Problem has occurred twice. Fixed once and then the car started clacking again almost immediately after the fix. Taking the car back in again June 29 2018 again for another fix I hope. Old guy at 74 who drives easily with the vehicle. Terrible quality control with the manufacturer. Going to look at an electric vehicle next week. Good by automotive shops who rip you off along with substandard auto manufacturers like Chrysler.
2006 Chrysler 300 just hit 42,000 miles and it sounds like the lifters are stuck causing a loud valve tap. Purchased in 2007 as a dealer demo with only 6,000 miles, I changed the oil every 3,000 miles thinking I could drive this car for at least 150,000 miles and now this and with the interest news about oil sludge and that it occurs due to poor design. Really disappointed with Chrylser and their false claims that its the owners fault for poor maintenance when so many others are online saying the same thing.
My family owns two Jeeps, one Dodge mini van, one 1500 Dodge pick up and this lemon so clearly we have always supported buy US.and Chrysler. Doubt that will happen again. This car was used to drive to work every day which is approx. 2 miles each way and our Sunday drive so clearly no abuse and well maintained so this problem is mfg. created not consumer..I've turned a wrench for over 40 years and know all to well about oil sludge and clogged oil galleys not an easy or cheap fix. Hope the class action suit goes through and add me to the list..
It was unbelievable and they won't fix it or warranty it or recall it and they know its an on going problem with this type of engine! And now we the people, after bailing them out and also spending our hard earned cash to buy their cars, don't even get the courtesy of an engine repair or a recal>l I wish there really was a lawsuit against them, I would definitely sign up for it. Because if you do all the maintenance your car should last a long time. I had a Honda with 450k miles and blew a rod and drove it for a year before I donated it and the guy who came to pick it up couldn't believe it still ran. Why cant Chrysler at least admit that the engines are bad for that year and offer an upgrade or repair for us. I don't think I will ever buy an American car again.
Ok here we go again my car started making a clacking sound at 60,000 miles we had it towed to an independent service station they cant seemed to figure out what is wrong but they seem to think I will need a new engine. If that is the point Chrysler is going to hear from my attorney and the news this is so wrong that they are treating their customers so poorly. I have been on a ton of sites and it seems that this car is a Lemon and they should take care of this. Why is it when an automobile company turns a blind eye on what is happening to their car's. Have you not heard of GM and what they are going through. How about a class action suit since everyone with this car is having the same problem!!!!!!
I brought this car less then a year ago. it is a beautiful car that's when it runs. lights go off and on. the and I still owe at least 11,000 on the car cant fix it. need help so I think we all need to go to Chrysler or the courts
- thomascharles,
Weston, WI, US
Search for these popular complaint phrases...
I loved my Chrysler 300 Limited until the engine started clicking. I can't afford to fix it and I can't sell or trade it because it sounds like a sh*t trap. I can't believe so many people are having this exact same problem and Chrysler Corp. doesn't have to fix the problem. It definitely should be a recalled. I will never buy another Chrysler and I intend to tell as many people as I can possibly reach that they would be idiots to purchase a Chrysler product. My dad always told me to stay away from Chrysler, I wish to god I had listened. Biggest mistake of my life so far...........
I wished I had used a website like this before I bought this car.
I have 3 problems with the Chrysler 300. The car got stuck in park and Chrysler said mine was not on the recall list.
The brakes make a high pitch sound even though I had new ones put on.
Worse problem is the engine. It makes a loud clanking noise and my mechanic said it needs a new engine. He told me to trade it in and don't look back. Known issues with this car and you're on your own getting them fixed.
So I got rid of it and took a $1000 loss, although it would have been a bigger loss if I had kept it.
Live and learn. This time I did my research first.
My car was repoed by my lender. The company that they hired to pick up the car did not have the key so they rigged up the car to tow on a regular repo truck. While in the repo company possession they backed another car into my car and caused over 3,000 dollars worth of damage to the car. The car set at the body shop from November 26, 2012 until it was finally completed in January 16, 2013. I went to pick up the car and drove the car maybe 10 miles down the road before having to pull over and have a tow truck to come pick the car up. The car was towed to the chrysler dealer where it has been determined that the engine or transmission has failed in the car and it will cost over 9,000 dollars to repair. I have kept my oil changed on the car as needed and don't understand how could my car just break down on me if it has been just sitting for the last 2 months. I saved for 2 years to get this car. I don't think I will ever buy another Chrysler.
I bought this Chrysler 300 because I was starstruck with the looks. It looks like a Bentley. Little did I know that it was a piece of junk. After reading all these forums, I realize that many others have this same engine noise problem. I thought if 5000 people complained about this problem there would be a recall. I have called Chrysler many times but they say no recall. They said to take it to a dealer, which I did and the cost to analyze was ridiculous. For anyone reading this please inform everyone that this car is nothing but trouble. If someone knows what the exact problem is, please post. Thanks Don
Really don't know why i decided to pay a chrysler. I guess because of the look, but these vehicles are a piece of JUNK and the dealership act as if it is not their problem. I am sick of this vehicle
I've only had this car for 1 year. I bought this car as the second owner and it only had 45,000 miles on it at the time.It now has 55,000 miles. Its a really beautiful car. After a couple of months of having it, I started to have problems with the front end and I had to spend $ 1,000 to have that repaired. Then all of a sudden the engine started knocking.I took it to a few mechanics for diagnostic test and they told me that it was the rocker arms. I ended up having to pay $102 for the diagnostic test, then had to pay $1147 to have the rocker arms repaired. I am still paying for this car, I can hardly make the payments because I'm paying all this money out for repairs, I have 60 MORE PAYMENTS TO PAY! I am just a poor middle class worker trying to make it in life, I am considering letting the car go back to the bank. I am frustrated and I feel like Chrysler should take care of this because this is THEIR PROBLEM! The taxpayers bailed Chrysler out during the recession and this is the thanks that we as taxpayers get ! After that experience, I started to look online and found out that a lot of people with this type of vehicle were having the same problem. This is the second dodge that I have owned . I owned a 2001 dodge intrepid and had problems with that car, so I decide to upgrade to a Chrysler 300 and now I'm having engine problems. American cars are supposed to be built on pride. I will never buy another dodge, I will go back to Ford .
the engine noise was due to the side rocker arms. both side rocker arms broke i dont know how chrysler can make a car that cant stay togather. cost me $1,280.
I have an 05 300 Touring and I was told by 4 mechanics that I have to replace the engine due to a rod knocking. This is BULLSH!T!!!! I called Chrysler and they told me it was my problem. The car only has 88k miles ---- So a well maintained vehicle that has under 100k needs a new engine? Really? I had a honda one time that had almost 300k miles on it and never had a problem.
I am trying to see if there is a Class Action Law Suit I can join in on... Anyone know of anything? Cause this is unacceptable!!!! So, if you are a lawyer, know a lawyer that is already in motion on a class action law suit then please contact me. I am not one to take things laying down!
OMG! I was so glad to find this site and couldn't wait to sign up. FINALLY, I have a place to rally with others against all this commercial B----S---- we're being sold. I am the owner of a 2006 Chrysler 300 Touring. Loved it, added special after market crome kit to make it my own and I took care of her affectionate name of "White Beauty". I have over 100,000 miles and was regular with maintenance, tires, etc (had two sets for the seasons). Now my baby is sick and she clacking all over the place. When I've taken it to some shops (as dealers are tooooooooo damn expensive) Some call it lifters, but having to rely on men to explain to me what sounds greek - I just know that I keep being told that I'm going to have to replace my engine soon. I've have quotes from $2200 to 2600 with nearly $10,000 left to pay on it. This is not to say that this has been my only problem. I can only submit one complaint at a time.
I guess what I'm looking for is a forum that will allow me to join in with others to speak out against the outrageous things mega-businesses are doing to us, the consumers. They build this cheap stuff with a 3-5 yr life span causing us to become economic slaves to intangible things. From cars to simple every day living, all of it seems to be spinning out of control.
2006 chrysler 300 touring model that I bought new and bragged about it for 3 1/2 years, I loved this car, I babied this car. Then suddenly my engine was making a tapping noise. I took it to a repair shop and they replaced the upper engine rocker arms, but this did not fix the problem, so I took it to the dealer, They wanted $655 just to look at it to tell me what the problem was. The warranty ran out at 70000 and I was at 83000. The dealer told me the connecting rod failure, and damage to the engine block, crankshaft,and bearings would mean I needed a new engine,.......They told me it would cost me $7300 for a remanufactured engine or I could put in a used for $5000. I still owe 12000 dollars on this car!!! HELP HELP HELP I will never buy another chrysler product again. Can anyone help me please? Signed by an american
I have bought too many new cars and have never had an engine go out on any and I usually get 150,000 miles plus with no engine problems. Always maintained my 300 with regular oil changes. It just started knocking one day and threatened to seize up. Did not take it to the dealer: 1. I don't trust them at all. 2. I did not purchase the extended warranty 3. I did not have dealer repair money.
Found a new crate engine for $2,000 and bought a cherry picker for 150 and added a little elbow grease. New engine is running fine, but I am still searching for a way to get Chrysler to cover my expenses. There is a bulletin out there regarding piston rod assembly of the #2 cylinder on some of the 2006 3.5 engine assemblies. If any one is familiar with this bulletin, please get the word out.
I took the car in 1 year ago for the same issue valves were ticking... Now I am back at the dealership for the same problem and they don't want to repair its.. They know it a problem with the engine but refuse the do anything about it.. Don't buy a Chrysler .... Thats all I have to say about this
Dealership says that we are neglectful and did not change the oil on time. They never stressed the importance nor never gave us an after sale call. Oil was not change until 10,000km and immediately state that it was because of that that the engine is making a loud clacking noise. Estimated cost $6000. on a 10,000km engine over 1 year? Are you kidding me!!
Problem has occurred twice. Fixed once and then the car started clacking again almost immediately after the fix. Taking the car back in again June 29 2018 again for another fix I hope. Old guy at 74 who drives easily with the vehicle. Terrible quality control with the manufacturer. Going to look at an electric vehicle next week. Good by automotive shops who rip you off along with substandard auto manufacturers like Chrysler.
- Hank H., Kamloops, BC, Canada