i will NEVER buy another chevy! after all of the reviews and complaints i have read about this vehicle, we should be able to form a class action law suit for the purchase price of the p.o.s's we all got stuck with! we have had nothing but problems since the day we drove it off the lot-lights in and out,(wipers front,rear,doors,heating,ac,brakes,engine,paint everything). i once could at least say it looked good sitting in the driveway broken down but now even the paint is peeling off! i even wrote to gm when i had to replace the engine and got a form letter reply, no big shock there. when the problems first started when i drove it off the lot the dealer even eventually gave up and said they didnt want to put any more money into it..that was bresee chevy in liverpool ny for future ref. they knew they had a lemmon and i was bumbbutt who bought the whole pitcher of lemmonaide!
it is obveous from reading how yr after yr the same problems continue to be remanufactured into the new models,( i even over heard someone complain about replacing an engine in thier new, 2009 chevy cobalt!) that gm truely does not care about the quality of the product it passes on to all us, the ususpecting consumers. like i told gm in my letter to them, i feel no sympathy for thier financial problems. i will definately be much more careful when purchasing my next vehicle. i can not get rid of my van fast enough! i owe 11 more mos. on it it feels like an eternity! the problems from bumper to bumper are financialy, physicaly, mentaly exhausting. the one good review i do see here and there must writen by the ceo's of gm because any one who has actualy owned one would never write such a good reveiw. those ceo's should be fired for allowing a notoriously bad product continue to be put in comsumers driveways!
a piece of advice to all, DO YOUR RESESRCH before buying! if i had i wouldnt be writing this essay about my disapiontment with my expensive heap o gm madef scrap in the driveway. (any lawyersm like my class action suit ideas?)
i will NEVER buy another chevy! after all of the reviews and complaints i have read about this vehicle, we should be able to form a class action law suit for the purchase price of the p.o.s's we all got stuck with! we have had nothing but problems since the day we drove it off the lot-lights in and out,(wipers front,rear,doors,heating,ac,brakes,engine,paint everything). i once could at least say it looked good sitting in the driveway broken down but now even the paint is peeling off! i even wrote to gm when i had to replace the engine and got a form letter reply, no big shock there. when the problems first started when i drove it off the lot the dealer even eventually gave up and said they didnt want to put any more money into it..that was bresee chevy in liverpool ny for future ref. they knew they had a lemmon and i was bumbbutt who bought the whole pitcher of lemmonaide!
it is obveous from reading how yr after yr the same problems continue to be remanufactured into the new models,( i even over heard someone complain about replacing an engine in thier new, 2009 chevy cobalt!) that gm truely does not care about the quality of the product it passes on to all us, the ususpecting consumers. like i told gm in my letter to them, i feel no sympathy for thier financial problems. i will definately be much more careful when purchasing my next vehicle. i can not get rid of my van fast enough! i owe 11 more mos. on it it feels like an eternity! the problems from bumper to bumper are financialy, physicaly, mentaly exhausting. the one good review i do see here and there must writen by the ceo's of gm because any one who has actualy owned one would never write such a good reveiw. those ceo's should be fired for allowing a notoriously bad product continue to be put in comsumers driveways!
a piece of advice to all, DO YOUR RESESRCH before buying! if i had i wouldnt be writing this essay about my disapiontment with my expensive heap o gm madef scrap in the driveway. (any lawyersm like my class action suit ideas?)
- gmsuxs, Central Square, NY, US