We usually buy Ford vehicles but I received a really good deal on this Traverse so decided to try a Chevy. I really like the space - good for distance driving, has a beautiful ride and overall is a low maintenance vehicle however I have recently had a problem with the power steering which does not work when reversing into a parking slot and when driving under 25 mph. This is a little scary - has happened in inner city Detroit several times. Will it happen in a snow storm?? on the expressway? This is a safety issue and is cause enough for a recall.
I'm continuing to experience difficulty steering at slow speeds/tight turns. It's accompanied by a strange sound as I struggle to turn the wheels. It's as though I'm in manual steering mode at times and very scary. This happened while taking my boys to school in the morning. I have to make a tight U-turn into the school's parking lot every day. When I went to make the turn, the steering wheel nearly locked up and I almost hit another parent that was exiting the school. NOT MY IDEA OF SAFE CHEVROLET.
Shortly after experiencing difficulty steering at low speeds, I asked the mechanic at my local Chevy dealership to check it out. They told me the steering pump had a slow leak and they went ahead and topped it off with steering fluid. Instead of making the costly repair, he suggested I keep driving it until it gets unmanageable. So off I went...
Now I wish I'd known I could have been reimbursed for fixing this. Why didn't my Chevrolet dealership tell me this back in 2016 when they confirmed I had a steering pump issue? Now I'm over 150k and no longer eligible for any reimbursement. NICE. I think I'm going to bring this up with them and ask them to pay for the repair being they failed to do their due diligence. Steering still locks up on tight turns and makes a whirring noise.
I purchased this vehicle used from Montrose Kia in Sheffield, Ohio in April of 2013 with 62,000 miles and have already had to replace the transmission within 12 months of my purchase. GM stepped in and paid 75% of the cost, still leaving me with $1000.00 yet to pay. I've had electrical issues with the DVD player which have yet to use. Now this Rack and Pinion mess is just too much.
This is the most expensive vehicle that I've purchased and it's giving me the most sh*t ! (Excuse me). I sometimes believe that this SUV was in the floods in Jersey before it came here. (Old owner left old insurance card in Owner's manual). Everything I've experienced so far tells me there was something wrong other then just a trade-in. I'm done, Thanks for letting me vent my car issues.
- Melvin B.,
Oberlin, OH, US
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So I bought an 2009 Traverse in April 2015. Test drive was perfect. I love the room of the car but noticed about 3 months later the steering was horrible at times. Sometimes while backing up its almost impossible to steer. So took it in and they said rack and pinion and about $750?to fix it. This will not pass inspection here and I don't have tons of money to spend but this problem doesn't happen all the time.
I have just been seeing all the problems online from people and also found out there was a class action suit in 2013 and almost 1,000 people had problems with this as well as the GMC Acadia. So still no recall?
Just paid $1650 for Rack and Pinion problem, wouldn't pass inspection. Now after this was fixed, the steering is very tight when steering in parking lots and also on highway when getting on ramps. It sounds like other people are having issues. The problem is that it doesn't occur all the time. I am going to leave it with the mechanic who did the Rack and Pinion today. He says he will test drive. He thinks a Power Steering Pump.
I was driving with my family from a family theme park 2 hours away from home. When we stopped to get something to eat on our way back I couldn't even back up from the parking lot I tried to turn the wheel and it was hard. I got scared driving with 5 children and all of them under the age of 18 is scary but I had to get home, I noticed that it happens both ways right and left and only when I slow down and use the break. I have had big problems with this car. I bought it 9 months ago and still got 3 years to pay it off. I have no warranty.
Any suggestions? It is my family car, I have no other cars but it is scary to drive it like this, especially when I have to make a turn I am backing up and slowing traffic. Thanks,
Chevy knows about the steering took it to dealer said I needed new rack and pinion and pump and would not guarantee their work and said it would cost me $1600 to $1800 for replacement.
I bought my Traverse in September of 2014. Immediately after coming home I noticed the air conditioning on the right side was blowing out nothing but hot air and the check engine light came on. I took it back to the dealer and they fixed it and said they were recalled problems.
I then noticed about a week after driving it that on occasion the wheel would stiffen up and make it almost impossible to turn. The more time has gone b the worse it has gotten and is more frequent. It is very scary when your trying to make a turn and your turning the wheel as hard as you can so to not hit the car in the other lane. I got online to see if it was a recall, but cannot find it.
As soon as I saw the other complaints here I was glad to know that it wasn't just me. I don't know why if there are other people having the same problem and it is this dangerous that Chevrolet will not recall it and fix the vehicles with this problem!! I cannot afford to fix it and shouldn't have to when this is a problem in the manufacturing!
I guess Chevrolet will just wait until people get in wrecks and die and its all over the news before they do something. I was told by several people that Chevrolet vehicles were not of good quality and I didn't believe them. I wished I would have listened and I promise you I will never buy another Chevy again!
Just recently started noticing that the steering is difficult in my 2009 Traverse when I am at a standstill (IE: turning left after yielding to traffic, etc). Did a Google search and I am seeing that there are a lot of others having the same problem. Spoke with a friend of mine who also HAD a 2009 Traverse and he got rid of his because of the steering problem. He traded it in and got a Ford. Seems like GM should be doing something about this before someone get's killed!
I love my Traverse....but we have had several major issues with this car....at low speeds we have the same issue everyone else is having....hard to turn and suddenly the steering corrects itself and turns fine. Very dangerous when turning.
steering works poorly at low speed. makes a knock or clunk noise when turning. have taken to dealer. told there was nothing wrong. still have the steering problem.
The steering is sometimes very difficult to turn at low speeds especially when parking, making a turn into driveways or at intersections. The problem is intermittent but annoying and concerning enough that made it difficult for anyone else in the family to drive the vehicle. I am a strong individual and it is embarrassing when you try to pull into or out of a parking spot and almost swipe a vehicle because of the steering difficulty.
I have siphoned and replaced the fluid multiple times and it seems to help a bit but not enough to warrant a piece of mind. I have talked with the dealership and they indicated the possible options for the fix may be in the $1200 to $1400 range. However, based on some of the posts, I am hesitating to have anything done if the issue seems to come back. I am not sure why GM has not done anything about it or the Government has not forced a recall on the issue. It is a safety hazard and unless there are numerous deaths about the problem, no one wants to do the right thing and own up to their responsibility. I would not have known that this problem is widespread if it was not for the choking and high repair cost which may or may not fix the issue according to other posts. Is this issue unique to the 2009 Chevy Traverse? Or does it include other models in the SUV family (Buick, GMC) and newer models? Is there any Class Action Lawsuit against GM about this?
This really concerns me, because my wife drives the car most of the time. I took it and had it checked and they haven't been able to find the problem yet. When it happens I can't hardly steer the car myself so it worries me with her driving it that something is going to happen. I think this is something that Chevorlet my want to look into.
We usually buy Ford vehicles but I received a really good deal on this Traverse so decided to try a Chevy. I really like the space - good for distance driving, has a beautiful ride and overall is a low maintenance vehicle however I have recently had a problem with the power steering which does not work when reversing into a parking slot and when driving under 25 mph. This is a little scary - has happened in inner city Detroit several times. Will it happen in a snow storm?? on the expressway? This is a safety issue and is cause enough for a recall.
- Carrie M., Plymouth, US