Notes: Since the Chrysler 200 first hit the streets, owners across the U.S. have complained about how their “dream car” quickly turned into a complete nightmare because of how the engine dies suddenly while driving.
windshield wipers start up on their own or stop working
We left Canada to go on a vacation to Southern California, the trip was 3200 kilometres. All of a sudden the wipers went up about 6 inches and stopped without being on. Later did it again. A few more times. We then tried to turn them on and it went half way and stopped. After that it did all kinds of weird thinks from turning on when the switch was off. This problem caused us to have to stop several times during our trip due to raining and snowing. The last day when we finally arrived to Palm Springs, when I shut the vehicle off, the wipers were on at full speed. I had to disconnect the battery to stop it. I then went on the internet and did some research. Thank goodness for people posting their problems on the internet, I was able to diagnose the problem to the TIPM. It appears to be a recurring problem with Chrysler TIPM's. And of course this is not a warranty item as the warranty had just expired in June. Totally disappointed with Chrysler's warranty and recall of their TIPM's. From what I have read about their TIPM problems, it has serious potential for injury. It can quit totally all of a sudden shutting down all power and stopping the vehicle on a busy highway.
windshield wipers start up on their own or stop working
We left Canada to go on a vacation to Southern California, the trip was 3200 kilometres. All of a sudden the wipers went up about 6 inches and stopped without being on. Later did it again. A few more times. We then tried to turn them on and it went half way and stopped. After that it did all kinds of weird thinks from turning on when the switch was off. This problem caused us to have to stop several times during our trip due to raining and snowing. The last day when we finally arrived to Palm Springs, when I shut the vehicle off, the wipers were on at full speed. I had to disconnect the battery to stop it. I then went on the internet and did some research. Thank goodness for people posting their problems on the internet, I was able to diagnose the problem to the TIPM. It appears to be a recurring problem with Chrysler TIPM's. And of course this is not a warranty item as the warranty had just expired in June. Totally disappointed with Chrysler's warranty and recall of their TIPM's. From what I have read about their TIPM problems, it has serious potential for injury. It can quit totally all of a sudden shutting down all power and stopping the vehicle on a busy highway.
- Sally F., Lloydminster, SK, Canada