I purchased this car secondhand for my son and within weeks the paint began peeling off.
Whilst I understand that the car is old, it is very well maintained - my car (Ford) is equally old and is not doing this.
We took it to a paint specialist and he informed us that the paint had not been correctly applied.
For the past 6 months I have made numerous calls and sent numerous emails to Isuzu who has taken over Chevrolet in South Africa.
Finally today this is the response I get
Good Day Mrs. Kitson,
Hope all is well.
This email has reference to your query on the paint that is peeling off.
Please note that we are unable to confirm why your vehicle is peeling paint off, although there are factors that could be contributing to it(such as the area you live in ).
Further to this, kindly note that any repairs that need to be conducted on your vehicle (including the paint issue ) cannot be done other warranty as the vehicles warranty over ten years ago and as a consumer you need to take responsibility of whatever issues that the car might have.
Please note that the matter will now be resolved from our end
I trust that you will find the above in order.
NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am not well
This is not in order!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This response is totally unacceptable, more so as Chevrolet has taken six months to come up with a pathetic answer like that. No one has even bothered to examine the car!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can see why Chevrolet ran away from South Africa - palm an inferior product on to the consumer and then disappear so you do not have to face the consequences
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I purchased this car secondhand for my son and within weeks the paint began peeling off. Whilst I understand that the car is old, it is very well maintained - my car (Ford) is equally old and is not doing this. We took it to a paint specialist and he informed us that the paint had not been correctly applied. For the past 6 months I have made numerous calls and sent numerous emails to Isuzu who has taken over Chevrolet in South Africa. Finally today this is the response I get
Good Day Mrs. Kitson,
Hope all is well.
This email has reference to your query on the paint that is peeling off.
Please note that we are unable to confirm why your vehicle is peeling paint off, although there are factors that could be contributing to it(such as the area you live in ).
Further to this, kindly note that any repairs that need to be conducted on your vehicle (including the paint issue ) cannot be done other warranty as the vehicles warranty over ten years ago and as a consumer you need to take responsibility of whatever issues that the car might have.
Please note that the matter will now be resolved from our end
I trust that you will find the above in order.
Regards Precious
NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am not well This is not in order!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This response is totally unacceptable, more so as Chevrolet has taken six months to come up with a pathetic answer like that. No one has even bothered to examine the car!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can see why Chevrolet ran away from South Africa - palm an inferior product on to the consumer and then disappear so you do not have to face the consequences
I am SO angry
- Patricia K., Cape Town, South Africa