Starter went, changed 3 times. Then alternator went, changed 3. No power to alternator from pos battery cable. Changed ecm but still battery not charging. Changed battery 3 times.
Just another disgruntaled impala owner. Ongoing problems with passlock. Wiper park position. Fan motor relay.Dome lights.Signal lights.(when they Quit working just turn on and off the flashers to fix.(makes sense doesnt it?). I was actually shopping for a newer Chev or Buick untill I found this web site and realized just how many people GM was screwing over by not recalling these problems. Now I will be shopping elsewhere.I have been loyal to gm for 20+ years. TIME FOR A CHANGE.
I have joined the happy crowd of GM complaints. My Impala is doing the wonderful electric slide! What a wonderful dance we have together!! The battery light and security light flashing back and forth. New radio was needed, they told me. NOT! Still the same old thing. I called the dealer and was told,as everyone else was ," We have never heard of this problem before." I sort of snapped on his a**, and told him to Google Impala electrical problems, that way he can know the truth... Will he? Nah! there making to much money on these lemons!!! Ill keep you posted as to my fix.. I learned alot on youtube. Thank you to this site, and many others out there so were not all getting the shaft...
My very nicely maintained 2002 Impala LS has been a HUGE disappointment. Multiple electrical problems. The turn signals work when they want to. The gas gauge does not work. I had to replace the ignition switch as it got locked in the off position. The check engine light comes on for no apparent reason. The low tire pressure light comes on and then goes off. The low coolant light stays on. The cd player works when it wants which is a..... Sometimes it works fine. Every once in a while it will randomly drain the battery completely to dead overnight. I replaced the battery and had the alternator checked. I had to replace both headlight assemblies as they fogged over and retained water which caused the bulbs to blow. The traction control does not work.
Windshield wipers stay up, but thank God they still work. Driver's side window stopped working properly; doors and lights flicker when exiting vehicle; blinkers work when they want to; cruise light comes on and off and cruise itself only works when it wants to; inside lights sometimes don't work when you take the key out the ignition; lighter/charger plug doesn't work.
I love the car but the problems make it hard to!!!!!
- G P.,
Southfield, MI, US
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I have been experiencing some of the most frustrating problems with my Impala...
The security. battery. and service engine lights all flash. The A/C does not work when they are on, but does work when they are not flashing (I have to reset the battery frequently to clear the lights) Sometimes the car does not start, but that is infrequent.
The big problem is that when I lock the car, after 10 minutes it will automatically unlock itself and sometimes pop the trunk. This forces me to disconnect the battery EVERY time I want to leave it somewhere locked. I live in NYC and must have the car locked. Every time I turn the engine off it automatically pops the trunk. Sometimes it disables the traction control, sometimes it locks the radio. The interior lights do not work when the lights are on.
Everything works fine when the lights are not flashing, sometimes I can drive for a few hours before they come on and sometimes they come on right away. I thought by biggest frustration with this car was that the windshield wipers are stuck in the upright position but this is the worst! I have been told that the BCM $700 fix is my best bet.
Please let me know if you have any insight on how to solve this problem. Thank you
My Impala message center lights indicate: BATTERY, 3 seconds later SECURITY, 3 seconds later SERVICE AUTO SOON, then the cycle starts over (never stops) and the A/C does not blow cold air. I talked to GM about it and they say the BCM needs to be replaced at the tune of $600.00 plus. I ask if this would solve the problem, they said they didn't know.. I wonder what they would want the next $600.00 for if it didn't fix the problem.
Check engine light came on and the car wouldn't start again after we stopped. We didn't see the problem for about another 6 months and the frequency has gone up to a couple times a week. Last year the traction control system went out along with the frequency increasing where the car wouldn't start. Now on top of the security issues either the fuel system or the starter has gone to the point where the car will start but sputters and stalls out. The car isn't even at 90,000 miles and we've already had 4-5 serious issues with the car. Like most people on this post this will be my last American car, I'll pay more for a Toyota or Honda.
Sometimes the instrument panel is completely inop. The electrical door locks do not work and the radio will stay on until your manually tuyrn off even if the key is not in the ignition. All this happens intermittently. But the remote for the doors works just fine. The radio is suppose to turn off after the key is pulled out of the ignition and the door is open or 60 secs have passed. I this maybe this is some sort of power management issue being as the remote still works but the switches on the car do not. In my message center it keeps telling me to service car soon and that the high beam is out, but I get out to check it and all of my light are working just fine.
Starter went, changed 3 times. Then alternator went, changed 3. No power to alternator from pos battery cable. Changed ecm but still battery not charging. Changed battery 3 times.
- Jeff K., Philadelphia, PA, US