I am having the same issue. One mechanic is saying that it's my intake gasket? What is that? They want to charge me 140.66 for the intake gasket set? I really just want to fix this issue enough so that the car lasts me through winter.
If there is anyone out there who might know what the issue might be on this car with this and a way to fix it cheaply, I will be forever grateful. Thank you.
I've been having problems with my car 95 Lumina... I changed the spark plug, gas filter 2X, Fuel pump, Trans fluid, etc.. I finally figured out what was causing my problem, the idle / throttle position sensor located on the carburetor. Oil is coming from somewhere and getting to that sensor. I have just put a new PCV valve on hoping that does the trick... But I'm afraid it's going to be my O-rings and that's something i haven't ever done myself.. And the car isn't worth enough to spend much money on...
when slowing car shudders slightly and on full stop shudders more and engine cuts out, cannot restart was towed twice. First thought was clogged gas line and gas filter was changed, no help. Next time it happened the gas pump was changed, no help. The concern is my granddaughter drives the car and when it cuts out she loses hydraulics which could be dangerous esp if on crowded road. Am despeate because cannot return car in this condition. Did you ever try to take a car away from a young lady? please help desperate grandfather
The piece of sh*t will idle till it gets warm and then it will begin to miss and stall and i have replaced several parts and it still does it
Update from Aug 7, 2009: i give up
- missinginaction, Jtown, KY, US