Notes: The Trailblazer emerged from an "upscale trim line" of the Blazer, but there's nothing upscale about its transmission problems or its wonky, unpredictable headlights.
At first they said it was the switch inside, replaced it. Did not fix it. More diagnostics, finally came up that it was the transfer case control module. A pretty hi dollar fix. Plus it is fairly common in this model from other owners I have talked with.
4wd light on... no response from switch, no lights on at all. Switch lights come on when ignition first turned on so I know lights aren't burned out. Checked fuses, all good. Disconnected battery, unhooked TCCM. Codes b2725, c0306 and c0550 Dealer tells me switch, TCCM and encoder all bad... $1100.00 fix. Really... all three bad!!!
Like the rest of you my dash switch has been bonkers since the first week. They told me there was nothing wrong with it. Thot i was making it up. I had to replace my transfer case at 21,800 miles, mechanic said it fell out of housing in pieces, which happened shortly after, it went into 4WD on its own while doing at least 65 MPH.
When it broke, I nearly slide off the road, it went clunk and 4WD quit in the middle of a 90 degree turn (on ice.) so now at almost 47,000 miles it just quit working. I pulled in the driveway with 4x4 and when i went to leave, no 4WD and no lights on the dash switch, or any other place ( like the service lights). I did go into the dealer for a electronic scan on the computer, which told them nothing.and cost $115. but someone told me that the control module sometimes gets a glitch and that pulling the "ATC fuse" may reset it, kinda like rebooting your home computer. so I tried it and it worked. I was thrilled, It is the #8 mini fuse in the "under the hood fuse box," easy access, easy fix. I just hope it stays that way. Pull the fuse out, if it is stll good -wait 2minutes and put it back. then just turn on the key and it should work. (if your are not sure about the fuse, most any parts store will help you.) It probably wont keep it from being bonkers but 4WD works again.
The truck would barely move. I looked at the 4WD switch and the light was jumping from 2WD to auto 4WD to 4WD high to 4WD low and start over again. It stopped after a minute and drove fine. The dealer had to replace the switch. This truck has a lot of issues.
Ok so it snows the biggest snow storm the midwest has seen in a long time. Its ok I have 4wd. Well, maybe, no, not today, decides nah you need me so I don't really want you to get home. Maybe its mad that I was employed at a Toyota factory making more reliable vehicles. Yeah thats it, jealous truck! They said they "woke up" the module for the 4wd.
At first they said it was the switch inside, replaced it. Did not fix it. More diagnostics, finally came up that it was the transfer case control module. A pretty hi dollar fix. Plus it is fairly common in this model from other owners I have talked with.
- 20073, Newton, IA, US