Thanks to autobeef , and Kim B i found the problem really fast.I love this website! It saved me an $86.00 inspection fee from the dealer and probably another $400.00 in repairs.
Update from Mar 31, 2011: I figured i would update this complaint .I have had to change the cabin air filter twice now. Leaves , garbage , pine needles , etc clog the filter , therefore water drains inside passenger floor board. The location of the cabin air filter is below the windshield guard on passenger side. In my case there was a mouse living in the car when i bought it, so it shredded the filter and then the leaves on top of that did not help.I will also say if i hadn't read about the water seeping problem on autobeef , ( on a chevrolet lumina) , i'm sure i would have never figured it out.Thank You Autobeef!
Thanks to autobeef , and Kim B i found the problem really fast.I love this website! It saved me an $86.00 inspection fee from the dealer and probably another $400.00 in repairs.
Update from Mar 31, 2011: I figured i would update this complaint .I have had to change the cabin air filter twice now. Leaves , garbage , pine needles , etc clog the filter , therefore water drains inside passenger floor board. The location of the cabin air filter is below the windshield guard on passenger side. In my case there was a mouse living in the car when i bought it, so it shredded the filter and then the leaves on top of that did not help.I will also say if i hadn't read about the water seeping problem on autobeef , ( on a chevrolet lumina) , i'm sure i would have never figured it out.Thank You Autobeef!
- Paula W., Edgewood, KY, US