It's a pain in the butt. It's a shop truck. It may run fine for weeks, then one morning you turn the key and all the lights light up. You turn to start position and nothing. Will not jump off. A shop changed the battery and the starter. Worked for a few weeks, then did the same thing. The shop replaced the starter under warranty but did it again while they had it, but it started again. They kept it for a week and could never duplicate it. A few weeks later, it happened again. Turn the key, no turnover or start like the battery was dead. I went to check it out, turned the key, started no problem. To date the starter and battery have been changed, the starter relay, the ignition switch. The Chevrolet shop says they have never heard of this problem. The problem has been reported all over the internet.
It's a pain in the butt. It's a shop truck. It may run fine for weeks, then one morning you turn the key and all the lights light up. You turn to start position and nothing. Will not jump off. A shop changed the battery and the starter. Worked for a few weeks, then did the same thing. The shop replaced the starter under warranty but did it again while they had it, but it started again. They kept it for a week and could never duplicate it. A few weeks later, it happened again. Turn the key, no turnover or start like the battery was dead. I went to check it out, turned the key, started no problem. To date the starter and battery have been changed, the starter relay, the ignition switch. The Chevrolet shop says they have never heard of this problem. The problem has been reported all over the internet.
- Chuck M., San Angelo, TX, US