It's been happening for a few months now. I'm not the only one with this issue, which makes me believe, maybe GM needs to remedy this. I'm on a fixed income and can't afford to take it to a mechanic so I've learned to do my own wrenching but when it comes to transmissions, I'd rather chew on broken glass.
My 2005 Chevy Monte Carlo LS is 16 years old with less than 150,000 kms on it and when I drive it, people rubber neck to look at it. Its clean, almost flawless, until it bucks when shifting up or down. Doesn't happen right away but when it gets hot or if I tromp on it a couple times. I usually pull over and park for a few, drink coffee or what have you, but it's getting worse. Starts bucking when going from 1st to 2nd and back to first. Now when she is hot its pounding into every gear up or down. Been on internet - oh yeah, lots of ideas and remedies but they all cost money I don't have. Lots of complaints about it too.
General Motors you should have the face of shame on.
You guys are moving on to electric vehicles when you haven't even mastered gas/diesel ones. How you fight people to fix issues that hard working people spend and go into debt on YOUR products but leave them assed out when the warranty is done and there's a flaw in the design. Rather than showing honor or integrity, you tell the consumer to push, pull or drag your piece of s** that we sold you 3 years ago into the car lot, so we can get you into a vehicle that cost more than a house 40 years ago. You guys at general motors show no heart and are careless. Thats why your electrical division failing when you invested in that electric truck company. Greed.
Anyways I have a 2005 s
Monte Carlo LS with a/c and a 250 watt stereo system for sale. It shifts hard when driving but sure looks great when just sitting there.
It's been happening for a few months now. I'm not the only one with this issue, which makes me believe, maybe GM needs to remedy this. I'm on a fixed income and can't afford to take it to a mechanic so I've learned to do my own wrenching but when it comes to transmissions, I'd rather chew on broken glass.
My 2005 Chevy Monte Carlo LS is 16 years old with less than 150,000 kms on it and when I drive it, people rubber neck to look at it. Its clean, almost flawless, until it bucks when shifting up or down. Doesn't happen right away but when it gets hot or if I tromp on it a couple times. I usually pull over and park for a few, drink coffee or what have you, but it's getting worse. Starts bucking when going from 1st to 2nd and back to first. Now when she is hot its pounding into every gear up or down. Been on internet - oh yeah, lots of ideas and remedies but they all cost money I don't have. Lots of complaints about it too.
General Motors you should have the face of shame on.
You guys are moving on to electric vehicles when you haven't even mastered gas/diesel ones. How you fight people to fix issues that hard working people spend and go into debt on YOUR products but leave them assed out when the warranty is done and there's a flaw in the design. Rather than showing honor or integrity, you tell the consumer to push, pull or drag your piece of s** that we sold you 3 years ago into the car lot, so we can get you into a vehicle that cost more than a house 40 years ago. You guys at general motors show no heart and are careless. Thats why your electrical division failing when you invested in that electric truck company. Greed.
Anyways I have a 2005 s
Monte Carlo LS with a/c and a 250 watt stereo system for sale. It shifts hard when driving but sure looks great when just sitting there.- Marshall M., Burnaby, BC, Canada