Received this vehicle from Dell Rapids with 77k miles. 2021 Engine light came on and the salesman told me it was in relation to E85 Gas. This car has been nothing but issues. My car stalled 2024 on the highway with my infant children in the vehicle, this was one day after a $80 oil change. I was able to safely make it home where after several hours all the oil leaked out of the car. My car was towed to a mechanic where they said these ECOTECH engines are HORRIBLE and the cost to fix was over 8k! I don't have the money for this and am still making payments. This is so DANGEROUS AND DISGUSTING THAT THIS HASN'T BEEN RECALLED. I HATE EQUINOX AND HOPING TO CREATE A LAWSUIT!
I am disgusted to hear all of the issues with these 2017 Chevy Equinox vehicles. We purchased this car from a dealership in August 2023. Our son basically drives to and from work / school. He has not put but a 2000 miles on the car. One day it gave him a Engine Oil notification and literally 2 days later the engine seized up and BAM the engine is done. There was no leaking oil in our driveway and no way that it should have burned through oil that quickly. It is totally unacceptable the Chevy will not stand by their products and at least have a recall in place for the issues causing the leaking and the engines becoming worthless with little to no notification. This is a 2017 vehicle that should have more notification capabilities and warning systems to notify people. Chevy should be ashamed of themselves.
Georgia: Excessive Oil Usage, Car Caught on Fire: Throughout my time with it, my pre-owned 2017 Equinox required excessive oil, to the point where I suspected a leak. Due to a medical problem, I did not drive the SUV in December. On 12/31/23, my husband cranked up the car and idled in the driveway to keep the battery operational. About 15-20 minutes after my husband exited the Equinox, it burst into flames. The insurance company deemed it irreparable and declared it as totaled.
This morning I started my car to warm up. My kids piled in and started to drive the oldest to school. There was a horrible smell coming from my car, but as I drove it wasn't as bad. Thinking the 2 degree wind was pulling it behind me. On and off in this 8 mile journey, I was smelling gas or something. Not a car person, so I wasn't sure. Chalked it to being the cars in front of me. I parked to let my oldest out for school and my car was jolting all over and the lights flickering. It scared my kids and I. (Side note, I had an ultrasound as soon as I took my kids to school, so I was full of water.) My daughter went in and my son and I were left holding up school traffic in a car that was becoming super cold, since I had to turn it off. I called for my mom to come get my son, while I waited for the tow truck and my mom to come back to get me.
Sometime in between all of this, good thing I have a sense of humor, I fell outside my moms car while waiting for the tow truck when I went to go to the bathroom inside the school. Needless to say, I never made my ultrasound that I scheduled awhile ago. I hope nothing serious is wrong with me. I have to reschedule that. It never dawned on me that I get oil changes every 2 to 3 months. I did check my mileage and oil percentage after this happened. I still have at least 2 months or 1000 miles to go and the oil percent left in my car was at 62.
The man at the auto shop said it was my rear seal and that it froze and cracked. It possibly might has messed up my engine and that I need to take it to a Chevy dealer. So, not only did I pay to have it towed there, but now I am paying to have it towed to a dealership. This also does not include the diagnostic. He informed me that this issue could possibly cost me $2500 - $8000. It is a 2017 with less than 90,000 miles. I have 3 kids. I am a single, full time working mom. My kids do not have a father. He passed away last year. My car is everything to me and them. This is disgusting that this is happening to so many cars and nothing is being done about it. I don't have this car paid off. What am I supposed to do now?
I will hopefully hear by the end of the day the extent of it, but either way, it WILL BE at least $2500 plus the $260 I am already down. Shame of Chevy for knowingly selling a car they know is faulty. I can't even get a rental, because my car insurance does not cover rental for mechanical issues. I never got anything on my car dashboard warning me of an issue. I do not see leaking oil spots where I park my car everyday at home or work. This issue literally happened this morning as far as I am concerned. If it is from cold weather, I would think this would be a huge issue that Chevy should be worried about it never happening again. I am glad it happened when I parked and not while I had my kids and I in the car driving. I have read about others and how it put them in danger. Again, Shame on you Chevy. Do a recall and rectify what damage you have caused others.
- Dani S.,
Harrison Twp, MI, US
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Received this vehicle from Dell Rapids with 77k miles. 2021 Engine light came on and the salesman told me it was in relation to E85 Gas. This car has been nothing but issues. My car stalled 2024 on the highway with my infant children in the vehicle, this was one day after a $80 oil change. I was able to safely make it home where after several hours all the oil leaked out of the car. My car was towed to a mechanic where they said these ECOTECH engines are HORRIBLE and the cost to fix was over 8k! I don't have the money for this and am still making payments. This is so DANGEROUS AND DISGUSTING THAT THIS HASN'T BEEN RECALLED. I HATE EQUINOX AND HOPING TO CREATE A LAWSUIT!
- Karen M., Sioux Falls, US