I'm driving along, cruise set to 65. AC on. Radio on. No sounds or weird feels from the car. Then, every light on the dash comes on. They went off after like two seconds. I'm like "weird, but ok. I'll look that up when I get home."
About ten miles later, the car hits 113k miles and just... shuts off. All gauges drop to zero. AC shuts off. Radio still playing. Full tank of gas. Headlights still on, brakes worked, power steering worked, and emergency flashers worked.
I realize I'm coasting immediately and I pull over. I turn the radio off and turn the key off for a few minutes. It cranked right back up and ran a little rough for a moment before smoothing out. I drove home without incident, but kept the radio and cruise off. And stayed under 65.
This seems to be a very common issue for these horrid little cars, and yet Chrysler has nothing to say about it.
This all started in early 2016 but on June 1, 2016, instrument panel flashes and I loose all power (at a very busy intersection). Fortunately, it was as I was turning the corner and I was able to hold tightly to the steering wheel to get it out of traffic lane. Called 911 and policeman came and parked behind me so I'd not get rear ended. He was able to restart and get it out of traffic but advised me NOT TO DRIVE IT so I had it towed to my mechanic.
It would never pull a code and he drove it for a week and would not replicate itself so I brought it home. On June 20, 2016, same thing happened again but fortunately, on a side street. I was able to restart the car and make it two blocks home. Had it towed this time to the dealership. They had it 2 months and could not identify the problem.
Now, 2 years later, 2 new batteries later, it happened to me again on my way home from church. Fortunately, I was on a side street, it restarted and I made it home. Service mgr. at our dealership says they now don't have men that have worked on PT Cruisers! Has anyone found a solution to this problem???
I'm told Corporate says the dealership should be able to fix the problem and if not, it's our problem. Well, I'm old and can't buy another car so would love to know if someone has been successful to solve the problem. Seems most of the complaints that I've found are older and I'm guessing you bought another NON-CHRYSLER car. Thanks.
Twice this month when wife is driving the car, the dash lights flicker, all the warning symbols flash on and off! The second time, the car died for a couple of seconds while this happened, and then restarted! Fortunately this happened at low speed! It is very intermittent. No trouble codes. It has a new battery. PT Cruiser forum website has many complaints about this, and the people there say that 98% of the time it seems to be due to a bad battery or bad battery connections. Somewhere there is a voltage drop causing this. But others have written in and said they replaced the battery, and the cables, and the TIPM, and they STILL have this intermittent problem! I will call Chrysler.... if there is no solution, may have to sell the car....
I lose all power while driving although right now it is only a couple of seconds it is scary to drive this car because I never know when it is going to happen again. I have replaced the battery and battery clamps and fuses. I have had a reader placed on the car and no codes show up.
I have the 2006 PT Cruiser Convertible Turbo. Was given to me as a gift. However this gift sits in our driveway. Unable to be driven because I am unable to pay for repairs. Can't even begin to afford the diagnostics. I will say that the latest problem seems to be the electrical somehow. The dashboard lights all come on at once. The car will lose power and barely makes it till I can pull over. I turn off the engine and it will either refuse to restart. No power at all as if the battery. If I wait a few it might restart and be normal. It alternates how it will drive each time I drive it. All the motor mounts require replacing. The control arm bushings needed replacing. It won't run long enough to even pass a smog. Therefore I cannot even get it smogged and registered. I have no possible hope of being able to repair this vehicle. And if I do is the money going to be well spent? Maybe I should go buy another used vehicle thats not a Chrysler.
Starting with the day I bought this cruiser, the lights start to flicker then the radio goes pop and the engine stalls and restarts almost right away. If I slow down it does stall. If I pull over, shut the engine off and restart it, it seems to be ok. It has been in the shop 6 weeks since I bought it April of 2015. No codes show up, it doesn't do anything when the mechanics take it out and the mechanics put 3000 miles on it trying to figure out problem. Sometimes it will go for weeks without a problem then all of a sudden it's every day. I really like my car and it is the 3rd cruiser that we have bought but this is the only one that ever had this problem.
I'm driving along, cruise set to 65. AC on. Radio on. No sounds or weird feels from the car. Then, every light on the dash comes on. They went off after like two seconds. I'm like "weird, but ok. I'll look that up when I get home."
About ten miles later, the car hits 113k miles and just... shuts off. All gauges drop to zero. AC shuts off. Radio still playing. Full tank of gas. Headlights still on, brakes worked, power steering worked, and emergency flashers worked.
I realize I'm coasting immediately and I pull over. I turn the radio off and turn the key off for a few minutes. It cranked right back up and ran a little rough for a moment before smoothing out. I drove home without incident, but kept the radio and cruise off. And stayed under 65.
This seems to be a very common issue for these horrid little cars, and yet Chrysler has nothing to say about it.
- Jesse P., Dry Prong, US