Car has only 61500 miles on it. What a lemon. Just had to replace both rear wheel bearings. Then Memorial Day Saturday the Malfunction Indicator Light comes on and car stalls backing out of drive way. Car started right back up ,but sputtered a but accelerating from a stop. Car sat Sunday and Monday, then driving to work Tuesday the light was still on, but car ran fine. Made an appointment for Thursday as in IL we have to get emissions checked to get new plates and if there is a light on they will not touch your car. Wednesday morning to work, light was off, Wednesday night came on.
Dropped it off at the dealership (already disgusted I had just been there for the wheel bearings). 3 hours went so I was hoping it was no big deal as they usually call if it's a big job, need parts etc. But no luck for me....3 errors setting off the error light. I was told:
1 for a Cam Actuator luckily covered under the Power Train Warranty
2 Misfire Codes - The high pressure fuel pump has failed and fouled the spark plugs. And with the replacement of both (that's right Fuel Pump and Spark Plugs) you'll need the Fuel Service they always try to pawn off on you. Cost with parts and labor $819.45 not including tax of course. But they can give me 10% since the service bill is so outrageous! So with that....even higher after tax $821.26.
I purchased the car in 2013 brand new. At 8,000 miles the check engine light came on, as well as the power steering needs service message. I took it to the dealer and they saw the check engine light, but the power steering message had turned off. They pulled the code from under the front dash and found no codes. They reset the code reader saying it could be a short, a fluke, they were unsure.
At 13,000 miles the problem appeared again. Once again lights, but not throwing codes.
At regular intervals since then, the car has continued to throw the check engine light on, the power steering needs service, and emergency shut down of AC/DC and air conditioning. In addition it has also caused the lighting in the dash to fade in and out at times.
At 58022 the check engine light could not be reset and Chevrolet replaced the fuel injectors - all of them. I left the dealership after the repair was completed and got exactly six miles down the road when the check engine and power steering messages came on again.
I immediately called the dealer and they asked me to bring in back in. The following morning I took the car back and on the way, the check engine light blinked, stayed on, and the power steering message came back on as well as something stabilizer. As soon as they came on the car died and I lost power steering. I was driving at 55+mph.
The dealer kept the car for 8 days and put 500 miles on my car after replacing the catalytic converter in it. It went approximately 1200 miles and the check engine light came on again, followed immediately by the power steering message, followed by AC/DC shut down, followed by car overheated, idle engine. The power steering locked up and I could not control the steering of the car and ran off the road. I called for a wrecker and had the car towed back to the dealership - yet again.
I contacted Chevrolet Corporate and filed a defective product claim. Today they advised me that from pictures of the car, and a diagnostic test, they find nothing wrong with my car and therefore deny my claim for a defective car.
I asked why they don't check for electric issues or a bad code box. I was told "unless they have a code they do not do work on the car."
So, I'm filing a lawsuit against Chevrolet. Code or no Code, they've had mechanics see the message, and yet they refuse to fix the car - or worse yet, they can't.
Where to begin with this car, I purchased the car used in April of 2014 with a little over 5,000 miles because it looked great and my sons wheelchair fit in the trunk with room to spare, in May of 2014 the service power steering message C047A came on brought the car in long story short they handed me a piece of paper saying technician may comment after starting the vehicle there is a service power steering message displayed on the DIC and no loss of power steering assist technician may indicate, there is a history DTC C047A set in the electronic power steering control module due to a communication issue with the EBCM gms recommended instructions to there mechanic: If DTC C047A is set in history MAKE NO REPAIRS REPLACING COMPONENT WILL NOT ADDRESS CONCERN... Also the car kept feeling like it was going to die out the mechanic sits in the car with me it didn't happen because it only happens after driving for over 30 min so sense it didn't happen in the 8 minutes they drove it they wouldn't even look into the problem further. So I walked out mad of course no repair just a stupid piece of paper and a car that feels like it's going to die out so already a little over a month later there's a problem, November 2015 back to Chevy telling them again the car feels like it's going to die out only now it was doing it in idle sometimes what do they do another sit in the car inspection and 5 miles no stumbling felt at this time again didn't look into it further also that morning I get in the car the heats on full blast and I can't turn it off because it's already off no repair made....In December 2014 the check engine light comes on the fuel pressure sensor needs to be replaced, okay normal wear and tear paid 98.00 no biggie code 7446 also came up so they fixed 6 inches of wiring and cleaned the connector in the rr wheel grid location.....March 2015 the exhaust cam actuator solenoid was faulty they repaired that 140.00...., April 2015 check engine lights on guess what you'll never guess....the car keeps almost dying out ugh so now I'm pissed how many times this is the 3rd time I've said it but only now it was worse because they said nothing was wrong and I kept driving it so it... So it was a bad intake solenoid and bad wiring( located in the trunk running along the gas tank right where my disabled son sits) there so called certified Chevy mechanic replaces 13 wires I pay 425.00 well this is when the car gets really really fun... June 2015 I break down the gas was saying it was empty and the tank was full the dashboard screen where the mph is was going crazy the mpg were going up and down and I was in park so I drop my car off at the closest Chevy dealer not the one I had brought the car to all the other times, this dealership calls me in and the most unbelievable thing happens he shows me the wiring harness that again runs from by my son in the trunk to the gas tank that I just had repaired by "A CERTIFIED CHEVY MECHANIC" in April well this "CERTIFIED MECHANIC" ROYALLY SCREWED MY CAR. The mechanic shows me that the wiring harness wasn't even covered the wires were all exposed the ground wire was corroded they just snipped the wires in 13 spots and twisted them together and electrical taped them NO solder crimps no heat shrink just good old snip and clip my ground wire was duck taped and yes I said DUCK TAPED so I have to pay 850.00 for the entire wiring harness from computer to gas tank I mean every wire in the car so now my total is at 1,200 for parts and labor because Chevys mechanic didn't do his job right so they continue saying we can replace the whole wiring harness but we have to basically take your car apart and it will be about 1,000-2,000.00 more or we can just cut the harness from the trunk to gas tank well at this point I'm already broke I'm disabled and I have 3 kids so I said go ahead I need my car I couldn't get them to admit that it was the other dealerships fault they just kept sayin I can't say so I told them I wanted every part they took off my car I paid for it I want it,so the cars repaired, the mechanic gives me the rest of the harness and says HERES THE REST OF THE WIRING INCASE IT HAPPENDS AGAIN it better not....November 2015, I get in my car I can't go over 10mph it keeps saying excessive engine power so I bring it to a shop in town the guy starts with the wiring because I had told him about my past problems with it the second CERTIFIED CHEVY SERVICE did cover the harness all the wires were just loosely wrapped with electrical tape so he checks it out covers the wiring and it's the fuel pump on the engine come to find out the car has 2 so there's another 400.00...... December 2015 the defrost stops working dead of winter in Chicago so now I have to bring the car in again... This was a nice car but I've paid almost as much to fix it as I've paid on my loan the dim button doesn't always work the silver crap on the console is blinding I turn my car on and sometime the Bluetooth button doesn't come up gotta start the car again this is the crappiest car ever I think Chevy should give me a new damn car or my money back because this car is a lemon and this is a load of crap I would NEVER recommend this car to anyone I think Chevy should stop making cars till they get the ones they already made right, I mean you can't fix the steering problem I understand normal wear and tear but you do not wear and tear wiring or the defrost or the dim switch or make things not properly work
On 5/6/15 when I started my car and put it in reverse it started jerking really badly and while I was pressing he has it cut off. I restarted and it continued to jerk for a few seconds. As the day went on the issue seemed to resolve itself. 2 days later while sitting at a stop light with my foot on the brake my car cut off. When I restarted the check engine light came on.
I took it to Advance Auto Parts store and they did quick scan and and printed out several things it could be; low oil, cam shaft position error, trash in fuel line, cam shaft solenoid. I continued to drive it over the next week with the check engine light going on and off because they said it would be ok until I could get to a dealership.
On 5/16/15 The Five Star Chevy dealership said they would charge me $199 for a diagnostic scan and that this was not included if the issue happened to be under warranty. For this reason I took it to Firestone Complete Car Care where I get all my maintenance work And they charged me $89 for the diagnostic scan. The check engine light was not on the day I took it in. They ran the scan and it said "camshaft position actuator control circuit/open bank". Firestone said this is a common issue with this car and said it was a sensor that needed to be reset/replaced which they did. I left Firestone and drove around for a few hours running errands and needless to say the Check engine light came back on and the jerking resumed.
I will be taking it back to Firestone tomorrow. Will update after.
Right after the warranty expired the check engine light came on. Fuel too lean is the error. The light comes on, goes off for a few days, comes back on, non stop.
Car has only 61500 miles on it. What a lemon. Just had to replace both rear wheel bearings. Then Memorial Day Saturday the Malfunction Indicator Light comes on and car stalls backing out of drive way. Car started right back up ,but sputtered a but accelerating from a stop. Car sat Sunday and Monday, then driving to work Tuesday the light was still on, but car ran fine. Made an appointment for Thursday as in IL we have to get emissions checked to get new plates and if there is a light on they will not touch your car. Wednesday morning to work, light was off, Wednesday night came on.
Dropped it off at the dealership (already disgusted I had just been there for the wheel bearings). 3 hours went so I was hoping it was no big deal as they usually call if it's a big job, need parts etc. But no luck for me....3 errors setting off the error light. I was told:
1 for a Cam Actuator luckily covered under the Power Train Warranty
2 Misfire Codes - The high pressure fuel pump has failed and fouled the spark plugs. And with the replacement of both (that's right Fuel Pump and Spark Plugs) you'll need the Fuel Service they always try to pawn off on you. Cost with parts and labor $819.45 not including tax of course. But they can give me 10% since the service bill is so outrageous! So with that....even higher after tax $821.26.
Makes me sick to even type about it.
- branvaughnlaw, Streamwood, US