2 weeks ago I had my radiator changed because I noticed a small leak... at that time my mechanic also performed and oil change... I watched him do it.. The other night leaving work my car began to run really rough and the "service stabilitrack" light came on... I had car towed to my mechanic to be told it looks like its the camshaft and/or lifters... Additionally, he said there was absolutely no oil in the engine!
Long story long, from what I've gathered on the internet it seems that this engine failure obviously stemmed from lack of oil...low to no oil = engine damage...its that simple...I take very good care of my car but other Impala owners have also complained about the oil consumption... GM knows about this and with that said it is unreasonable for the motor to be bone dry of oil in two weeks...I only drive 28 miles a day to and from work round trip...that is roughly 4qts in roughly 1500 miles... I work six days a week and include my leisure activities with these estimates
Every time I drive my car, the thing bucks spits and sputters. Does this mainly when pulling a grade, but has started to act up at an idle now. Have gone to gm and been told to change a couple of sensors, no luck there. Did a tune up of new plugs and wires, no luck. replaced the coil pack, no luck. The local gm shop replaced a vent valve purge solenoid, nothing. Car still sputters. Had the codes read at local autozone. The codes say there is a vaccum leak, also say there is something wrong in the evaporative system. I have 2 young children, I am worried that one of these times the car will just quit on me. Of course it will happen at a most inopportune time and cause havoc. I was recently laid off, so I can not afford to keep going to the local shop and pay 90 plus dollars a pop to have them hook it up and do a diagnostic check. I have called the GM number and talked to someone there, but all they say is take it to a dealer and have it checked out. Right now I am beginning to wish I went to a different brand of vehicle.
Update on 6/6/2014: My 2008 Impala had a code come up about an evaporative emissions leak.The car would run rough especially pulling a hill. Took it to local dealership , they said it was a vent purge valve , cost almost 300 dollars to get that part replaced. Took care of the code but not the rough running , now with intermittent misfire. Talked to dealership , they stated that the throttle body needed cleaning, I did that and it still ran the same. was told plugs ,wires and the coil pack . Did those cost me 350 dollars for the parts , replaced them myself as I could do this. Still ran the same with codes for intermittent misfire and vacuum leak. Could not get an answer from local dealer. Called Chevy GM direct. Gave them code numbers was informed that it was mass airflow sensor and the map sensor. bought those parts at 200 dollars and replaced myself. the car still misfires going up a hill and stutters when first started. All of the misfiring occurs between 1500 and 2000 rpms. Once above 200 rpms runs nice and smooth again. On flat roads it runs great. I am on limited income and cannot keep dumping money into this car and not have the problem fixed. Is there any Government Agency that really cares about consumers that can get these problems fixed at manufacturers expense. I mean we pay taxes, which pays your salaries, so in essence you work for us. With all the problems I see on here you would think that there would be a forced recall to fix these issues.
So in November I got a flat, repaired it, now the pressure gauge doesn't read for a separate tire. Shortly after a/c went out but came back on two days later, no problem. A few days after that service traction control displayed on board randomly along with engine light and reduce engine power which is terrifying to drive.
Took it to get codes read, nothing is wrong! So basically driving in fear until today while on the freeway, service traction reduce engine light comes on as I'm on a ramp merging onto the main freeway cars behind me when disable throttle system message comes on and I can no longer accelerate! Perfect timing right, pull onto shoulder just as car shuts off, won't start. I wait 5 minutes contemplating what I could do and turns on engine light stayed on but as I look online no real solution seems to be evident, no recalls on this very dangerous problem which sadly I'm use to because in the year I've had this car all the issues I've had are common. But Chevy seems to not care about the consumer or its shotty work half-assing putting my car together like a 5 yr old. My dad has a Chevy, he's had it since 83 which is why I went with Chevy. The worst car I've ever had, it's disgusting how many issues I continue to have. I can hardly keep up with the payments due to all my extra money going to repairs. Did I mention I'm a single mother of 3.
Go Chevy, way to keep us safe, but its OK cause you make billions on costly repairs from cutting corners and shotty work.
About once a month the engine goes into safe mode and reduces power. I think it has something to do with the gas cap or an air leak but no one can seem to find the issue to fix it. It is very annoying and quite frankly I do not feel safe going long distances from home.
my car runs rough when it warms up Chevy says nothing is wrong with my car its not showing any codes. they had a special tech come in and look at my car he said on 2 different occasions its my fuel management system . only 1 problem with that is my car doesn't have one .i have a 3.5 in my car the fuel management system is on the 3.9. how are people suppose to get their cars fixed when Chevy's own experts don't know there own products?
2 weeks ago I had my radiator changed because I noticed a small leak... at that time my mechanic also performed and oil change... I watched him do it.. The other night leaving work my car began to run really rough and the "service stabilitrack" light came on... I had car towed to my mechanic to be told it looks like its the camshaft and/or lifters... Additionally, he said there was absolutely no oil in the engine!
Long story long, from what I've gathered on the internet it seems that this engine failure obviously stemmed from lack of oil...low to no oil = engine damage...its that simple...I take very good care of my car but other Impala owners have also complained about the oil consumption... GM knows about this and with that said it is unreasonable for the motor to be bone dry of oil in two weeks...I only drive 28 miles a day to and from work round trip...that is roughly 4qts in roughly 1500 miles... I work six days a week and include my leisure activities with these estimates
- gcurtis1386, Rowland Heights, CA, US