I'm a long time GM fan at 40 yrs old now, and I hate to say it but that piece crap in my opinion has to rank up there with that late 70's and early to mid 80's Buick Regal with the buick 3.8. thank god back then I was wiser and was into pymouths growing up,& always said Mopar was the heartbreak of the heartbeak.So some 20yrs ago bought an 89 Chevy 4x4. don't ask price was rite. lol that's a true story about the pick up. well lets just say I learned something then and that was GM finally did something right. I live in Duluth, Mn And have plowed thousands of miles commercially with 4x4 pickups. and hands down over all cost on wear n tare wasn't even a quarter of the costs and down time fords and dodges cost me annually. And I'm talking like 88 and up Chevrolets. Way to drop the ball GM!!!! and even more shame on u for not standing by your product!!!! Definitely not the automaker I'll ever purchase new from again. Oh I did mention in 1999 I purchased a new Pontiac Grand Am SE every option but leather with a 2.4l 4 cyl and also owned a 98 Cev Malibu which we let our daughter seal its coffin at 220,00 on 2 sets of plugs . both vehicles went well over 160,000 on original plugs oil changes and minor routine maintenance. I know it's long to read but is true and I'm very disappointed in GM with the whole deal come on take care of your customers. U recalled all these police squads, but because I don't need 20- 30 patrol cars every couple of years and I'm not government. Means me and millions of citizens who buy vehicles annually mean absolutely nothing to u? Just bought 08 cobalt for the daughter 2 weeks ago. I think I would felt better with a ford focus after seeing all the complaints and how you have not stood behind your product what so ever!!!!! Just admit u fumbled the ball ,& make things rite with you MILLIONS of customers
About a month ago, My water pump went out but i got that fixed but my low coolant light is still on, Don't know why its still on, the car doesn't overheat but I am constantly checking to make sure that my coolant level is full. Can you give me any suggestions on what it could be
Coolant keeps leaking from somewhere. I have got a new thermostat, and water pump, it does not overheat, but if th coolant gets low it can, I don't get any heat, and the chime keeps going off. All my hoses are ok , But there is smoke coming from somewhere by my air filter.
The coolant level sensor light started coming not not too long ago and usually comes on when the engine is cold. It doesn't stay on long. It usually goes off shortly after the vehicle is driving. The coolant is full in the recovery tank and it the system has been flushed as well as new hoses, coolant temp sensor and thermostat... Not sure if the level sensor is going... Anyone have a clue what it might be?
Update from Aug 31, 2009: As of Aug 31, 2009 I have fixed the coolant level sensor issue...Unfortunately, I had to replace the intake manifold gasket to fix the problem. I noticed not long after the light came on that there was oil getting into my coolant recovery tank. It wasn't bad yet and I managed to catch it before it caused major damage. After I changed out the intake manifold gaskets and flushed everything again, I decided to run regular Prestone (green color) antifreeze in the car unlike what the manufacturer stated. I am not a fan of Dex-cool. People need to flush their systems on regular intervals to stop from the Dex-cool turning into acid and eating away at their gaskets and destroying their cooling systems! If you own the car, you should use what you want in the car. Its not under warranty and they sure will be more than willing to take your money if your engine fails to fix it! The Prestone regular antifreeze will not harm your motor. Its is formulated for aluminum parts. Anyway, the coolant level has disappeared not long after I did the gaskets, and almost 20,000 miles later, no coolant leaking! Everything is running great!
My coolant low level light came on . I added coolant (dex) light went off but I still have problem.I was tol t-stat , but I still get heat. Another person told me coolant temp. sensor ,but I didn't try this yet . Has anybody had this problem ,please help I need to fix before major problem starts. Thanks
I'm a long time GM fan at 40 yrs old now, and I hate to say it but that piece crap in my opinion has to rank up there with that late 70's and early to mid 80's Buick Regal with the buick 3.8. thank god back then I was wiser and was into pymouths growing up,& always said Mopar was the heartbreak of the heartbeak.So some 20yrs ago bought an 89 Chevy 4x4. don't ask price was rite. lol that's a true story about the pick up. well lets just say I learned something then and that was GM finally did something right. I live in Duluth, Mn And have plowed thousands of miles commercially with 4x4 pickups. and hands down over all cost on wear n tare wasn't even a quarter of the costs and down time fords and dodges cost me annually. And I'm talking like 88 and up Chevrolets. Way to drop the ball GM!!!! and even more shame on u for not standing by your product!!!! Definitely not the automaker I'll ever purchase new from again. Oh I did mention in 1999 I purchased a new Pontiac Grand Am SE every option but leather with a 2.4l 4 cyl and also owned a 98 Cev Malibu which we let our daughter seal its coffin at 220,00 on 2 sets of plugs . both vehicles went well over 160,000 on original plugs oil changes and minor routine maintenance. I know it's long to read but is true and I'm very disappointed in GM with the whole deal come on take care of your customers. U recalled all these police squads, but because I don't need 20- 30 patrol cars every couple of years and I'm not government. Means me and millions of citizens who buy vehicles annually mean absolutely nothing to u? Just bought 08 cobalt for the daughter 2 weeks ago. I think I would felt better with a ford focus after seeing all the complaints and how you have not stood behind your product what so ever!!!!! Just admit u fumbled the ball ,& make things rite with you MILLIONS of customers
- Paul J., Superior, WI, US