My 2015 Chevrolet Traverse quit working while I was on a college visit with my son. While driving down the interstate, the car stopped accelerating suddenly. Many check warning signals began flashing. Service traction control, Service Stability track, and Low power ignited began flashing. The car would not go over 10 mph. I got the car pulled over and called roadside assistance. Roadside assistance told me to turn off the traction control and try the car then. An overwhelming aroma of gas/fumes filled the car. I turned off the traction control and turned the car back on. I checked the engine for smoke, looked under the car for leaks, I could see nothing. I started down the interstate and the car worked fine for 3 miles. Then the car stopped again and the warnings began again.
In 3 miles I lost 7 gallons of gas and the car stopped and never turned back on. I had to have the car towed to a dealership in Knoxville that was closed. I was 400 miles from home with my son and stranded. The dealership wouldn't be open until Monday morning and I had to somehow get home. I was forced to get a rental car to drive home the next day.
The dealership called and said it was the full pump and that it would be 7-10 days before the car could be repaired. Of course they would only cover 5 days car rental. They explained it was going to take that long because the part was backordered nationwide. None of this was my fault, but I was going to have to pay for a rental car and then drive back to Knoxville to pick it up. I had to take a day off work and drive 12 hours to go get my car once it was "fixed". Now, how the full pump made the stability track and traction control signals flash, no one explained to me. I did learn that the odor was fuel leaking and that when I followed the roadside assistant's advice and restarted the car, the car could have caught fire and seriously injured all of us inside. Since picking the car up, my gas mileage has been incorrect and flutes while the car is turned off. One day, I lost 20 miles while I ate lunch. I have video of the rpm's fluctuating in idol and as you accelerate. The car hasn't operated the same since the repair. The worst part is the car just did THE EXACT SAME THING as I drove to work this morning! I was stranded in the middle of a busy intersection! I am so lucky I haven't gotten injured or killed when this car suddenly dies. It is being towed to another service center. Luckily, I am not 400 miles away from home this time.
This is not the only mechanical issue I have had with this car. I will enter the other problems separately, but please be aware that this vehicle's backup camera turns on while I am in DRIVE going down the road. The gear light leaves drive and the backup camera comes on. The dealership has known about this issue for 2 months. Also, somehow the right, read wheel bearing broke without provocation. I have video evidence of all of the issues with this car. I started taking video when I returned home from picking the car up and noticed I kept losing gas and the backup camera kept switching on. This car is an accident waiting to happen. It isn't safe and I definitely don't feel safe carrying my children in it or allowing my eldest son to drive it. I wish General Motors would care about the quality of the cars they sell to people, a NEW car should have these problems. I have contacted them and explained this cars mechanical issues, with no luck. I wonder if they would let their children drive off in this car?
My 2015 Chevrolet Traverse quit working while I was on a college visit with my son. While driving down the interstate, the car stopped accelerating suddenly. Many check warning signals began flashing. Service traction control, Service Stability track, and Low power ignited began flashing. The car would not go over 10 mph. I got the car pulled over and called roadside assistance. Roadside assistance told me to turn off the traction control and try the car then. An overwhelming aroma of gas/fumes filled the car. I turned off the traction control and turned the car back on. I checked the engine for smoke, looked under the car for leaks, I could see nothing. I started down the interstate and the car worked fine for 3 miles. Then the car stopped again and the warnings began again.
In 3 miles I lost 7 gallons of gas and the car stopped and never turned back on. I had to have the car towed to a dealership in Knoxville that was closed. I was 400 miles from home with my son and stranded. The dealership wouldn't be open until Monday morning and I had to somehow get home. I was forced to get a rental car to drive home the next day.
The dealership called and said it was the full pump and that it would be 7-10 days before the car could be repaired. Of course they would only cover 5 days car rental. They explained it was going to take that long because the part was backordered nationwide. None of this was my fault, but I was going to have to pay for a rental car and then drive back to Knoxville to pick it up. I had to take a day off work and drive 12 hours to go get my car once it was "fixed". Now, how the full pump made the stability track and traction control signals flash, no one explained to me. I did learn that the odor was fuel leaking and that when I followed the roadside assistant's advice and restarted the car, the car could have caught fire and seriously injured all of us inside. Since picking the car up, my gas mileage has been incorrect and flutes while the car is turned off. One day, I lost 20 miles while I ate lunch. I have video of the rpm's fluctuating in idol and as you accelerate. The car hasn't operated the same since the repair. The worst part is the car just did THE EXACT SAME THING as I drove to work this morning! I was stranded in the middle of a busy intersection! I am so lucky I haven't gotten injured or killed when this car suddenly dies. It is being towed to another service center. Luckily, I am not 400 miles away from home this time.
This is not the only mechanical issue I have had with this car. I will enter the other problems separately, but please be aware that this vehicle's backup camera turns on while I am in DRIVE going down the road. The gear light leaves drive and the backup camera comes on. The dealership has known about this issue for 2 months. Also, somehow the right, read wheel bearing broke without provocation. I have video evidence of all of the issues with this car. I started taking video when I returned home from picking the car up and noticed I kept losing gas and the backup camera kept switching on. This car is an accident waiting to happen. It isn't safe and I definitely don't feel safe carrying my children in it or allowing my eldest son to drive it. I wish General Motors would care about the quality of the cars they sell to people, a NEW car should have these problems. I have contacted them and explained this cars mechanical issues, with no luck. I wonder if they would let their children drive off in this car?
- christaf, Germantown, TN, US