Purchase a used 2011 Chevrolet Silverado and was told the truck was in excellent condition. I also purchase a extended warranty from this Chevrolet dealership and a couple of weeks later my the started having problem. This saleswoman and this reputable dealership lied because the truck was a lemon. The management was very rude and the warranty company didn't cover the engine because of the issues with oil consumption carbon in the engine. I had to pay to get the truck repair because I didn't have any other choices and didn't want to mess up my credit.
I could not figure out where my oil was going as there was no visible leaks/ I finally noticed the class action lawsuit dated 12/9/20 regarding this very issue and this truck. Because my truck was running rough and would idle a little rough as well, I decided to do a tune up. I found the number 1 and number 7 plugs to be heavily fouled out with oil and the rest to be fouled as described in the lawsuit.
I was driving and the message center started flashing and bells ringing telling me to shut my engine down due to low oil pressure. I stopped and bought some oil so I could go to work and had it changed that afternoon. It was NOT past due for oil change but it was over 2qts low.
2011 Silverado 5.3 V8, just over 85,000 extended warranty says they want testing done even though the service garage deems the vehicle unsafe. it used 3 quarts of oil in about 200 miles of driving and had over 20,000 misfires. its ridiculous GM is only covering about $1800.00 out of a $3600.00 repair bill. I think it should be recalled and fixed under their expense. Especially now that they know it is a problem with these vehicles, and they have a memo out to the dealership stating it. This is a fricking joke, spend almost $30,000.00 on a vehicle and it sits in a shop for repairs. Then have to take out a small loan to fix the problem that GM knows about because the platinum coverage we purchased from the Mechanic Insurance company which was purchased right from the Dealership won't cover it even though #1 says it covers everything in the engine and #8 says covers all gaskets and assembly what the #$%& did we spend an additional $3000 on if they don't want to cover what they say it covers what a fricking joke. Maybe last time I ever buy a GM product seeing they can't take care of their customers. GOOD DAY GM NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wish I knew then what I know now….
5 year Warranty expired in September of 2016, My truck has approximately 60K miles on it.
It all started with a check engine light, ( a week ago Monday), I was 300 miles from a regularly scheduled oil change so I had the wife take it to the dealership. When I purchased the truck I also purchased lifetime oil changes, they have did every oil change on schedule…
That afternoon my wife informed me it was going to cost $1800 to fix the truck? I called the service person assigned to my truck and she explained to me that the #1 cylinder had fouled the plug due to an oil consumption issue? (I have Never added oil to this truck since I have owned it). That threw me for a loop, she then went on to explain that the fix was to take the oil pan off and clean the carbon out of the cylinders, put back together with new plugs for $1800? The conversation ended very shortly after that because I asked questions that she could not answer…
I went down to the dealership a couple days ago to talk tobthem about the repairs to fully understand the repairs. So what I heard was they were going to remove the oil pan, fill the cylinder with Carburetor Cleaner to clean the carbon off the rings, drain it all out, (that ought to be good on the mains), put it all back together with new plugs….
I told her that was NOT a fix for the problem… end of conversation…
I have owned Chevy’s trucks my whole life, I can take a 70’s truck completely apart and put it back together! I still own a 1958 Apache 4x4 I built!
I am very disappointed to say the least… I find it hard to believe that Chey knows they have a problem and will not do anything about it?I have worked hard all my life for everything I have, and this was going to bethe last truck I owned?
The engine really has great power and runs great if they would get rid of the AFM.
No one from Chevy has spoke with me yet for any kind of fix for this engine, no help for the well documented problem they have...
The dealer is even worse, $40K for the truck and they could care less - they want more!
This is about the 6th or 7th time this has happened, CEL P0521. I have replaced both the lift oil filter and the oil pressure sending unit with an oil change in 2014. This seemed to temporarily solve the problem for awhile but the truck continues to consume 4-5 quarts in approximately 4000-4500 miles. Topping off the oil when the CEL comes on used to take care of the issue but no longer. The dealership has replaced the valve covers twice and several cracked spark plugs.
2011 Silverado lt 5.3 with active fuel management. Bought this truck new Nov of 2011. I do not drive much and to date Aug 12 2015 I now only have 14,000 miles on it. No plow not a contractor. This truck is going thru 1 to1 and a half quarts of the great dexos oil about every thousand miles!!! I am heartsick over this.
I have always had GMC or Chevy products. I am hoping someone can get a government watchdog to force GM to either drop in new engines without the AFM crap or if these "tuners" I have read about actually work for 300 bucks then have GM send these out at probably 100 bucks each to override the thousands of engines out there. I don't care about the mileage.
This dexos oil is costing me 6 bucks a quart and I have to carry it with me on a long trip. You can't get this stuff at a Hess or small gas station. This is just so pitiful. people "me included " are spending their time running to a dealership ever 1000 mile so they can fill out an oil consumption report. Our time is worth nothing.
Now the truck is running a little rough at idle which upon reading other posts that this could be the #1 or #7 plugs fouling because of AFM!!!! I know there are bulletins out for a tear down of engine for rings, lifters, valve covers pistons etc.
I noticed the oil was disappearing and obviously you could hear motor tapping. Took it to dealership to have them look at it. They replaced pistons, and rings, I thought paper work said bearings and one head cover as well. They said rings were too close and in the wrong position. Now I don't know what is going on but after 32,000 miles that seems odd. Someone told me the issue might be with when the motor switches from 8 cylinders to 4 it somehow is messing with the pistons and rings. So I hope in 3 more years this does not happen again when my extended warranty is no longer in effect.
I bought this truck in used condition with the remaining factory warranty. The truck had approximately 17,000 miles on it. Prior to my first oil change the low oil warning light came on. Upon checking, there was no oil on the dip stick. It took just under 3-quarts to bring it up to mark. In between my second oil change and prior to the scheduled oil change I discovered the engine was approximately 2-quarts low. My current scheduled oil change is in November. I checked the oil this weekend and I had to add 2.5 quarts. I have always been a Chevy truck owner and I rely on my trucks. It seems that Chevy is producing trucks that are more geared towards people who want to drive trucks vs people who need a truck as a tool. I was very disappointed to find out that there are no more manual transmission Chevy trucks. I had always had manual transmission trucks and have found them to be more useful in pulling/towing etc. It's a bummer that I can't manually shift gears, roll down my windows, lock my doors. Don't get me wrong this truck is "pretty". It has electric seats, climate control cab, back up sensor, and pedals that you can move up and down to accommodate the wife. Just as our nation has appeared to have gone soft I'm afraid Chevy has also gone down that road. Thank God I kept my 1995 Silverado!
Purchase a used 2011 Chevrolet Silverado and was told the truck was in excellent condition. I also purchase a extended warranty from this Chevrolet dealership and a couple of weeks later my the started having problem. This saleswoman and this reputable dealership lied because the truck was a lemon. The management was very rude and the warranty company didn't cover the engine because of the issues with oil consumption carbon in the engine. I had to pay to get the truck repair because I didn't have any other choices and didn't want to mess up my credit.
- Diana K., Winnsboro, SC, US