I had this car for 8 years (2nd owner), always using full synthetic engine oil, always taking great care of my Hemi, and then out of the blue complete engine failure... There were no signs before that that anything is wrong, no warning lights, nothing. Chrysler definitely needs to do something about Hemi engines... Disappointed!!!
Without any warning, the engine just shuts off and I’m replacing it with a new one that costs me 11000.00 USD with labor and part. Chrysler dealership didn’t find an option except to replace the engine. It’s sad but true. I’m angry and really not satisfied with the way Chrysler is handling this issue.
I don't understand with all of the forums and complaints Chrysler has not fixed this. My 2006 Chrysler 300C 5.7L hemi will die either sitting idle, trying to take off or in mid drive. This is very dangerous. Has anyone fixed this issue? If so what fixed it other than buying a new car.
Update from Mar 18, 2018: $25 part was causing all my issues. I pulled every fuse n relay, disconnected the battery n replaced my crankshaft position sensor my my car is driving 98% normal. Need new breaks n possibly the pedal but it's now driving. I figured all this out too. Not a mechanic or dealership smh
Update from Mar 19, 2018: Car is still not fixed or any better.
First I'll tell you I loved my car. Until it started shutting down. Cold weather, hot weather makes no difference. I can be on the highway doing 65 and it shuts off then jerks and comes back on. Shuts down at slow speeds, turning corners, at stop signs, merging in traffic. I've had it to several dealers. In fact one told me he didn't know what the problem was, but to NEVER bring my car to them again. I am a 72 year old widow and cant afford to buy another car. I do not want to trade my car in so someone else has to deal with this. The engine light stays on almost all the time. I've had injectors replaced, throttle body replaced, and several other parts I cant remember. Chrysler replaced the air bags and the fuel tank. As if that would fix the problem. My car is a POS money pit.
- Caroline H.,
Gore, OK, US
Search CarComplaints.com for these popular complaint phrases...
Now, I just learned about the engine failures on the 5.7 hemi. Since they wouldn't fix my gas tank or even admit they had a serious problem with it, I had to file a suit to get reimbursed over $800 for a replacement. Now, I have to look forward to a complete engine failure. The dealer wanted over $300.00 to change sparkplugs and said if I didn't do it every 5 - 6000 miles the engine would blow. Summary: How does Chrysler stay in business??? Easy, they don't report problems or issue service notices or recalls until they are forced to by thousands of customers. Only a huge corporation could get away with what Chrysler does. Now I'm sorry that Obama gave the bastards billions to keep them from going out of business. Talk about CRONY-CAPITALISM---this the true definition.
I had used this complaint befoe so i had to create a new account so now what is going on the engine compeltely stopped working so what would happen the dashboard lights would flicker and the engine would shut off while driving it. After a couple of minutes it would start. This kept happening over 2-3 months. No chrysler dealer could figure out what was going on . So took it to another chrysler dealer and they where told by Chrsyler the corportation to replace the fuel tank. After a month of getting it replaced it started happening again. . Took it back to another chrysler dealer they could not find out why it was still shutting off. They stated that it was fine took the car home and it would not start at all now i am stuck with a car that apparently needs a new engine tried to file it with my insurance was denied and then chrysler is telling everybody that its basically my fault. But when you call them to find out why the fuel tank needed to be replaced they cant even tell you why. So if the fuel tank was replaced that means that whatever was happening caused the whole engine to stop working. They claim there is no recall on it but you have a lot of people are having same issues with this particular model and no help from them at all.
9/15/2016 my 2006 Chrysler 300C just died on me. No warning no check engine. Car just out of extended warranty all maintenance up to date. Had issues with charcoal canister, and shift lever called chrysler talked to a Mr. Mike McDonald and they always reimbursed me which led me to believe that Chrysler knows these first round of vehicles suck. I tried his number and it is no longer in service. Bought my car April 2007, in Sept they were offering full power train warranties so I missed it by 5 months. I just retired from the Marines and is 6K repair is something I cannot afford. I will reach out to Chrysler as I've owned many cars but this has been the worst.
Door handles replaced, suspension, etc. horrible car. Complete engine failure without overheating, no warning, no check engine.
Purchase my 300C brand new from factory! Conducted all required maintenance, only used synthetic oil and premium gas. For the last three year drove sparingly as it was my second vehicle, currently deployed and get the called ten days after leaving that vehicle quit on my family a good distance from the from the house. Taken to the shop and informed of completely blown motor.
No warning, No symptoms! This along with the gear box I replaced apparently for a 10 cent spring that can't be replaced and multiple recalls have left me and several others in this forum with a complete loss of faith in the quality of Chrysler's products!!!!! If there is a petition for recall or class action, please show me where to sign!!!! I feel like I was robbed of 40 grand.
150,000 miles is normal for 10 year old car, so this is not excessive miles. It is excessive for today's engines. They are not meant to last. I had a 1969 Ford wagon for 23 years. The engine got wore out at 346,000 miles and to fix it was the camshaft (wore out) and lifters.... rings and pistons were fine. $400.00 job back then, $900.00 job today. Big diff between $5000.00. Plastic and rubber bumpers. Paper thin fenders on today's cars.
I have read multiple posts that fit exactly the same description to what happened recently with our 2006 Chrysler 300C 5.7L Hemi AWD - So I thought I would share our experience.
We have always taken very good care of our 300, regular services etc and have kept every single documentation since purchased.
Recently, my wife was driving on I-95 - Engine completely conked out and started steaming. Towed it to the mechanic. Originally the mechanic said it was just a crack/leak in the radiator, which would cost $750. They went ahead and fixed this problem. HOWEVER, 2 hours later we get a call saying there was a severe crack in the engine that has caused a major leak internally. Now at the mercy of the mechanic, as we owe them $750 for their misdiagnosis.
New diagnosis - Need a complete engine replacement that would cost approx $8000-$8500. Absolutely pointless when you take into consideration KBB Value is between $9,000-$10,000.
After doing my research it seems a new 300 engine would be between $4,000-$5,500 and labor is approx $1,800-$2,500. So I guess it isn't a bad deal for mechanics who can possibly fix it themselves. However, as usual the loyal customers always seem to get screwed by Chrysler.
Worst part about it is 4 months ago we purchased a new 300. Maybe this was one of the reasons they revamped the entire engine of the newer Chrysler 300 model range???
We wouldn't have purchased a new 300 if this had happened beforehand; as Chrysler seem to have a VERY BAD reputation for NOT taking RESPONSIBILITY/ACCOUNTABILITY for poorly made products.
Worst news on my Chrysler 300, 2006...here it is 2015 and she just croaked. No prior problems whatsoever. I am beside myself with the option to rebuild Cylinder #2, or replace the engine. Has anyone had to make this same decision, please contact me with outcomes. Maintenance has always been on time and only the best, 91 octane
always. WTFrick? No warranty left, Chrysler should cover my cost in whichever route I take. I'm angry about this and just want the best for my car...and really want to hear from anyone who has had this same problem along with what happened.
Devastated!!! I absolutely love my Chrysler. It's the classiest car on the road. Engine quit without any warning.....luckily I was stranded at a family members house. My mechanic says $7900 to fix. Just had the gas tank and airbag replaced under an extended warranty and recall. Maybe Chrysler should recall their lousy engine! Super upset:(
Like so many of the experiences I read here pertaining to the complete engine failure of my beloved baby, I was driving along just fine, went into the store, returned to my car and cranked her up. She would not start. She cranked, but would not start completely. The system read, "System OK."
All-in-all it has cost me $560 (three tows to repair shop #1, Chrysler dealership #2 and finally home and a charge from each repair shop to look at and assess the damages (not to mention the cost of the rental car. End result is I need a new engine estimated total cost $8093. Where the f*** would I get that money. Bad credit. "We'd just junk your car (a fully-loaded 2006 I paid $44K for brand new. What an experience! I am devastated!
All her maintenance was done at the dealership. There was no apparent reason for her engine dying. The service adviser said the technician said he'd never seen anything like it. Based on all the comments here, I now don't believe that at all. All I wanted to do was save the money to get my baby's engine replaced. Now what do I do since it seems like the engine itself is simply crap. Once I save the money for a new or go desperate and get a refurbished engine as most people suggest, it seems like chances are the new engine too would likely fail. I don't have a car anymore and no way of getting another. And, after driving a fully loaded Chrysler 300C with a HEMI engine, it is so difficult to come to terms with the fact that I've lost her. My options for replacing her with something comparable are non-existent. I am crushed Chrysler. How could you? Why aren't we all on this forum suing them again? I wish I knew how. I'd run right out and get that started.
Update from Jul 31, 2015: Now that I know that my 2006 Chrysler 300C's complete engine failure experience isn't an isolated case, I feel better informed and compelled to not be victimized by Chrysler. I intend to make a formal complaint with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). I encourage you to do the same. It is my hope that the complaint will open an investigation. To further support my complaint, I will reference the complaints cited on this website, the graphic on this website that shows that the 2006 Chrysler 300 has the highest number of complaints and any other evidence I find in my continued research on this issue. Then, I intend to research how to go about filing a class action lawsuit against Chrysler and encourage you to do the same. If fellow victims are interested, file a formal complaint with the NHTSA first. Then, update your complaint indicating your interest in joining a class action suit against Chrysler.
I have had this baby since 08, low miles. In town for that matter. She is my pride and joy. Black beauty, on 22, never a accident, no don't nothing. Now I have noticed the paint is cracking Hella bad, expensive black glitter, factory color an today the worse day ever. Engine quit. Are you kidding me!!! She is parked during the winter for gosh sakes. I had no warning, no lights come on no engine light, NOTHING!!!! Go to leave a store and I'm having to tow my car home. Chrysler seriously needs to step up and make there s*** more reliable. I am beyond myself. I take great care of my cars and this right here is bs!
The engine in my car threw a rod in March. I had an extended warranty but it only covers half a new engine. They tried to give me a used engine that would be it would have been warranties for only 90 days. I didn't want that so I opted for a new engine that cause me $5100.00 out of pocket. The warranty company made me have to come up with receipts for all oil changes what a pain in the ass that was.
Chrysler 300 C 2006 never never never never !!! buy a Chrysler they do not stick to their name very sad complete engine failure they say I need a new engine amount around $8000
I've read several other complaints of complete engine failure with no other previous indications of a problem, vehicles that been taken care of with all necessary maintenance, engine stops working, complete engine failure... Same in my situation...
Problem: There is no compression on #6 cylinder and spark plugs have been hit by a piston or connecting rod. Internal engine damage and knock from the bottom end of engine... Fix: Recommend replacement long block engine $3600.00, Intake manifold $452.00, Coolant $46.94, Filter $7.85, Oil $26.95, Spark plugs $80.00, Labor $1960.00, eat. total cost to fix $6900.00. It's crazy how a car that's been kept well maintained and fixed for other prior issues, like for complete transmission failure and complete ECU failure and other small problems (which were all covered in the extended warranty I've purchased before through a different company which it's not expired), could all of a sudden break down with total engine failure when there was no prior indication of a problem whatsoever, period. I'm no Mechanic but have plenty of friends that are and I can even clearly see that the problem was the low quality of parts that Chrysler used for the 2006 300C.
Chrysler/Dodge/Jeep needs to stand by their products and their customers to fully cover faulty parts and low quality parts they used on their vehicles that have caused or causing the mechanical problems/issues... Recall or fix free of charge and stand by your products Chrysler that you sell or I'll never ever purchase another vehicle from Chrysler/Dodge/Jeep (I have two Chrysler 300C '06 broken down, one in question and '08 Heritage Edition) nor will I ever recommend your low quality vehicles to anyone ever till Chrysler steps up and do right by their customers. CHYSLER/DODGE/JEEP... Company big as this knows when they have parts in vehicles fail to cause more problems, so fix the problem Chrysler, stand by your product and customers.
Update from Jul 22, 2014: (...extended warranty which is now expired*)
Update from Jul 22, 2014: (... extended warranty which IS* NOW* expired)
Complete engine replacement.... Started noticing a loud knock that just randomly started occurring. I kept current with oil changes, even used a semi synthetic oil vs conventional oil. Never any warning signs or anything of that nature. Just one day the engine started knocking. Brought it in to shop the next day and was told the rod is bent and there has been significant damage done to the inside of the cylinder and a complete engine replacement is needed. unreal. Still owe more money on the car loan than the piece of garbage is worth, so it sits in my garage collecting dust and making monthly payments on a vehicle that I can not drive.
I have read at least 15 complaints in the last 20 minutes on the 5.7l Hemi engine, all issues resulting in needing to replace the engine. Chrysler will not stand behind their product in any of the cases I just read about. At what point does a company such as Chrysler step up and admit this engine is a pile of scrap metal and then do something about it to make it right with their clients? As it stands now, I will never buy another Chrysler product unless they step up here. Their new commercial about building cars with American Pride is a complete joke! Where is Chrysler's pride when it comes to these crap engines they put out. No wonder this company went bankrupt and is fighting to stay a float in today's auto industry.
Not even 100,000 on the motor and the engine blew. Valve issue. Then a few months later I was rear ended and it was totaled.
- Dayna A., Rohnert Park, CA, US