Sorry, the NHTSA has not posted this TSB document yet.
You can still get the detailed info from Chevrolet for this TSB. Call your local Chevrolet dealer's service department & ask for a copy of TSB# 150089004B.
Information Regarding the Differences Between Fluid Leakage and Seepage
This bulletin is intended to help identify the differences between what is considered a fluid leak and what is
considered seepage. Improper diagnosis may lead to unnecessary component replacement. Use the
following information to determine if the condition is normal acceptable seepage or a defective component
Information Regarding the Differences Between Fluid Leakage and Seepage
This bulletin is intended to help identify the differences between what is considered a fluid leak and what is
considered seepage. Improper diagnosis may lead to unnecessary component replacement. Use the
following information to determine if the condition is normal acceptable seepage or a defective component