Notes: Engine cradle rot is a serious problem in the 2004-05 Chrysler Pacifica. Chrysler admits they didn't apply enough coating to the vehicle's sub-frame during assembly, but only offered to cover a very small portion of the vehicles they messed up.
So what happens when your engine cradle rots? Well, the engine could fall out for starters. It could also cause problems with the suspension and other components but did I mention THE ENGINE CAN FALL OUT? The worst part is you might not know because there's no way to see the problem without getting under the car.
If you have a 2004-05 Pacifica, make sure to have your mechanic inspect your sub-frame for rust and corrosion.
I had a 2005 Chrysler Pacifica and in Aug. of 2007 I was in a automobile accident with my 2 children in the car. I want EVERYONE to be aware that my daughter was in the front passenger seat and had put the chest strap behind her back, where she was short the seat belt came next to her face, I'm aware that she was wearing the belt incorrectly, and alot of parent had told me their kids did this as well. Please don't let your kids do this. Her air bag never deployed. The seat belt light NEVER once came on letting me know it wasn't working correctly. She hit her face on the dash and side window door frame causing her to have a fractured eye socket and 3 other broken bones in her face. She was airlifted to the hospital and the doctor's said it was a miracle she was alive after only a WEEK in the hospital. She was 13 at the time and is now a beautiful 20 year old young woman and they did wonderful with the plastic surgery. I just wanted to let people know not to trust your kids in the front seat of the 2005 Pacifica.
I had a 2005 Chrysler Pacifica and in Aug. of 2007 I was in a automobile accident with my 2 children in the car. I want EVERYONE to be aware that my daughter was in the front passenger seat and had put the chest strap behind her back, where she was short the seat belt came next to her face, I'm aware that she was wearing the belt incorrectly, and alot of parent had told me their kids did this as well. Please don't let your kids do this. Her air bag never deployed. The seat belt light NEVER once came on letting me know it wasn't working correctly. She hit her face on the dash and side window door frame causing her to have a fractured eye socket and 3 other broken bones in her face. She was airlifted to the hospital and the doctor's said it was a miracle she was alive after only a WEEK in the hospital. She was 13 at the time and is now a beautiful 20 year old young woman and they did wonderful with the plastic surgery. I just wanted to let people know not to trust your kids in the front seat of the 2005 Pacifica.
God Bless
- stephani5246, Winchester, US