This was my son's vehicle. He is a junior high and high school football coach. He drove to work that day and left with the junior high football team that afternoon for an away game. After the game, he rode with another coach and left his vehicle on the school campus overnight. He returned to work the next day and taught class as normal. The high school team had a home game that night so he went to his vehicle after school to gather his bag and go to the locker room. He never noticed anything because the sun was shining on the windows, so he didn't realize that he couldn't see through them at the time. He opened the door and found that the interior was burned. It had started in the driver's seat and engulfed the rest of the vehicle. The windows were closed so it apparently had smothered itself out, but not before ruining the entire interior (as you can see from the pictures). He called the sheriff, who came over and did a report. The sheriff then called the arson team out of Little Rock, AR to come test the seat fiber and assess the situation because they suspected arson from the looks of the vehicle. It took TWO YEARS to get an answer from the arson investigators because honestly and by the grace of God, no one was hurt in our incidence....and there are many more cases that they had to take care of all over the state. But after two years, they finally came back and said that it was an electrical fire under the seat with no signs of arson.
So this fire under the seat could have happened while he was driving, and I thank the Lord every day that nothing like that happened. I hope that by posting this, i will make more people aware of the fire dangers of this vehicle. We were very UNfortunate in the fact that we only had liability insurance so we received no compensation whatsoever. It was a total loss that is still sitting outside as a reminder. I've seen other stories of seat fires in GMC vehicles. It should be someone's responsibility to contact the buyer and inform them of any recalls to avoid hardships to people. We never had a clue.
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This was my son's vehicle. He is a junior high and high school football coach. He drove to work that day and left with the junior high football team that afternoon for an away game. After the game, he rode with another coach and left his vehicle on the school campus overnight. He returned to work the next day and taught class as normal. The high school team had a home game that night so he went to his vehicle after school to gather his bag and go to the locker room. He never noticed anything because the sun was shining on the windows, so he didn't realize that he couldn't see through them at the time. He opened the door and found that the interior was burned. It had started in the driver's seat and engulfed the rest of the vehicle. The windows were closed so it apparently had smothered itself out, but not before ruining the entire interior (as you can see from the pictures). He called the sheriff, who came over and did a report. The sheriff then called the arson team out of Little Rock, AR to come test the seat fiber and assess the situation because they suspected arson from the looks of the vehicle. It took TWO YEARS to get an answer from the arson investigators because honestly and by the grace of God, no one was hurt in our incidence....and there are many more cases that they had to take care of all over the state. But after two years, they finally came back and said that it was an electrical fire under the seat with no signs of arson.
So this fire under the seat could have happened while he was driving, and I thank the Lord every day that nothing like that happened. I hope that by posting this, i will make more people aware of the fire dangers of this vehicle. We were very UNfortunate in the fact that we only had liability insurance so we received no compensation whatsoever. It was a total loss that is still sitting outside as a reminder. I've seen other stories of seat fires in GMC vehicles. It should be someone's responsibility to contact the buyer and inform them of any recalls to avoid hardships to people. We never had a clue.
- Beth M., Little Rock, US