount. I will keep you posted in about 60 days. Wish me luck.
I purchased the 2012 Dodge and loved it, but the repairs is a pain. The car shut down on me in the middle of the intersection everything just shut down. I was so scared but luckily a police pulled up behind me and stayed there til the tow truck showed up.
I have never heard of an alternator costing $500 and that was not including the cost of labor. I was devastated how can a new car like this be having these problems. I was pregnant, a full time student and a part time employee, it was challenging coming up with the funds to fix my only means of transportation. I endured a lot because I also had to cover my own expenses for a rental vehicle to get around. I was out of my vehicle for about 2 1/2 weeks.
My opinion is that Dodge/Chrysler is just not trying to solve this issue with these alternator, it's no such thing that they don't have the parts to cover the vehicles because we had to order the alternator from their dealership. I have learned a valuable lesson, "Don't ever purchase a Dodge/Chrysler again no matter how nice and sporty the car looks", Dodge is a piece of sh*t.
So I have errands to run on a beautiful Saturday afternoon and I go to get in my car and when I turn it on, its whining loudly at me, and it freaks me out so I drive it to a shop up the road, who in turn, turn me away, citing that "its nothing" and "it sounds like a lot of cars" - so I chalk it up to nothing since the whining seemed to die down - I go on about my errands and then on my way home, stop for gas and before I get to the pump all these dash lights start coming on/off,. so I snap a few pics so I have proof in case its not doing it when I get to the shop - I get to the pump, turn off the car go in a pay for gas, do a little shopping, come out and my car starts, and then dies..i try to start it and it just dies again..then I smell horrible burning smell and its just dead, wont do anything -
I end up having to spend an hour on the phone, and finally got in touch with my dealership, who was really nice, got me a tow truck and a loaner car for thee weekend, and someone is supposed to call me on Monday - I have the extended warranty so I'm not looking to have too many issues (cross my fingers) - but yea, what a pain...I had the recall on my airbags, and now this - which I had to find out about the alternator recall from here- , as I did not receive a notice, but I moved away and probably am not getting all of my mail - I'm just thankful this didn't happen yesterday when I was on the interstate in rush hour!
Update from Apr 6, 2015: The dealership tried to leave me holding the bag for the battery that my alternator destroyed - citing that my alternator was not the problem (which is total BS) that it was solely my battery that was the problem and that it as going to cost over 300.00 to fix since it wasn't "covered" under my extended warranty - I immediately called wankers on this and they offered to call Chrysler and I agreed that they needed to do that and when I got off the phone with my dealership I called Chrysler myself and talked to a very helpful man who assured me that the battery going was part of the recall, since the alternator is overcharging the battery and "destroying" the battery -
He told me I had two options -1. that I could take it to another dealership and have them do the work 2. pay and then be reimbursed though Chrysler - neither option worked for me since 1. they already have my car and I have their loaner 2. I wasn't interested in coming out of pocket - so I sat on hold while he called my dealership and when he came back on the line he said that he "didn't need to intervene" since apparently in the short time between me talking to the dealership and me talking to the customer service rep, they had already talked to a manager who decided to cover the battery and they just hadn't "had the chance to call me back" - which nearly 2 hours later, I still haven't received that call -
so, I did clarify this: I do not owe any money for anything, not 1 dime, not even the 100 dollar "diagnostic" fee that they like to try to charge because its connected to a recall item, it is ALL covered. Of course, I have yet to receive a call back about my car and they may try to charge me the $100, but they wont get it and they can call back to talk to the nice man I spoke to about it if they have a problem with it - so sick of being ran around and taken advantage of by supposed professionals !!
Update from Apr 6, 2015: oh, and its at 45,000 not 55,000 - my mistake, but I couldn't figure out how to adjust it
- Nikki S.,
Ft Worth, TX, US
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So paying a lot for a car isn't worth the money! I have had nothing but problems with this car! Key Fob replaced already twice.Some kind of tire sensor replaced 3 times. Put tires all the way around at 40,000. Now the Alternator catches fire--total recall. However I have to wait for an inspector to come look at the car--which can take up to 3 days. And I have no other car--can't this one costs too much.
This could have been a dangerous situation. Luckily I wasn't even a mile away from my home.
Alternator just went completely out while running errands in town. It was raining and I couldn't roll the windows up. I pay to have extended warranty, but still unfair to pay the extra for the warranty and $100 deductible for a defective car part. Just another issue that I've had....
My 2012 Dodge Challenger starting making a whining sound almost hissing sound when I was at an idle and seemed to get worse when I accelerated. I noticed my lights dimming as I accelerated, I immediately took it to my dealership where I bought it, and they confirmed it was the alternator, as I suspected.
Because there is a recall for the alternator, I had to take it to the actual Dodge dealership here in Savannah. I was expecting a bad situation, seeing as how they do not have a fix for this recall. I was absolutely wrong. I drove it there (I barely got it there, I'm pretty sure I was running strictly on the battery) thank God it wasn't far. I arrived first thing in the morning and they were absolutely wonderful. They fixed it free of charge, and told me to bring it back just as soon as I got the notice that parts were available. I picked it up the same day. If you have the recall notice be sure to bring it with you. It will help speed things along.
While driving home about 3 min from the house ABS sensor and traction control light popped up. Pulled in the garage and noticed a burning smell from under the hood. Alternator was extremely hot and drained my battery completely.Purchased a new battery but the moment I placed the cables on the battery post the negative terminal caught on fire. Unplugged the battery post and immediately did some research on the problem and discovered many others having the same problem.
Called the Chrysler Corporation they responded back by saying its a recall on the alternators but won't be released to the public till Nov 28. To sum it up they suggested I pay for the repairs and I would be reimbursed. This went on for about a week cause I felt that this was a issue they needed to fix. Let alone the battery is $200 and alternator is $400 and I was beyond my 36000 mile warranty. So I made additional phone calls to Chrysler Corporation and the Dodge dealership and and pretty much explained the severity of the situation and how there are many others dealing with the same circumstance as me. They are fully aware of the problem.
When it was all said and done they paid for a tow truck to have my car towed to the service station of my choice, rental car, and only a $100 service charge. I talked to the right person who understood and was willing to help. Gulfate Dodge Houston, TX.
After having my vehicle for only two years, my alternator went out not to include all the other electrical problem I have had with the vehicle. I try to get some type of assistance from Dodge and of course got no help as if they did not care that several other consumers were having the same problem. I spoke with two different representatives and no one wanted to help with the issue. I am getting extremely frustrated with the issue. When I first got the vehicle, within six months I had to have six repairs done to my vehicle. Dodge had the nerve to state that there is no issue with their vehicle. Next time I will be getting a Honda or something more reliable. NO MORE DODGE PRODUCTS THEY ARE EXTREMELY UNHELPFUL.
I was driving on a busy CA highway during morning rush hour and my ABS light went on/off several times, then the emergency brake light indicator, all the dash lights seems to go on and off at some time. I was able to get over towards the side and my radio turned off, the AC turned off and the car started to shake. I was lucky to get off the freeway and I have AAA. I have it towed to the dealer since it's obviously electrical and I don't know where else to take it. They wait all day and at 5 pm finally tell me I need a new alternator and battery. The cost is $1,290.
Are you kidding me? How does a car with 43k miles on it less than 3 years old need a new alternator? I love my car but I'm so disappointed in Dodge and the quality. This is my 5th time with a problem in 3 years.
Update from Jun 8, 2015: When I took it to the dealer, they said it sometime happens that alternators go bad. REALLY?? In a practically new car? Well, funny that 2 months after paying for the cost of a new alternator and a new battery, low and behold RECALL! You are telling me that the dealer didn't know they had this issue when I was there. They know about it at least 60 days before telling the public. So, they basically got use of my money to fix the problem.
I will give them credit that they have fully refunded my money after I had to send in all my paperwork. The other saving grace is that since mine happened before the recall hit the news, it got done early so the parts were probably easier to get.
Brand new 2012 Dodge Challenger, battery light comes on then car shuts down. Put on a new battery negative wire got hot and started smelling rubber burning from under hood, opened hood smoke coming from under the alternator. Took the battery off or car would of caught on fire. Took car to my mechanic since the car was 10K over basic warranty. Huffiness in Plano TX would not help and were not conceded that someone could of been injured. My mechanic said a short in the alternator and can not find the part accept at a dealer. 500 dollars. Called Chrysler custom service they wanted me to tow it to a dealer and they said they might help with cost, YEA right once you have the car then I am STUCK. This alternator in a 2 year old car is going to catch on fire with someone else and when it does I am going to let whoever know I warned them and they did NOTHING!!!! Just like Toyota they wait till someone dies before they do crap. Don't buy a 2012 Challenger already recall on air bag.
I have seen complaints about the alternator failing, mine also had failed. while i was driving with my wife and friend in the vehicle when the high pitch sound came through speakers and the ABS & Traction Control light came on with a constant beeping chiming, then all of a sudden the all the cluster lights flashing and one of the cluster needle began to move erratically. i quickly moved to the shoulder and as i came to a stop the vehicle died and lost all power. We noticed a burning smell coming from engine compartment and when i lifted the hood my friend noticed the smell was stronger and as i looked to see what was burning i then saw the alternator smoking. I hurried to the back seat and laid down the seat to crawl to manually release the cable to access the battery. I had to break the positive terminal to battery so the car would not catch fire. Called dealerships to warranty this but none would. they directed me to Chrysler where i spoke with three persons there and they stated the same thing - due to mileage its not covered. Very dangerous situation when all power is lost, and if not for quick thinking and reaction on my part this could have ended differently. there are no notices, recalls or safety warnings for this - how can this be?
I would think there should be a class action suit against Chrysler for this dangerous issue. Its not like a bad window regulator or washer pump or something of that sort but a major electrical malfunction that could cause a electrical fire that could engulf the car and others. It seems that its not limited to the challengers so why hasn't one been started, or is their one where i can join.
It's a 2012 Dodge Challenger for crying out loud and has only accumulated less than 45,000 miles. I read all the 17 complaints in this site and my raging sentiments belong to the same level fiercely drilled here. With all these problems Dodge have queued up (and they seemed to demonstrate not an iota of concern), time for them to close up shop. The growing frustrations reflected in the ever increasing complaints against the poor quality of their vehicles spell catastrophe for Dodge. Never again. They provide an inane warranty that excludes coverage for an alternator when problem arises after 36,000 miles. THEY HAVE KNOWN this was an ongoing issue for years now. That was the reason they pegged the warranty coverage to a measly 36,000 miles because 95% of alternator breakdowns occurs at around 40,000 as attested by the 17 complaints here. No more Dodge or Chrysler or Jeep products for me and I'll make ABSOLUTELY certain the world hears about this.
Again, this is a V8, not included in the 2012 Challenger alternator recalls. My radar detector gave me a low voltage alert again today, 7 weeks after the alternator was replaced. My radio panel lights dim when I turn on the windshield wipers. I have been told it could just be a faulty alternator. Will be going to the dealer tomorrow. Just wondering if anyone else has experienced the same issue.
- frose, Alamogordo, NM, US