Well bought the car and exactly one month engine blew. After the mechanics had it for a month, I finally got it back with no heat and constant putting antifreeze in it. After fighting and fighting with them I gave up on the heat. Then it didn't want to start and being told that it was something crazy I told them it was the starter. Got that replaced then in march of January 2014 about 11 days before the warrnity ran out guess what...
Yep another engine blew even though we took it in and told them it was getting ready to happen they said no it was the radiator cap, charged me $60 for that. So the engine blows get it replaced and 8 months later no more warranty, engine is going again oh and the starter just went out again today. Still owe 5,000.00 on it and the dealership o currently go through won't trade it in lol what a joke of a car. DO NOT BUY CHRYSLER EVER!!!!!!
I purchased this car used back in November of 2011. Made sure the first thing i did after purchase was to get a tune-up and an oil change. About 6-7 months later my engine quit on me... Upon looking the problem up online, i found that there were a lot of people with the same car with the exact same issue. Apparently, the engine in the Chrysler Sebring Convertible is defective. Due to leakage, engine sludge accumulates and ultimately causes the demise of the engine if not caught in time. I called Chrysler to find out if there had been a recall on this engine due to the fact that there were sooooo many complaints that I had come across. Chrysler informed me that the only recall that had been issued on my car according to the VIN is the lable for the convertible top. They stated that a recall had not been issued for the engine at all. I found this to be very unsettling because of the danger this issue causes. Something needs to be done about this. If anyone knows of someone i should contact in regards to a class action lawsuit please send me an email: jen.caron1@gmail.com. Thank you!!!
I purchased this car used back in November of 2011. Made sure the first thing i did after purchase was to get a tune-up and an oil change. About 6-7 months later my engine quit on me... Upon looking the problem up online, i found that there were a lot of people with the same car with the exact same issue. Apparently, the engine in the Chrysler Sebring Convertible is deffective. Due to leakage, engine sludge accumelates and ultimately causes the demise of the engine if not caught in time. I called Chrysler to find out if there had been a recall on this engine due to the fact that there were sooooo many complaints that I had come accross. Chrysler informed me that the only recall that had been issued on my car according to the VIN is the lable for the convertable top. They stated that a recall had not been issued for the engine at all. I found this to be very unsettling because of the danger this issue causes. Something needs to be done about this. If anyone knows of someone i should contact in regards to a class action lawsuit please send me an email: jen.caron1@gmail.com. Thank you!!!
Purchased this vehicle used around Sept 2011 from an owner who took really great care of it (about 129k mi), had proper documentation of routine oil changes, transmission flushes, etc etc etc in terms of routine maintenance services. Ran smooth with some minor complications w/ starter, but nothing major. Continued routine oil changes (even upgraded to Full Synthetic oil) and continued to adhere to other manufacturer recommended maintenance services. Oddly before one oil change in Jan 2012, I did notice white gooey sludge. Had oil changed professionally and thought that it was resolved, what was at first thought of as an easy preventive fix.
Then roughly 2 months later in March '12, while riding down street, lights began to flicker slightly, then my check engine light appears. I pulled over to curb for safety reasons. Upon pulling over, engine quietly and completely stops functioning, then my check engine light begins to blink ever so lowly. I look under the engine cap, and VOILA, white gooey stuff AGAIN - Engine failure. Tried to crank it multiple times only to be met with silence and a blinking engine light. Had it confirmed by ASE certified mechanics that engine failed. Junked it roughly the following week. Worst car experience ever.
Chrysler ought to be ashamed of themselves for allowing such to happen their Sebring customers, especially those who strive to take great care of their vehicles.
- cloud1117,
St. Louis, MO, US
Search CarComplaints.com for these popular complaint phrases...
We loved our Sebring Convertible. We have had the car in storage and maintained the car to maximum proportions. I am disabled and depend on our car as we cannot afford a new one. If we had known about this problem, we would never have purchased this car. We have had major oil problems with this car and now this. Now our car is dying as each cylinder blows. C'est la vie.
We will never purchase another Chrysler again. We even can't afford to fix this one. THIS IS DISGUSTING. WHAT COMPANIES DON'T TELL YOU.
I have had nothing but problems with this car.this is first motor i replaced in 2002. it is 2013 and i have put five m motors in this car. three of which were a new Jasper engine. that supposed to have had the kinks worked out of it.
Car won't run do to engine failure on an 80,000 mile engine. Additionally, i(if I can even find one that still runs) if I replace this engine it is bad so I will have the same problem. I don't know what to do.
I purchased a 2001 Sebring Convertible LX brand new. My baby had 254 miles on it and ran like a champ. Two months after I purchased the car, I had to have it towed to the dealer where I purchased it because the oil was leaking into the gas tank and the car cut off and would not start. The car was fixed and I didn't experience any other problems with that issue, or so I thought. a few years later my engine light would come on only when I was stopped with the car running. So I took the car in to the dealer only to be told they could find nothing wrong with the car. I have had my car routinely maintenanced over the years and have every receipt to prove it. Now I'm told that I need a new engine due to a defect in the engine that caused the oil to collect and burn the pistons and top of the motor. If there was a defect in the engine why wouldn't the dealership or chrysler let me know.
I bought a Sebring covertable 2001 on 5/16/2012 from reputable car lot and her it is 9/22/2012 and the engine is blown due to oil sludge. I still owe 4000.00 on car and cheapest engine will cost 3600.00. Chrysler want help and the dealership want help. What the heck do I do?
I had an independent mechanic, who use to work as a Chrysler as a mechanic, who told me that Chrysler has proprietary information on problems with its cars, that it does not share with independents. For example, the sludge oil issues with the 2001 Chrysler Sebring is/was known issue to Chrysler....who recommends to it's own mechanics to use 5W - 30 oil....non=paraffin. The tolerance levels are so tight on this engine, that heavier weight or paraffin oils cause problems. The owners manual recommends 10w - 30, and makes no mention of not using non-paraffin.
If this is true, shame on Chrysler for conducting themselves this way! Look at all the issues and complaints there are about. And they wonder why they lost market share!
The True Meaning of Misery! October 2007,needed a car fast.Old car broken down. Single mom needs vehicle to get to work! Nearest dealership of used cars sells me 2001 White convertible Sebring 10500 dollars plus an extra 1100 dollars for extended warranty- 350 month payment, dealership gave me new brakes. I love this car! Its pretty and classy-off white pearl finish navy top and leather interior,drop the top-play music loud-I feel young again(I'm 47) 5 months later engine conks out with kids in the car,I'm out of town-get rental car and have it towed to rebuilt engine place--3,500 dollars extended warranty doesn't cover because its full of sludge,I drop the warranty, and got it taken off my loan,- -4 months later transmission goes-2,400 dollars. a couple of years go by-AC works when it wants to,trunk from hell-the thing that hold it open is broke-someone has to hold trunk to get groceries out or it will slam hard. Leaks every time it rains or going through car wash near both front windows,lost its seal I guess. eventually back window developed huge leak-entire bottom of window-my son tried to tape it but it got wet and leaked again. Tires,tire rods,ball joints (I need to marry a mechanic!) The stereo sound good except the two back speakers conked out-occasionally the back right speaker will flicker on for a few seconds. Convertible motor conks out so we cant put the top down anymore.Left power window-400 bucks, December 2010-ball joint,tie rod 550 dollars-right at Christmas time.July 2011-front axel or whatever breaks,I mean literally snapped in parking lot,10 year kid was in car with me-550 dollars, August 2001 alternator quits,older boy in car with me-450 dollars, October 2011 fix oil and coolant leaks-new battery-800 dollars, I get a newer more dependable 2010 car, I keep the Sebring for my son, hes 18 and will need a car for his first job,school and so he wont drive mine! Incredibly after I thought everything was fixed,they charged me 1365 dollars for my December state inspection,ball joint tie rods.seat buckle,etc. OK, I love my son and he needs a car-he just got his drivers license and first job- He drives the car 3 mos and doesn't check oil or coolant-both leaked ,engine light came on and him and a buddy decided it was best to keep riding it,another 40 minutes or so on highway to get it home! Car is choking,sputtering,make it home and dies the next day- he didn't know! I am totally broke at this point and have no means at present to put another engine in.,I Am Miserable :(
this is the secound engine in less than 127000 miles my ford escape has 158000 on it and runs fine this is it. never again chrysler never again I work for a car company and i will never buy another goverment own car company again.
Took care of this car for eleven years. Oil change about every 3000miles with bottled oil only! The car just stopped with no warning like turning the key off while I was driving. I coasted to a stop and watched the fluids and life drain from my baby,my 2001sebring convertible! Everyone from chrysler acts dumb about it. Now I find out they know there has been the same problem for years with this 2.7 L engine!!!!! This should be considered fraud in my opinion! They needed to recall these engines before many lives have been turned upside down. I'm on disability and have a fixed income to live on. Chrysler should be ashamed of itself for putting American consumers through this needless and costly abuse! I thought an American car manufacturer would have more character. People wonder why foreign companies are so successful , MAYBE THEY HAVE MORE INTEGRITY THAN CHRYSLER!!! Hope this is read by future car shoppers to warn them of the practices of Chrysler! Good luck!
i got my car fixed at a very good shop but found out that there word is any good i got as they called it a overhaul on my enegine but as soon as i got it fixed my lifters started tapping really bad so i took it back and they had me put this stuff in it for lifters but i kept haveing the same problems so as i was driveing my car just stopped on me without any warning and i had it towed to the shop and he asked me did i hear anything before it cut off and i said yeah my lifters and he told me that was normal now i don,t know much about cars but i know when i first got the car u couldnt even hear when i started it up but now when i took it back he tells me that the parts he put on there are not under warranty and he is chargeing me 1500 to fix it after he fixed it so now i have it and have to wait to get it fixed to me i will never ever take another car to him and it is a 2001 chrysler sebring lxi
Mechanic tells us the the engine should be replaced and would likely cost more than the car would be worth. Online shows that this engine commonly has oil sludge buildup which can lead to a complete engine failure
This is another example of the oil sludge issue with the Chrysler 2.7 L engine. I bought the car used with low miles, and had my tension arm go out a few months later due to sludge buildup.
This second instance came up pretty quickly. The started knocking on hard acceleration, then 2 days later started missing badly going uphill on my way home form work. The engine dies on the downhill side of the most dangerous road in Portland (Germantown Rd.). This is a very steep extremely curvy road and I came all too close to not being able to make the first turn with no power steering or brakes. Making my way down the remainder of the hill was a bit frightening, to say the least.
After getting towed and finding out the damage was blown bearings and replace the engine, it was suggested I look online for chrysler 2.7 l engine to find that this should have been considered a defect and the engine should have been replaced or repaired by Chrysler, but Chrysler claims the engine is fine, it's the owner's fault.
i put a new engine in when my car had 56,000 miles on it. Chrysler said it was due to sludgey oil. I spent 6,000.00 to put a rebuilt engine in at Chrysler in Paramus (avoid this dealership like the plague, they don't give a damn about the consumer) With 14,000 miles on the replaced engine it seized again. they said it was neglect. You don't neglect an engine once you have to spend 6 grand to replace one. the engine seized 7 SEVEN days after the warranty was up. They told me too bad for me. Needless to say, i am persuing a law suit and reporting them to the BBB
My son's 2001 Chrysler Sebring convertible had complete engine failure last week and had to be towed. Diagnosed as complete engine failure with a cost of $3000 to replace. He has spend thousands on repairs in the past 3 years and now this. He just spent $800 two weeks ago to have one of the cylinders replaced and other work done.
From my research online, this is a definite problem with 98-02 Chrysler 2.7L engines. And it seems that Chrysler is NOT offering any remedies. It seems like there is no way to get any help other than to tell everyone not to buy a Chrysler product as they don't stand behind their cars.
I inherited this car from my dad when I turned 15. Not 5 months had I driven the car and th oil light started flickering. I changed the oil regularly and kept a close eye on it. Then the engine started sputtering like crazy and so I stopped driving it. We got a place in town to build us a new engine for the car for around $900. We had our neighbor (a professional mechanic) take the old engine out and put a new one in. When he got the bad engine out there was a layer of oil and grease and crap caked a quarter inch high everywhere on the engine. I mean, there was not a single area on the engine that wasn't covered in this crap.
OK. We got the engine problem fixed. That was the most costly of the problems. Then other problems would start happening. Oil leaking, antifreeze leaking, the car would stall randomly and other times it would start all together. There have been so many problems with this car that I have honestly forgot what they all were. I know, however, that we have put more money into fixing the problems with this car then that damn thing is actually worth (kelley blue book).
I do not recommend this car to anyone. And I will never again own a Chrysler.
Well bought the car and exactly one month engine blew. After the mechanics had it for a month, I finally got it back with no heat and constant putting antifreeze in it. After fighting and fighting with them I gave up on the heat. Then it didn't want to start and being told that it was something crazy I told them it was the starter. Got that replaced then in march of January 2014 about 11 days before the warrnity ran out guess what...
Yep another engine blew even though we took it in and told them it was getting ready to happen they said no it was the radiator cap, charged me $60 for that. So the engine blows get it replaced and 8 months later no more warranty, engine is going again oh and the starter just went out again today. Still owe 5,000.00 on it and the dealership o currently go through won't trade it in lol what a joke of a car. DO NOT BUY CHRYSLER EVER!!!!!!
- Tracy K., Akron, OH, US