Brakes started making horrible high pitch noise, then lots of shaking when you started braking. Rotors warped and brake pads not bad, new rotors put on and already few months later starting to feel the same shaking.
I had this issue with both front and back sets of rotors. I was talking to a mechanic about this and he told me the specs for tightening my cars lug nuts are 90ft pounds of torque. If not done each time will cause the rotors to warp.
This is the 4th pair of Rotors I have put on my car in 5 years I have had it, I have bought the two year warranty rotors and about a month later they are warped, I am tired of spending money on rotors and brake pads, every year
in march of 2007 i took my car to the shop to be checked out. mechanic said rotors where rusted and could not be turned (resurfaced) he said that they get a lot of these cars in the shop because of this problem.. quote, unquote he said cheap steel, he said using good steel overseas for military vehicle's. so for having new rotors put on i needed new brake pads. pad's shot also!! pieces missing. about six months later took car back to shop to get checked out again!! said front rotors were starting to warp. watching closely!! warranty had just expired prior to this problem..
I had several complaints to the dealer that the car did not stop properly. They first said that brakes were not covered under warranty until I complained enough saying the car was only 9 months old no way brakes should go out that fast. I made them replace the warped rotors (they only wanted to resurface them) and I made them replace the junk brake pads they use with ceramic. I will now only use and buy a car with ceramic brake pads.
i have had this car for 45 days and already fixing sh*t. this car is a money pit. i will never own a chevy after i trade this car in. i will never own a new chevy again
As with post one, Kim L., but I solved my problem, but only after 5 trips to GM and then them wanting 700$ to fix them again. Listening to a lecture from a 1/2 brained shop manager about how I am hard on the car, even though I have done nothing but baby it in every way known. I bought some lifetime warranty rotors of brass and ceramic brakes, both with lifetime replacement warranties. I then took the rotors to the dealership, and in front of God and everyone, I picked off hundreds of pieces of the rotors, crumbled and flicked them on the floor, covering about 4ft by 6ft area. Told them that they could have them back, that I bought my own and the sub-par OEM parts were theirs now to keep. Talk about mouths hitting the floor................... HAHA!
I used my Impala for NOTHING but roadtrips along the I81 Interstate and ranged from 1000 to 2000 miles between rotor turns. The last time they turned them, it lasted less than 200 miles, I was fed up, so I replaced them. No problems whatsoever since and 28,000 miles later. No more bumping, shimmying, nor anymore whoop whoop whooping to a stop.
My 2004 Impala SS had a pulsating problem at 25,000 miles so I took it in to the dealer. They said my rear rotors were warped/rusted and they replaced them at a cost of $259. Now in July, 6 months later, 5,000 miles later I am told all 4 rotors need to be replaced especially the rear rotors because of rust and the cost will be $600. I am told it is my fault, not driving my car enough miles, etc. The dealer said since it is my "driving style" the rear rotors will not be covered under warranty and the same problem will occur again in the future. Isn't that something to look forward to????? I will NEVER, EVER buy a Chevy again.
Had warped rotors again! This was fixed the first time under warranty, but they wouldn't fix it at no charge even tho it seemed like it hadn't been done satisfactorily that first time. Very aggravating. Now we are at about 50,000 miles and it is happening AGAIN! Do we complain to GM or to the dealership? This car is crap.
Had warped rotors - car under warranty, so it was fixed for free. Was somewhat concerned since the mileage was pretty low on this car and was used for highway driving most of the time.
After having the rear rotors replaced by the Dealer in November of 2005. I had to do it this time, not on warranty. It was expensive & really pissed me off. It seems like every time I fix one thing another happens on this vehicle. I don't think I'm going to stop at this but rather contact Chevy & find out about my Lemon!
Yep, Warped Rotors, 3 trips to the tire shop for new brakes, said i was only one of several they see a month there, same make and model from years 2001-2005.
I have had my car in 3 times for the pulsating problem in my car. In June they turned rear rotors, in July they blew brake dust out and in September, I was informed that now my front brakes needed to be replaced. When I took the car into a reputable shop, I was informed that my rear rotors were warped again and that my front rotors needed to be replaced because they were below OEM spec. No one has ever touched the front brakes except to replace them, obviously they came from the factory that way. Also, did my rear rotors actually get turned properly? The dealership does not want to fess up to anything on this, and GM is investigating. All I know is that it doesn't give you a warm fuzzy when something is always wrong with your brakes!
Brakes started making horrible high pitch noise, then lots of shaking when you started braking. Rotors warped and brake pads not bad, new rotors put on and already few months later starting to feel the same shaking.
- Alanna M., Tacoma, WA, US