Chrysler has done nothing to correct this problem, nothing but talk. I will never buy another Chrysler product again in my life time, total crap with nothing but problem after problem - thanks Chrysler!!!
I hate it when you are driving or even trying to pull out and the damn van just stalls then jerks real bad. I don't understand it at all. I know there is a lawsuit going around about this issue with these vans. I haven't found it yet.
Driving home from work. Went about 10 miles and came to a stop light. It shut off and wouldn't restart. I was at the stop light for 3 to 5 minutes until it would start again. Uggggghhh
While driving Chrysler Pacifica 2017 limited, car stalled in freeway ramp. It was a very scary situation. Took the car to dealer but they stated everything is ok.
I have a 2017 Chrysler Pacific that I brought in December. This has happened to me twice already. Once on September 10 2018 and then again on September 26 2018. While sitting at a red light, it will shut off. It says that the start/run has turned off because the hood is open. I have put the car in park and restarted. I pulled over to make sure that the hood isn't open and of course it wasn't. When I called the dealership about this they said that they never heard of this. I have an appointment on October 2 2018. I am just scared that this will happen while I am driving.
On May 20, 2017, my 2017 Pacifica shut off while driving. The dash displayed the message, "vehicle must be in park to switch gears," or something along those lines. I had to place my vehicle back in park and restart the engine. I was then able to drive normally. Having seen this happen, my husband, who doesn't usually drive the car, realized that the same thing had happened to him a month prior. He thought that he had accidentally hit the gear knob or bumped something, but upon seeing it happen again, realized it was the same issue. We stopped driving the Pacifica and took it into the dealer first thing Monday morning (May 22).
Upon researching this issue, I'm finding more and more people having the same thing happen with their Pacificas. One lady I'm in contact with had her engine shut off going 60 mph down the turn pike in the rain. It was the third time it had happened to her and she's now in the buyback process. Most people who have taken theirs for service have been told that no codes were pulled and to bring it back if it happens again. Obviously unacceptable.
On Wednesday, May 24, my dealer called and told me the same thing - no codes were pulled and we should drive it until it happens again. Well, since I'm not in the business of being a test dummy, I told them, "no thanks." They agreed to keep our car and have since been very apologetic and are attempting to get to the bottom of the issue. Allegedly an engineer from Detroit was flown in and is working on my car.
Meanwhile, I've been in contact with Chrysler at the corporate level and had my case escalated. My concern is: why are there so many cases of Chrysler/Dodge cars shutting off while driving? Why are some Pacifica drivers being told to keep driving the vehicle until it happens again? One customer was told that his Pacifica was fixed but they refused to document the issue and wouldn't tell him what was wrong or how they fixed it. One owner was told it was a VRM fail and another had the fuel rail sensor replaced. This all seems so fishy to me. I don't understand how I can find so many instances of this happening by doing a quick google search, but Chrysler seems dumbfounded by this problem.
Chrysler has done nothing to correct this problem, nothing but talk. I will never buy another Chrysler product again in my life time, total crap with nothing but problem after problem - thanks Chrysler!!!
- cotg, Mesa, US