I don't know how many miles my car had before it started rebelling and dying. It started dying on me last fall (first my husband changed a gas filter (or something like that) that was in the gas tank because the car died after months of the gas gauge not working. That day was the first day it didn't start (within a few tries seconds apart), then there were times it just didn't start, I would go to tell my husband, but when I would try again, it would start. Then about a week before it died, it started making interesting sounds when it tried to start, or i would crank it and there was no sound or dash lights and sometimes the security light was on. Sometimes if I waited a few minutes with the key in, the lights would come on and it would start within minutes. One day I got in and it didn't make any noise, there were no dash lights (but the security light (I think)), and all electrical systems were gone. We have been unable to get it in to get it fixed. I've been driving my husband's manual (I hate manuals), and he has been driving a relative's truck. My husband hasn't had a chance to look at it, but if he has a place to start, maybe he will be able to in the next few days. He's very handy when he has time, so I'm hoping he can fix it himself. Thanks to you all for the ideas.
I cant believe what I've read. I'm actually not alone. I don't know if that's good or bad. I can't believe how many others are out there with the same problem, same year and same make. And GM wont do a thing about it. Probably because it's not a safety issue. We only get stranded where we shut our car off. It doesn't stop when we're going down the road. My thoughts anyhow. Not right.
This is what's happening. When we get in the car in the morning after sitting all night it starts up. Drive it just a few miles down the road to school get back in it 1 1/2 hours later it won't start. Let it sit for 30 min starts right up purrs like a kitten. It started a few month ago, went to the gas station and got back in the car guess what? It wouldn't start. First time it happened. Called AAA before they got there it started. Thought it was bad gas. Little did we know..
It has happened many more times since then and is happening much more frequent. We can actually make it happen. We went to one auto shop they didn't know what was wrong with it. They had it for 2 1/2 days couldn't make it do it for them so they couldn't diagnose it. $130 later we walked out of there with the same problem. They put a fuel filter in it and some $90 worth of fluid in it. Fuel injunction fluid or something crazy. Anyhow I mentioned the problem to some people at my work. They said to try this guy about 30 miles away from me "If he can't find out what's wrong with it no one can".. So I tried him. He has been wonderful. He has had it for the last 3 weekends, last week for a few days longer. He has it right now. He can actually make it do it for him. He hooks up his meter when it happens and sometimes it spits out a code and sometimes not. He's looking at the BCM. He doesn't want to jump in and put it in right away without being completely sure. It costs a little over $200 just for the part. But that's what he is leaning towards doing. He has an internet site that he gets advice from other mechanics and that's been some other people's experience. Isn't the internet a wonderful tool?? Anyhow I come from a family of mechanics. My dad retired after 50 yrs and I have 3 brothers that work in a garage that they own. He doesn't know either. It is such a mystery. I think we are close. Especially after reading this site. I will share with my smart mechanic the info and he can try it and I will let you know when the problem is solved. Thanks for sharing..
Update from Oct 11, 2010: I have traded the car in. It wasnt worth the hassle. It ended up not starting every time we shut it off. We put hundreds of dollars into it and had the best mechanic available to me. Still would fix what we thought was the problem after a code would show up. And still the problem would just get worse. The only time it would start after shutting it off was when it would sit for 8 hrs while I was at work. Other wise forget it. So my advice to anyone who has this problem. Get rid of it. Because I PROMISE you it is NOT fixable..My only hope is that the right person comes along that has this problem and sues the crap out of GM..or Chevy..I'd love to see the day..
I would like to reach other people with 202 Impala who have the same problem of the car not starting one day and no problem the next. I have lived with this for years with no dealership ever telling me what the problem is, if they even know. I would like a solution to this if I could. ALSO I have no idea how to reset the computer screen!!!! One dealer told me it is done through the radio......wondering if that is true and how it is done.HELP
I have had the 2002 Chevrolet Impala for three and a half years. The security light comes on and sometimes stays on. There are times now that the car will not start until 10 minutes have passed. Reading other people's complaints there does not seem to be anything one can do. My mechanic who I trust and yes I did say trust wants to keep the car to see if the problem will happen. He will need to test it while it is happening. I just do not want to start spending a lot of money on many things that may not fix the problem. Any suggestions that have worked? I feel so lucky and relieved when I get in the car and it starts. It's like winning on a scratch ticket. It seems to be getting worse. This problem has happened 4 times this week.
Has anybody tried adding a remote start to the Impalas? I would think that would bypass the anti theft system and should be cheaper than a new ign switch especially if you do it yourself.
- Jerry H.,
Woodhaven, MI, US
Search CarComplaints.com for these popular complaint phrases...
This car will run for about five miles then just die.If you what 5-10 min it will start again.
Thought it was the battery or cables changed both out.Also had the charging system checked out. Took to the shop and they reset the computer? It ran for almost 5 miles.
Also have coolant leak (started last year and then seemed to go away - but is back), have replaced the window switch on driver door, blinkers work when THEY want to - not when I need them too, and have had the car fail to start several times for no apparent reason. I'll try again to start in about a half hour or so and it will then start!!! Driving us crazy. We loved this car and the way it road but are now getting nickle and dimed to death.
My girlfriend has a very nice 2002 Impala LS that has had a few problems in the past but to our knowledge they were fixed. In the past her father had a faulty O2 sensor which somehow messed with the emissions and plugged the exhaust which took out the whole damn intake.
Not too long after that problem the car was having trouble starting, or I should say it was having trouble staying started. The car would actually start for a second or two and then stall right away. The only way we could keep it going was to slam the gas pedal as soon as it started which made the motor sound really terrible. My girlfriends father had brought the car into the dealership to see what they could find. They didn't know what the problem was but decided to charge him about $700 to replace the injectors fuel lines and fuel filter thinking that this would fix the problem. A few months went by with no problems.
Then about six months ago my girlfriends father gave my girlfriend the car thinking that it was problem free. About two months after she started driving it the starting problem came back. Not knowing what to do and not having the money to replace the whole fuel system again I heard about this website from a co-worker. As I checked the problems for 2002 Impalas I didn't see any the matched ours. So I checked later models and I found a matching problem with the 1999 Impala which said that it was the CPS or the crankshaft positioning sensor. So being convinced that I found the problem I decided to take the car back to the dealership and requested that they replace that sensor no matter if it was faulty or not and they did.
The sensor was a $65 part and it cost a total of $243 to get it put in. Its been about 6 months and no further problems have came up including the starting problem which no longer exists.
This is obviously a problem for a great number of owners. Replacing ignition switch did not fix. I intend to hound GM for 30 days straight and then I intend to pursue legal remedies through the law firm I work for. Please report any problems to GM on a daily basis. I am willing to do the leg work for any class action remedy if anyone is interested.
I am the single mother of three small children and it is VERY frustrating to be stuck in the middle of nowhere (heat or snow) and not be able to get my family where they need to go. The car flashes the security light while I am driving the car and then anywhere from 1 day to 2 weeks later, won't start... flashing the security light when I turn it over, but never turning over. If I let the car sit for about 30 minutes it will start, but when it is cold out this is a real pain! I have taken the car into service stations and replaced several sensors but NOTHING works. Now I am having trouble with the turn signals not working. The fan has quit working except in the high setting.
I purchased the car because it was stable and dependable for my family but have experienced the total opposite. Before I learned of this problem, I paid towing bills taking it to the service station, where they would be able to turn the car on. I left with them thinking I was an idiot... No one seems confident they can fix it and before I shell out another $400-$600 on this car I want someone who is positive they can fix it!
I have read a number of complaints about impalas not starting. My car was doing the same thing, not starting. I thought it was the pass-lock because twice my security feature would flash on the message center. The first time my car wouldn't start was shortly after the message was displayed. I left the car for the day and when I came home from work it started. The second time it happened i was leaving work and it wouldn't start, so I borrowed a truck from work and went home. The next morning I tried it again and nothing, not even a single noise. So I put the car in neutral and the car started, which brings me to the conclusion that it must be the neutral safety switch. Make sure that your car is in park, all the way people. And have your linkage checked to make sure that is freed up.
This is the 3rd time the same problem has happened. The engine will not turn over. Everything else works. The battery is now about 5-1/2 months old. The last 2 times I jump started the car and it started immediately. It has started fine every time in between occurrences of the problem. This time jump starting did not work. I moved the gear selector from P thru all the gears and back to N, and the car started.
Second complaint about this car. In 2006 had the BCM replaced. Car was working fine yesterday. Went out today and it wouldn't turn over. The ding, ding, ding would happen sometimes but mostly the electrical elements of the care would just make weird sounds like little motors running. Every element made a different noise, like a small percussion band. It made me laugh that fed up hysterical laugh. The thought of GM trying to "find" the solution to this problem (they "tried" a solution to the BCM problem last time even though we told them it was the BCM). We have tried the key in, key out, leave for 10 minutes, door open, door closed that has been suggested by all but no success. I loved my GM vehicle (Lumina Van) and it is still going strong, problem free since 1993. I hate this car of my husband's and I fear for his safety when he drives it. I never drive it!
First door locks wouldn't work and I replaced a fuse. The car worked for a couple of days. Then I had trouble on and off for weeks with the car not starting. I figured out that if I unhooked the negative battery cable for a few minutes the car would start. Apparently that re-booted the computer. Three days ago the car wouldn't start even after I disconnected the battery cable (3 different times) I removed the cable but this time I had to leave it off for a half hour before the car started.
Took it to the shop today and the mechanic said it needs a BCM replacement. He ordered the part but after reading all of these complaints I am worried that I'll be throwing away $334. Does anyone have a suggestion? Solution? What is wrong with GM...get with it and recall these faulty impala's!!!
won't start every few weeks. all lights,radio,etc. work. if you wait approx. 12 minutes. will start right up. new battery & starter. dealer says have it towed in when it does it again. Does that make sense if you think about it? unless they can tow it in and diagnose it in 10 minutes, they nuts. nobody has a solution!
Not starting all the time, ignition on security lock lite shows up will not turn over, everything looks normal except security lock indicator is on goes dim and flashes between gen lite and securitylock. I have learned to leave the ignition on and walk away (really a great idea in a parking lot). Car usually starts. GM the assholes say they have never heard of this problem, do they not have access to the NET, theres lots about this if you look. Got a call back from GM today and after listening top the poor girl who had to tell me the company line I told her this is the last GM I ever own after 6. I need to know the bypass I have seen on these sites, BB
my pos of a Chevy has a security problem and wont start half the time its a craps shoot to see if I'm going any where for 10 min. to half an hour. its seems to be becoming a vary common problem that gm should fix. but yet they pretend to not know any thing and it ends up costing us the end consumer. what a bunch of BS. i am vary disgusted with Chevrolet. i believe we should all by fords. that will teach them a lesson when it hurts them in their ass pocket and not ours
Sometimes when I shut my car off and try to restart it it won't start. Other times it just won't start at all. The check engine light is not on. The low engine oil light is not on. My car has an automatic shut off if engine oil level is low. When it doesn't start sometimes I check engine oil, it will be low so I add some wait a little while and it will start. Why doesn't my light come on? My car has a lot of highway miles, but I have never had any other problems than this one. It has happened 6 times in the last year.
I don't know how many miles my car had before it started rebelling and dying. It started dying on me last fall (first my husband changed a gas filter (or something like that) that was in the gas tank because the car died after months of the gas gauge not working. That day was the first day it didn't start (within a few tries seconds apart), then there were times it just didn't start, I would go to tell my husband, but when I would try again, it would start. Then about a week before it died, it started making interesting sounds when it tried to start, or i would crank it and there was no sound or dash lights and sometimes the security light was on. Sometimes if I waited a few minutes with the key in, the lights would come on and it would start within minutes. One day I got in and it didn't make any noise, there were no dash lights (but the security light (I think)), and all electrical systems were gone. We have been unable to get it in to get it fixed. I've been driving my husband's manual (I hate manuals), and he has been driving a relative's truck. My husband hasn't had a chance to look at it, but if he has a place to start, maybe he will be able to in the next few days. He's very handy when he has time, so I'm hoping he can fix it himself. Thanks to you all for the ideas.
- B E., Gardner, KS, US