Notes: The 2002-2007 Chevrolet Trailblazer is known for many things, but perhaps it is most famous for its faulty fuel gauge.
This gauge flip-flops more than a politician during election season. Some report that the gauge says "empty" after a fill-up, while others report the gauge says "full" when they're running on fumes. Either way, there's one thing everyone seems to agree on: the darn thing is just wrong.
Following hundreds of complaints and a few accidents allegedly caused by the malfunction, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) opened an investigation into the issue in May 2011. Unfortunately for frustrated owners, no recall has been announced.
Helpfull Hint - Sometimes on the check engine light thing. I got this hint from a guy when I got my oil changed in Lubbock, Texas. While parked safely, turn your engine off for 10 seconds, then turn your ignition key just to the on position, before you engage the starter, press your gas accelerator peddle three (3) times turn ignition off then start the car. check engine light goes out. Sounds weird, I know, but I have done this several times with successful results. Doesn't work for every thing, but---- hey, if it works once better to have tried it right?
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2007 Chevrolet Trailblazer Owner Comments (Page 4 of 4)
This is the worst piece of crap I've ever purchased. This is my 4th chevy product but I never had any mentionable issues with any other vehicle. This is so costly that I keep track of my mileage so I know when to fuel up. It started after I filled the vehicle, the gas light came on, then the check engine light. I pulled over shut it off, checked the fuel door and turned it back on. The lights went away, then 10 miles later they came on again and the gauge starting fluctuating. I'm with the rest, no wonder GM is going bankrupt. They should have fixed this problem, they aren't going to have any repeat customers with issues like this.
This issue is the 3rd major problem with this relatively new vehicle. I can fill up the tank, but once I use a few gallons it drops to empty on the gauge. I refuse to pay the $600 needed to fix this problem. It's a lease and thankfully my lease is up in 6 months. I will never buy another Chevy based upon my experiences with this vehicle. I've been leasing brand new vehicles for over 20 years and this is the first Chevy I ever leased. I can see why the GM has been having such a problem.
I have the same problem as many others do, the fuel tank reads empty. To replace the fuel sensor is approximately $500, with the part only $70. I have been dealing with this by tracking the miles I drive. But now I must fix it to pass the NC state inspection. I do not have $500 unless I use a credit card so of course the $500 increases due to interest. I either fix it or walk 100 miles a day to work. I have owned 4 Chevy vehicles unless Chevy steps up and replaces this then I will never own another vehicle. I can't sell it, so I am stuck.
Same problem for me. First time I realized there was a problem is when fuel gauge showed 1/8 tank, but then I ran out of gas, no warning light. After that I kept tank at least 1/2 full. Then the other day when my husband was at an ATM and I was sitting in the car, I saw the gauge go from 1/2 to E then back up to 1/2 in only a few seconds. Next day, car registered empty, so I filled the tank to F. Check engine light stayed on. I took it to a Chevy dealer and they said it will be $400 minimum to fix. Because it seems to be getting worse, I'll probably get it done. This is precisely why I had Hondas for the last 2 decades. They just run, no headaches.
I commute 130/miles each day to work. For GM not to correct this issue that so many seem to be having with the fuel gauge and the costly repair, it sure shows how much they care about their repeat customers! The gas tank is full but it shows empty and the fuel gauge light plus the check engine light stays on. I no longer have a warranty on my car so this is out-of-pocket expense for me. It is in the shop today being repaired. An all-day repair as well! I will have to think long and hard before I buy another GM product!
- Shelby P.,
Ridgeway, VA, US
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This is really causing me a headache especially in this economy I cannot afford the est cost of $900 it would take to fix this problem GM really needs to make its dealerships fix this problem for us it is more than 100 people with this problem I know they have their troubles but I have mines as well and I am the consumer.
I too have a 2007 Chevy Trailblazer and I'm having a problem with the gas gauge fluctuating. Wanted my husband to fix it, but he said it would be like a $900 job...but it looks like the part is rather inexpensive, so I think he will be fixing it. Not a huge problem as long as you keep track of mileage between fills, but still a hassle and shouldn't be like that for this new a vehicle.
The Trailblazer is a very nice vehicle. We are disappointed that there are a few quality problems. The dealer is no help at all. I would never let them fix the car or buy another from that dealer.
I got this vehicle used and have only had it since September of 2008, this is really irritating, cause i did have a brand new chevy cavalier which i traded in for this. The stinking gas gauage keeps fluctuating, and i have no idea how much gas is really in the thing. This is our only running vehicle at the moment so this is a huge inconvience. I could take it in, but i have a $100 deductible on my warranty, and cannot afford that right now. Im glad that other people are having the same problem cause im going to bring this up at the dealership! I am mad!!!
I can't believe so many people have had this problem. The guy at the dealer said he hadn't heard of the trailblazer having this problem. Ha Ha The part is less expensive than the labor. I'll just keep gassing up every 250miles and forget it until I trade it in. Which will be soon before anything major goes wrong.
Filled the vehicle up one day and the gauge went to empty as I left the station. Seemed to work the next day for a while but the next time i was in the car it showed empty with the fuel light on. Its still that way. Its been about three months now. Estimated cost about $500.00. and its not covered by the Manuf. Warranty. Too many miles!! Its a real pain in the butt! I drive the vehicle pretty regularly, I use it for work. The mileage reflects that....55,000 miles in 22 months! Still its practically brand new to me...IT SHOULD BE A RECALL FROM GM!!!!!!!
This is the only problem I have had with the car so far. I mother has a 2006 Trailblazer which had the same problem. It seems to me that GM should at least pay for the parts cost of the labor. I have an extended powertrain warranty on the car, but it doesn't cover anything like this. I have a 30 year old Camaro that has not had any problems since I have owned it for the past 15 years. GM needs to step up on quality if they want to remain viable. I have always been loyal to GM, but if the quality keeps going down hill, and the prices keep going up, I may switch brands.
I have a Chev Trailblazer too and just like everyone else, the fuel gauge stopped working just after the 36000 mi warranty. I had the Chev. Service Dept. take a look and they told me it would cost app. $500 to repair/replace. This is ridiculous, because of so many complaints you would think that GM would do a recall.....
I have the same problem that many others seem to be having, The fuel gauge fluctuates at random & many times stays on "E" (40k miles). This is an obvious Chevy issue, since this sensor is actually inside the tank, and it does not fall under a "wear and tear" issue. The price for the part varies from $75 to $150, but the labor is where the problem lies, Chevy wants anywhere from $500 to $900 for the total repair since the tank needs to be taken down. Realistically is there anyway Chevy will ever admit to this and do the right thing by it's customers? I have not fixed this problem yet, and my car did run out of gas once and I had to walk a ways to get 2 gallons of gas. This is a damn shame & the inaction and avoidance from Chevy has helped me make the decision not to purchase another vehicle from them.
This is the worst piece of crap I've ever purchased. This is my 4th chevy product but I never had any mentionable issues with any other vehicle. This is so costly that I keep track of my mileage so I know when to fuel up. It started after I filled the vehicle, the gas light came on, then the check engine light. I pulled over shut it off, checked the fuel door and turned it back on. The lights went away, then 10 miles later they came on again and the gauge starting fluctuating. I'm with the rest, no wonder GM is going bankrupt. They should have fixed this problem, they aren't going to have any repeat customers with issues like this.
- Tammy T., Randolph, NH, US