Notes: The 2009 Silverado has no defect trends, which is a very good sign now that it's more than a few years old.
A couple model years back, the 2007 Silverado has an oil consumption defect at low mileage (~50k miles) — so far there's only a very few reports of the same problem with the 2009 Silverado.
The 2009 Silverado received poor side impact ratings on models not equipped with the optional side air bags.
I was driving down the expressway and my check engine light came on. I immediately noticed that my oil pressure had dropped below 10 so I pulled off at the next exit and stopped at a gas station to check my oil. I was 4 1/4 quarts low. I replaced this oil and returned home. I took my 2009 Chevrolet silverado to the Dealer on Monday Oct 23, 2012;. told them what happened. I still had about 1000 miles before my next oil change when all this happened. The Dealer checked the vehicle and found no physical oil leaks. Did an oil change and told me I would have to do an Oil Consumption Study. I said we just had a study, I burned 4 1/4 quarts of oil in 5000 miles. I also asked why I didn't get an oil light instead of a check engine light. Did not get any answers.According to my bill from the dealer the tech checked the engine light and stated that it May have been due to oil pressure Drop on Line B. I have talked to about 4 people from customer service at GM and have not got any answers to my questions, they all say I have to do an oil consumption study over the next 5000 miles. I wonder what would happen to this truck if it belonged to James Campbell who heads up Chevrolet. I also asked Customer Service to define customer satisfaction for me. No response. Last time I talked to customer service they had a new term "they were reaching out to me" Still no resolution to this problem.
2009 Silverado, 5.3 excessive oil consumption. Since 1st oil change at 2500 miles I have always used Valvoline full synthetic oil
New oil change with Synthetic Valvoline 5w30. Drove 300 miles pulling a bass boat. Engine started missing so I pulled into a gas station to check the oil and called onstar. Oil did not show up on dip stick. I put 2 1/2 quarts in. Called Onstar and they said I had multiple error codes and to avoid pulling heavy loads and hills.
Went to chevy dealer in TN and he said he has worked on 7 vehicles with the same problem. One of them he had to tear down the engine.
He found that one of the pistons had the rings aligned so that each opening was in the same place on the piston, allowing oil to creep up and foul out the plug. the rings are supposed to be 180 degrees off, so that no oil can creep up and no compression is lost.
Chevy dealer in Miamisburg gave me some bullshit bulletin and said I can burn x amount of oil after so many miles. Not his fault, it's GM's fault
I now have to take it back in each 1,000 miles to check the oil. I just checked it and noticed that it is 1.5 quarts low after 1,074 miles (using mobil 1 full synthetic)
I've owned seven brand new GM vehicles. If they don't fix this, this will be my last GM vehicle and I'm going over to Ford. My Sister has a Cadillac CTS and it did the same thing. They did fix the problem. It sounds like GM is trying to avoid the fix for this and are giving a lot of us the run around. I'm going to call this in and complain and I'll post my problems everywhere I can (if they don't take care of it).
Update from Jul 18, 2012: Found this on the net. Does not give me the warm and fuzzies.
there are a couple bulletins pertaining to this, I'm a service manager for a gm dealer, GM states the acceptable consumption is 1 quart every 1,000 miles, which I don't agree with, but we have dealt with this numerous times, tell the dealer to check bulletin 10-06-01-008B, if the vehicle has active fuel management, it is caused by a spray of oil from the AFM pressure relief valve which causes the oil rings to build up and not seal,, the fix is to install a deflector over the valve and do a top engine clean to unstick the rings, the oil pan will have to come off to do this, this procedure will work as we have done it, and it is covered by powertrain warranty. If it does not have AFM, there is a bulletin to possibly replace the lifters, and/or even the pistons and rings, this can definitely be fixed, I cant believe there are dealers out there that wont do this, tell him to find a different dealer or call GM customer assistance 1-800-222-1020, good luck!
Update from Jul 18, 2012: And while I'm on a RANT/RAVE, this also happened at the same time.
Loss of power. I suspect this is due to lost compression for ring gap being aligned and not 180 degree.
Rotors continually get warped and create a bad vibration when braking. I have had to replace them once and they need it again.
Gas gauge stuck on full after 125 miles, turned off, turned back on and then it went to completely empty. Turned it off again and it seems to be working now.
Auto tranny slipping between 2nd and 3rd when towing (has tow package).
Tranny downshifts 2 gears when accelerating. I have to manually shift it wen towing. Ford is WAY better at this.
Rear speakers produce almost no sound.
What a piece of SHITAKI
Update from Aug 9, 2012: From GM. #01-06-01-011G Information on Engine oil consumption guidelines.
The accepted rate of oil consumption for engines used in the vehicles referenced is 1 quart in 3200 miles.
This rate only applies to personal use vehicles, under warranty, that are driven in a non-aggressive manner and maintained in accordance with the appropriate maintenance schedule, with less than 36K miles, or driven at legal speeds in an unloaded (for trucks) condition. This rate does not apply to vehicles in a loaded condition (for trucks). Oil consumption for vehicles driven under these conditions will be more.
Then there are a lot of other notes or stipulations. The last statement says - "if the final eval shows that the engine uses more than 1 quart per 3200 miles, follow the published symptom diagnostics as described in the appropriate service manual. If the oil consumption test shows that the engine uses less than 1 quart per 3200 miles, explain to the customer that their engine meets the guidelines for oil consumption.
So my question is, why in the hell don't they tell you this up front when you drop 40K on a truck?
You know the answer to that one and so do they. No one will buy them!
I own three 2009's. all have the exact same oil consumption problem. They are located in three different cities and I have gotten three different stories from the dealers until recently.
All are making us record oil consumption on a weekly basis. One tried the shield the recall refers to but it did not help.
2009 Silverdo has been burning oil In Nov they put me on an oil consumption watch every 500 miles -- real pain in teh neck going to dealer to have them check oil. I went today 1/23/2012. The service manager informed me that as on 1/17/2012 Chevy acknowledges the issue and they will be replacing some part as soon as it comes in next week. I guess we will see what happens.
I am bothered by the fact that the dealer put me on this oil consumption watch, I have been jackassing down to the dealer every 500 miles miles -- a real pain in the butt -- and they knew of the alert and didn't have the courtesy to call me when they were alerted. Makes you wonder how many customers have this same issue ?
I was driving down the expressway and my check engine light came on. I immediately noticed that my oil pressure had dropped below 10 so I pulled off at the next exit and stopped at a gas station to check my oil. I was 4 1/4 quarts low. I replaced this oil and returned home. I took my 2009 Chevrolet silverado to the Dealer on Monday Oct 23, 2012;. told them what happened. I still had about 1000 miles before my next oil change when all this happened. The Dealer checked the vehicle and found no physical oil leaks. Did an oil change and told me I would have to do an Oil Consumption Study. I said we just had a study, I burned 4 1/4 quarts of oil in 5000 miles. I also asked why I didn't get an oil light instead of a check engine light. Did not get any answers.According to my bill from the dealer the tech checked the engine light and stated that it May have been due to oil pressure Drop on Line B. I have talked to about 4 people from customer service at GM and have not got any answers to my questions, they all say I have to do an oil consumption study over the next 5000 miles. I wonder what would happen to this truck if it belonged to James Campbell who heads up Chevrolet. I also asked Customer Service to define customer satisfaction for me. No response. Last time I talked to customer service they had a new term "they were reaching out to me" Still no resolution to this problem.
- pelljo, Hale, Michign, US