My husband purchased this car in March with only 53,000 miles on it. Ran great up until May when the car would just shut off. The "Check Engine" light came on. After sitting a few minutes, I could crank it up and and drive again. Then I would be on I-4 in Orlando doing 70 MPH and the car would shut off.
We took it to the place I bought the car (which was not the dealer) and they said to take it to my private mechanic. Did that. The codes he was getting was O2 sensor and catalytic converter. So had that all replaced (1,100 dollars). A couple of days later, it did it again. Shut off while driving (which is scary when nothing works and your going 50-70 mph. No power brakes or steering in dangerous bumper to bumper traffic and people around you do no know that your car is dead.) The engine light came on. So took it back to our mechanic.
He said the codes popping up are the 02 sensors and NOW a Oil Sending unit, fuel injectors, and cylinder misfire. Changed that. 2 days later after getting car back, did it again. So our mechanic said "Take it to the dealership." So we did that. This was in June. They said "We found the problem. It's frayed wiring and it cost 300 to fix." Did that. The very next day, BAM. Shut off again. So then they replaced the PCV valve saying that will solve it. NOPE. Next day, dead. So, they said replaced the battery at 250 dollars. Did that, NOPE car still shutting off.
NOW they want about 2,700 dollars to replace the ECM and the Wiring Harness and still will not guarantee that will fix it. Corporate got involved. Says they will only pay half even though they guaranteed the first fix would have taken care of it. DO NOT TRUST THIS CAR. You will be out thousands and you could die or a loved one die if this happens in a bad spot. But I think Chrysler is going to wait for someone to die before they do anything about it. Even the dealer can't fix it. That's bad. Was even told by my case manager for the Chrysler that their mechanics don't work on old cars. Only new ones. My car is 12 years old It's not old. And it has computers, sensors, and things they are supposedly trained in fixing. But nothing over 5 years old. That should tell you that their cars are not of quality.
The car stalls after all the lights in the instrument cluster go on and the gauges fail. Can restart, but stalls every few feet. Works fine for a while the next day, but problem recurs after driving for an hour or two. Independent mechanic replaced fuel pump and plugs, to no avail ($701.96). Chrysler mechanic replaced battery harness ($302.05), which worked for three weeks, but stalling problem is back. Curiously, it started happening again as I made a tight left hand turn into a steep driveway to make a three point turn.
I first noticed something wrong several months ago, when after making a tight turn, the check engine light went on and the gas gauge failed. Independent mechanic could find nothing wrong, so reset the computer and told me to return if it happened again. The car soon started stalling occasionally, then all the time. Chrysler mechanic now says that it may be the computer (approx. $1500.00) or the cluster itself. So far it has only stalled on surface streets at low speed. If it happens while I'm on the freeway, or in an intersection, I'm in big trouble.
Online search has shown that this happens a lot, and no one seems to have found the cure. I cannot afford to have Chrysler scratch their head, roll the dice and replace one expensive thing after another. I think it may have something to do with the steering system since that precipitates the problem, but no one will support this theory. I have enjoyed this car very much and have been quite satisfied with it until now. I don't want to sell it but may have to. Assuming I can get it fixed.
Has anyone had any success with this problem? Your help would be greatly appreciated.
I have a 2004 PT Cruiser with 70,000 miles. Approximately 5 months ago, the car shut down while driving and it scared the living daylights out of me. Had it towed and then next day took it to a mechanic; said problem was fixed and it cost me $2,300. About 3 months later, same thing happened again; took to a Chrysler dealer, $961. Two weeks after that, it shut down again; I can't drive in fear of my life; I am now looking for a used Corolla.
I would NEVER recommend a Chrysler product to my worst enemy. I do not want to die in a PT Cruiser. I can think of other places I'd rather be.
Well, i was driving my car crossing an intersection and i barely mad it b/c the car acted as if it wanted to cut the f*ck off, so i turned the air condition off thinking that that had something to do with it then the engine light started flashing, i read it the book it to where someone can ck it asap.....hell I never mad it b/c the damn car cut the f*ck i had to get it towed to a mechanic, he could not find the problem so I had it towed to the dealer well the claim that they were so busy that i had to wait, i couldn't because i really need my car, so i took it to another mechanic, they couldn't find the problem now i am waiting to take it to another dealer in another town.....they are really booked i am not sure what the damn problem is with these cars but i really think is that hell they don't even know. all i am thinking about doing is calling my finance company and asking if i could just trade this piece sh*t ass car and get me something that won't lose power and have my ass stuck on the side of the road.....and the sad thing about is that the damn car won't even crank up.......and yes the battery, alternator, and starter has been tested.........i am mad
My 2004 Turbo limited edition PT Cruiser at 29,000 miles stopped while we were driving at an intersection. Car was towed to nearest Dealership under the warranty, had car two days returned it to us saying all was fixed after charging us $271 for maintenance work that did not need to be done, complete fuel ejection clean up and cleaned gas tank, replaced all the spark plugs and the air filter, which was replaced a short while before. 6 hours later driving the PT Cruiser and no power just glided to stop. Towed to nearest dealership again. Could not find what was wrong. After almost two weeks they said they replaced the power control module. gave us a rental, but Chrysler ended up charging us $100 for 4 days of rental even though the car was not repaired. Got car back. Ran rough and could not get car over 30 miles an hour without RPMs going into red. Took car back to dealer. Said they did not have time to look at it. Chrysler recommended I go back to the dealer I bought it from. They cleaned the turbo. Car ran for about 2 weeks then driving to work -- lost all power and had to glide to a stop. Was only a few blocks from my house and my husband got it started and finally got it to our driveway as Chrysler refused to tow it to the dealership I bought it from because it was not the closest dealership, who had said they fixed it twice. Car locked up cannot now get it out of park. No one wants to tow it unless I pay or let them tow to the dealership where they did not have time to look at it. has anyone else had these types of problems with the 2004 PT Cruiser and what did they do about it. It is obvious to me that I have a lemon.
My husband purchased this car in March with only 53,000 miles on it. Ran great up until May when the car would just shut off. The "Check Engine" light came on. After sitting a few minutes, I could crank it up and and drive again. Then I would be on I-4 in Orlando doing 70 MPH and the car would shut off.
We took it to the place I bought the car (which was not the dealer) and they said to take it to my private mechanic. Did that. The codes he was getting was O2 sensor and catalytic converter. So had that all replaced (1,100 dollars). A couple of days later, it did it again. Shut off while driving (which is scary when nothing works and your going 50-70 mph. No power brakes or steering in dangerous bumper to bumper traffic and people around you do no know that your car is dead.) The engine light came on. So took it back to our mechanic.
He said the codes popping up are the 02 sensors and NOW a Oil Sending unit, fuel injectors, and cylinder misfire. Changed that. 2 days later after getting car back, did it again. So our mechanic said "Take it to the dealership." So we did that. This was in June. They said "We found the problem. It's frayed wiring and it cost 300 to fix." Did that. The very next day, BAM. Shut off again. So then they replaced the PCV valve saying that will solve it. NOPE. Next day, dead. So, they said replaced the battery at 250 dollars. Did that, NOPE car still shutting off.
NOW they want about 2,700 dollars to replace the ECM and the Wiring Harness and still will not guarantee that will fix it. Corporate got involved. Says they will only pay half even though they guaranteed the first fix would have taken care of it. DO NOT TRUST THIS CAR. You will be out thousands and you could die or a loved one die if this happens in a bad spot. But I think Chrysler is going to wait for someone to die before they do anything about it. Even the dealer can't fix it. That's bad. Was even told by my case manager for the Chrysler that their mechanics don't work on old cars. Only new ones. My car is 12 years old It's not old. And it has computers, sensors, and things they are supposedly trained in fixing. But nothing over 5 years old. That should tell you that their cars are not of quality.
- Roman H., Orlando, FL, US