This has been a wonderful car and still drives like new if it doesn't fail to start. It's undependable not knowing when or where it might fail to start. Fixes itself before mechanic can look at. I really don't want to get rid of the vehicle, but am desperate to know how to find a solution. I can't understand why Chrysler can't be more help as I am not the only one to have this problem via your site. If anyone out there with this problem has found a real solution... PLEASE HELP ME!!! Thus far I have sent off the computer, put in new starter, checked electrical by a good mechanic, replaced battery and cables. I am tired of spending money on fixes that don't fix my problem.
Took van to dealer with the following issues: Rear windows don't open, rear wiper doesn't work, passenger side front seat doesn't work (adjust) engine refuses to turn over off and on. Dealer said, Transmission selector switch was bad resulting in starting problems. I had it replaced by them. They also charged for 2 hours of diagnostic on the electric system by the way. Said needed new motor for rear wiper ($300), needed to replace the seat ($1100), said I needed new master window control switch drivers front $300. All in all wanted $2300 to do the repairs. I had them replace the selector switch (being the most critical). I ordered a new master control switch and replaced it twice and windows are still not working. Now it won't start (same problem as before). I replaced the CPU and most other electronic modules at $100,000 miles already.
tc van 1998 is giving me a head ache as the problem was started. the engine it works just for 2or 3 seconds then stops tries 2to 3 x it will start of this each attempt will starts and then it will stops until it really really not working at all. sometimes it took a couple of days or even a couple of weeks and then it will work fine again, but this is my car behaving so please could you tell me what is the root of the problem?
van starts then shuts off 2-3 times then nothing, wait a day and works fine, has done this every week for a few weeks now...twice i was stranded this week! Going to get estimate tomorrow but car guy said on phone it sounds like alarm system....My alarm did go off last week while my van was running in driveway in one went near the car to set it one other time a couple months ago the van wouldnt stay started but alarm was flasing on dashboard, so after i hit unlock a few times it started fine...any ideas??
My t/c van will start the shut of immediately for 3 times. On the fourth try there is nothing. The panel light doesn't light up to show what gear it is in but I have power to everything else. I wait a day and then it starts and runs fine..Several days later this repeats.
The problem with our T&C is the same thing I have read over and over on lots of car forums. When you turn the it starts then dies, this will happen three times, then it will not even start on the fourth try. If it sets a few hours it will start again, And will be fine for a few months before it happens again. Now it is sitting in the driveway for three days
and wont start, We tried putting a push button starter on to bypass the alarm system,
as someone said on another forum that that fixed their problem, did not work for us,it did start, but then quickly died as if the anti theft system is cutting off the gas.We dont have the funds to just try a bunch of things to see if that works, I need a real fix for this problem.PLEASE HELP ! I will not sell this problem off to someone else. I really liked this van before this happened.
My van would run for 2 seconds then shut off. After 3 times it would not turn over. I would let it sit overnight, the next day it would be fine, until the next time. It might happen once a week, or it might not happen for 2 mths. I finally had the service dept at the dealer look at it. They said it is the printed circuit board. Cost- $495 for the part, and $169 for labor, have not gotten it fixed.
This first started and was mabye once in 6 months. It has been getting progressively worse and have had to have it towed home twice. Usually if you let it sit 6 to 8 hours it will start again however this time it has been 3 days and no success. mine is the same as the odometer, trip odometer and great shift position do not light up and of course it will not crank. some times it will start and immediately stall and after several tries, it will no longer crank
After the car sits for 4 to 8 hours, you attempt to start the vehicle and there is no power to the starter. It acts like you have a dead battery except all the dash lights are on like normal except for the odometer and gas gauge doesn't work. If you wait 4 to 8 hours, you are able to start it again. It is not consistent and occurs every two weeks.
I took it to the garage, and the fuel pump is fine, and there were no computer codes listed in the diagnostic computer. Sometimes the car will run for 10 to 15 seconds and die and then it acts like above. It is not low on fuel, since it happend when I was above 1/2 tank of gas. When you turn the key, nothing happens and there is no noise of any type.
The rear window wiper comes on when I don't turn it on. Replaced motor and problem still exits.
- jakim, Lawrenceburg, US