Just bought this vehicle within two days problem started the noise when I brake took it back to dealer sat there and waited while he (salesmen) went to take it to there mechanic. He came back and said theyy test drove it and didn't hear anything. Told me to give the vehicle a chance. Anyway did that called him back and told him gave it a chance still hearing problem told me to come in Tues since I couldn't go in Monday and he didn't want it there Thursday since they (dealership) like to have cars out of the shop by weekend said he would lend me a car til they see what's wrong with mine. Told me to speak to him or another salemen Well Tuesday came called around 8:30 He was off (salemen) and the other salemen wasn't in yet. Did this until 11 finally got other salesmen told me it was to late to bring it in and that he didn't really know anything about the situation so I was soppose to bring it in Wed called around 9:45 that other salemen told me it was to late again well called Friday and spoke to salemens who sold car to me said to bring it in Tues(again) asked about Monday he told me no Tuesday would be better. I am getting sick of this already Just bought this car Just bought it.And having problem already. Will let you know the outcome on Tuesday and now the other salesmen says he can't promise me a lender car. Most likely it maybe a couple of hours there.
Just bought this vehicle within two days problem started the noise when I brake took it back to dealer sat there and waited while he (salesmen) went to take it to there mechanic. He came back and said theyy test drove it and didn't hear anything. Told me to give the vehicle a chance. Anyway did that called him back and told him gave it a chance still hearing problem told me to come in Tues since I couldn't go in Monday and he didn't want it there Thursday since they (dealership) like to have cars out of the shop by weekend said he would lend me a car til they see what's wrong with mine. Told me to speak to him or another salemen Well Tuesday came called around 8:30 He was off (salemen) and the other salemen wasn't in yet. Did this until 11 finally got other salesmen told me it was to late to bring it in and that he didn't really know anything about the situation so I was soppose to bring it in Wed called around 9:45 that other salemen told me it was to late again well called Friday and spoke to salemens who sold car to me said to bring it in Tues(again) asked about Monday he told me no Tuesday would be better. I am getting sick of this already Just bought this car Just bought it.And having problem already. Will let you know the outcome on Tuesday and now the other salesmen says he can't promise me a lender car. Most likely it maybe a couple of hours there.
- leekllr, Baton Rouge, LA, US