I just wonder what kind of an engineer puts an electric fuel pump inside the gas tank under the bed of the truck You have to take have to take the bed off to get to it.. How about a acturator with a thin rubber baffle unprotected underneath the battery it might get battery acid spilt on it you think ....dha.
Over past 2 years, just at random, i'd go out to start truck and it'd turn over, but wouldn't start. I'd wait 15 minutes, go back out and it'd start right up like nothing happened. Other times, I'd go back out multiple times to try starting, but eventually it'd start. It happened so infrequently, that it wasn't much of a problem. For instance, sometimes i'd go 6 months without having starting problems and then it;d happen again. That was the crazy thing about. You just never knew when it would happen, but when it did, it was an annoyance, but happened so infrequently that it wasn't a major disruption to your life. I had the fuel filter, fuel pump, spark plugs, spark plug wires, battery all replaced. Just when I thought it was fixed, boom it'd happen again a few months later, but again i'd get it started eventually. Went out yesterday to try to start and nothing. Like I said before, I'm always able to get it started eventually, but yesterday after trying half the day it just wouldn't start. I had it. I had the stupid thing towed to a repair shop and now I'm getting it fixed once and for all. I was told it's possibly fuel injectors, but there not sure yet. All I know is that this is my first and last Chevy I will ever buy. I've had it. This thing has cost me so much money, it's just amazing. It's been one thing after another. Over a 2 month span about two years ago when it had about 120k on it, I replaced alternator, starter, spark plugs and radiator. My mechanic said the cheap PLASTIC radiator Chevy uses frequently corrodes because Chevy started using an Orange anti-freeze that caused radiator corrosion. No wonder their bankrupt!! I've had radiator hoses bust on me. It's been a nightmare!!. I run my cars until they pretty much blow up on me, so I've only had 2 vehicles in my life. My other one was a 91 Corolla I bought after I graduated from high school. It had 108k on it when I bought it in 99. I ran that thing like hell and got 270k out of it and could've had more if my brother didn't run it low on oil. The most expensive thing I had to replace was the clutch. All the other things were just regular maintenance issues, ie brakes, tires, etc. So below I have summed up all the things I've had done to my S-10 that I've had for about 5 years now. I bought it with 68k on it and now have 177k.
I just wonder what kind of an engineer puts an electric fuel pump inside the gas tank under the bed of the truck You have to take have to take the bed off to get to it.. How about a acturator with a thin rubber baffle unprotected underneath the battery it might get battery acid spilt on it you think ....dha.
- Robert S., Colcord, OK, US