I have always stuck with Chevy as my choice of vehicle. The fact of the matter is ever since I bought this, I have had nothing but issues with it. It is going through an easy 5 quarts of oil a week and no sign of where it is going. Also, have a loud ticking noise that sounds like my vehicle is just going to break down on me every time I turn it on. Being a 2010 and only 50,000 miles on it I do not think I should be dealing with this kind of issue. I only drive back and forth to work or around town. I have only done 2 long trips with it in the past 2 years I have had it. Is it worth getting fixed or should I just sell it and look for a new vehicle is my decision.
This car is a piece of crap-I will never buy another American car. When I got this car I know the US auto industry was in shambles. I thought I would do my part by purchasing an American car. This is the first and last American vehicle that I will ever own. Chevy can kiss my ass. They designed a poor vehicle and they know it.They should compensate every person that purchased these with a new different vehicle. What a waste of time and money. With the money I have used to fix this vehicle- I could have easily have this thing paid off by now. Now the vehicle has lost a lot of value. Chevy has over produced these cars and now they hold no value. Do not buy this car even used. The rest of the market must know it because every lot is full of them that they cannot sell. Chevy screwed up royally.
I was excited about buying my first American made vehicle after reading car reviews for months. I bought a 2010 Chevy Equinox in July of 2013. After my first scheduled oil change it started getting really dirty under the hood, like oil spray. Complained about it at the next oil change and was told they couldn't find any leaks.
Two months after that oil change it started running really rough, checked the oil, and it didn't register on the dip stick. Fast forward thru adding 2 quarts every 3,000 miles for a year. The car runs like an old jalopy whenever it gets 1/2 quart low on oil.
October of 2014 I received the TSB from GM that 2010 Equinox consume excessive oil. I immediately called the dealership, made an appointment, arranged for a rental, they had it two days and then called me and said there was a leak in the oil pan. They didn't touch the TSB items in TWO DAYS! Then we started oil consumption tests every 1000 miles. Been doing that since November of 2014 only to be told again and again that 1 quart every 2000 miles is acceptable usage, and that is approximately what I am using.
They have no idea if it is more than that because they just add the quart and it returns to the acceptable level. BUT HEY, I can feel free to pay for repairs for myself if I feel I need them! I now see that this is a VERY common problem, and I am totally wishing I hadn't gotten caught up in the American made BS.
Has any one had success convincing their dealer to fix this?
I was looking up issues as I am about to turn my car in for major repairs, and I have read everyone's complaints. This info may help someone. We've had our Equinox for 2.5 years, bought it at about 24K miles. I was looking at a new one and was talked into late model used by my bank and the dealer. Within about 3 months, the problems started. The high pressure fuel pump went first. It would idle rough, then would stall. GM repaired this with no problems. The issue is that it has gone out multiple times and who has time to spend going back and forth to a dealer, waiting on tow trucks, getting rentals, etc? The last time they repaired it, they decided to fix the timing assembly also. After about 3 months, we noticed the car was hemorrhaging oil onto the driveway. GM fixed this, but I used a different dealer. When I went to pick the car up, the customer service guy showed me a plastic bag full of timing components that had cycled through my engine.
This brings us to today... My husband has had to add 4 qts of oil in 2 weeks. The car is idling so rough that it literally rocks. The check engine light comes on and off randomly, and sometimes the car stalls. I called GM yet again and found out the following:
The company has issued special warranties until the year 2020 or 120K miles on the fuel pump, engine balance assembly, and engine for excessive oil consumption. There is also a recall for carbon monoxide emissions. I'll know more later, but I'm turning it in today to get the fuel pump and timing assembly done (4th time in 2 yrs!), the computer to be reprogrammed, and 4 new pistons for the engine. This is all at no cost to me, even though my car is out of warranty.
If you are having this problem, call customer service. I wouldn't have known about any of this if I hadn't.
I'm having issues with my 2010 Equinox as it is in the shop now, because the check engine light kept coming on. I recently had an oil change and was not due for another, but according to the Chevy dealership the vehicle is running low on oil. I was told I have to go through an oil consumption test which will cause me to bring the vehicle in every 1000 miles which is the only way they can confirm there is an issue with the engine as well as verify how much oil has been consumed.
My warranty will be over in 3 weeks and I can not afford to buy a new engine as many of you stated you had to do. My engine is rattling and sounds very strange. What should I do? I'm sure I have the same issue you all do as we have the same exact issues and are receiving the same answers. Should I contace GM? Why are they not recalling this issue and proving assistance? My vehicle stalled while my son was in he car, what if I was rear ended due to this issue? I maintain my vehicle regularly and only bought the vehicle with 25k miles, I should not be having this many issues. I'm concerned that I won't be able to get it fixed before my warranty is up and will be stuck with a bill. I'm debating if I should trade it in. Help!!!!
- Jodie S.,
Jacksonville, FL, US
Search CarComplaints.com for these popular complaint phrases...
Feeling really irritated with GM. Known engine problem, I find out now, but prior to my engine seizing I figured my oil was just running low and I had checked it about once per week for 3 weeks. First my cam chain breaks and radiator springs a leak while I'm on a road trip, 5 days in the shop, have to take a bus home, miss 3 days of work, total for repairs is $2500.
2 weeks later I decide I'm ready to put the vehicle to the test and take it on another business road trip. I get 300 miles from home and the engine just locks up and seizes on me in the middle of nowhere Texas. Have to pay for a tow in to the nearest town ($150), get the news that the oil has gasoline in it and the engine is seized. The quote is for $6,000 to repair, will be in the shop for a week. I have my wife come pick me up and get home at 3 a.m., missed another 2 days of work because I have no means of transportation. Ended up renting a car and going to the meeting I was late for 6 hours away from home.
Apparently this is a know issue for the Equinox. The dealership has the audacity to offer me $1,000 for the car on a trade in. I still owe $9,000 on this vehicle, and am over $10,000 in additional mechanical bills. What can I do? I realize that GM would go bankrupt (again) if they had to bail out everyone in my situation, but is there not some obligation to pony up to an issue that can cause such significant repair costs to the consumer?
Smeds Dec 16, 2014 Atlanta, Illinois
If you like Christmas, you will like the Chevy Equinox. Mostly because the dashboard lights up all the time with different messages regarding mechanical issues. My 2010, which I have soaked thousands in repairs into, gave me this neat message today! I've tried working with GM and Chevy on this, of course no one seems to want to admit that the 4 cylinder Ecotec engine is a pile of reindeer excrement. I bought it used with 36k miles on the engine. As soon as I noticed the odd way it ran and sounds, I reported in to my dealer in Lincoln, Illinois. I was told that it was fine and I needed to have the fuel system flushed. Did that and had a cabin smell of fuel cleaner and exhaust. Was told that would go away. NOPE, to this day, still has that ''old car smell''.
In fact, since I have had it, the oil consistently smells like gasoline and the engine uses oil. I've been on enough other sites to know that I am not alone.
I have spent hours on the phone and writing letters to GM.
Before I reached 100k miles, I had a crankcase explosion. Of course, ''Sarah'', at GM (they are all Sarah by the way), did not understand what a crankcase explosion is. (Google it)
I've put a new main seal in it, new transmission, multiple front hubs, new tires because they wear out prematurely due to a bad design, headlights that have to be changed by a gymnast; (access is through a round panel in the front wheel well), and have changed the oil in it well prior to Chevy's oil change meter in the info settings. I cannot say enough BAD THINGS about Chevy and GM and this pile of ....t. Oh, and its already rusting too. I could live with the rust if It wasn't such a shop queen. And then GM's claim of 32mpg. I would have to be going downhill, on a steep icy slope with a tailwind and the engine off to attain 32mpg. More like 21mpg on a good day. Still paying for it, its a very comfortable vehicle when you sit in it, with the engine off in the garage. Atlanta Yeti Show less
I bought my Equinox from Carlock of Tupelo, MS. After 8 months, and regular maintenance/ oil changes, my SUV has started giving me serious problems and I still owe A LOT on it. Carlock is not wanting to cover me with their lifetime powertrain warranty. I hope that there are people out there that will listen and report their own problems with the Equinox. A tick can be heard in the engine and it often goes dead at lights and stop signs. The engine light comes on often. It seems to constantly have low oil issues in spite of regular oil changes. The service man at Carlock says that it will cost a lot to fix and other problems are sure to follow. I don't know what to do. HELP!
Yes, I have read about this so many times, about 2010 Equinox burning oil. And yep, had to replace this engine also $5000. Bought it used, or actually my daughter did, and was stuck with it because she owed more than it was worth. Still seems like a lot of moisture in air box and fill cap but so far new engine not using oil
I have 80,000 miles on my car at this point. However, this oil consumption has been happening since I have owned the car. I have asked why my car runs so rough no one seems to know. Luckily I get my oil changed every 3000 miles, however no one until recently noticed I have no oil in my engine at that time. Although they are fixing it this is not the only thing I have had wrong.
It has been some time and considerable grief. I feel like this has been the worst consumer relations experience I have had in my 54 years of life! I must condense or this will become a novel. Potential buyers take note! DO NOT BUY CHEVY EQUINOX - EVER! It hurts me to say this. My Father worked in a GM factory for 40 yrs. and we have been loyal GM family forever. Currently own 4... 2 Pontiac, 2 Chevy. Have always been proud of and bragged about GM. WHAT HAPPENED?
I spent 1 & 1/2 years trying to resolve this engine problem. The vehicle now sits in the backyard with weeds growing around it.
2010 Chevy Equinox runs rough- fix actuators (variable valve timing is actuated by oil pressure)
-Problem eventually returns. Told that it needs oil change = $$
-Problem returns. Recalibrate oil life monitor system.
-Problem returns. Finally realize oil consumption problem. Dealer agrees to start oil consumption test. Oil change first = $$
-Test shows excessive oil consumption. Dealer says "need more data, start another oil consumption test. Oil change first = $$
-Service department overfills oil to skew results. Oil consumed fast enough to eventually exceed acceptable limits anyway.
-Service department says "need to replace engine" OK, now we are getting somewhere. Left vehicle 4 days and then find out that they replaced timing chain and rings, etc. Did not replace engine. I was told that this particular dealer has replaced several dozen of same engines for the exact same problem and now they can't get complete engines and GM's new fix is rebuild. When would they admit that there is an inherent problem with the design of this engine?
-Problem immediately returns. Service department says do another oil consumption test. Oil change first = $$
-Up to this point vehicle never leaked a drop on driveway or garage floor. Oil now leaking from vehicle.
-Return to dealer for diagnosis. Rear main seal bad. Vehicle now beyond 100,000 miles which was dealers goal all along. They say I must pay $1,800 to fix main seal and start oil consumption test again.
At this point I am reaching my limits. I tried GM consumers complaints hotline. They basically took my complaint and then called the dealer. The dealer TODD WENZEL CHEVY in Hudsonville, MI. then called me and angrily asked why I called complaint hotline... Hello?
I will try to summarize.
2010 Chevy Equinox 4 cylinder engine has an inherent design flaw which was admitted when GM sent a notice that stated that the plunger shaft seal on the fuel pump needed to be replaced. This defect in the fuel pump allows fuel to leak into the oil reservoir, eventually at a rate fast enough that it thins the oil which is a lubrication issue for every component in the engine. It thins the oil to the point that it can seep by the rings and be combusted during operation. Then what happens is before a consumer realizes this they end up with an engine with very low oil(gasoline thinned oil) levels in the crankcase which creates a bigger lubrication issue. This is why the VVT(variable valve timing) actuators fail (remember, they are actuated by oil pressure) and this causes the rough idle and stalling problem. Every internal engine component that is lubricated by the oil is now damaged and engine replacement is the only acceptable fix.
I now realize that there are probably thousands of consumers out there with the same issue. Initially they replaced the engines but once GM realized the scope of this problem they realized what a cost this would be and developed policies for dealers to ignore, deflect and band aid fix the problem until vehicles would exceed warranty mileage thus leaving loyal customers stranded!
PLEASE! If anyone out there has suggestions or a contact that can help with this issue please leave a comment. I'm out approximately $15,000 and can't afford a new vehicle.
Every 100 miles I have to put at least a quart of oil in it. It may be occurring in less miles than that. When it was bought to the attention of the car dealership, they said they had to do an oil consumption analysis. They suggested that I bring it in for an oil change so that they could start the analysis. The result was for them to tell me that they found water and coolant in my engine and that I need to have a new engine or trade the car. The new engine would cost $5000. They even suggested that I trade it and would have the car salesman get in contact with me. They are the only ones that have serviced this vehicle. Why would wouldn't they have noticed something was going on?
Seems something every time I turn around. I bought car brand new, paid CASH in full for it. I am a college student and needed RELIABLE vehicle. C A S H IN FULL, paid at purchase.
OK, where do I start? This Equinox has been having troubles for longer than I can remember. First off, is the oil consumption issue? I noticed it was burning loads of oil at around 25,000 miles. I have had this thing to every dealer possible, with no luck. It broke down on the highway with my children in the car, and I had to get help to push this off the highway before I was in an accident. The fuel pump was the first thing they luckily fixed. They gave me a free oil change to go along with it (because it was probably bone dry). 1500 miles later it was back to its horrible self. Chattering when accelerating, hesitating when accelerating, pinging when at idle, struggling up small hills, shifting hard, clanking and jumping when putting into gear, and horrible gas mileage to boot.
I took it back to another dealer, because first dealer(Devy Chevrolet in Freeport, PA) said oil consumption is normal, and lied about the level it was at ( I had checked and it was not showing on dipstick for the 2nd oil change in a row). The people at this dealership, (Nick Chevrolet Tarentum, PA) said I would have to start an oil consumption test. Wow, this is where it gets ruff. I told them of all the issues I was having, and the car breaking down on the highway, and they replaced the fuel pump and timing chain, and some random recalls. They also gave me a free oil change as a "bonus", after I had told them about it burning oil. I also had stated that they were replacing these engines, and more recently Chevy was only replacing rings under warranty (to save money on these thousands of Equinox's they would have to recall). They basically didn’t want to hear it and kept changing the subject, and saying that I need brake pads and rotors replaced (which I later took to a small repair shop and they said I would be good for 20,000 more miles, and rotors were fine). I drove the car and for 1000 miles it was running smooth, like it should be. But wait, problems came back, and seemed to be louder. I took it back to Nick Chevrolet and I paid for a "Certified Chevy Oil Change" and started an oil consumption test.
I drove 500 miles and took it back to Nick Chevrolet, they said it had only lost about 1/3 of a quart and a quart every 1000 miles (a lie, it's 1 quart every 2000 miles) is perfectly normal and fine. They said to come back in 1000 miles to check again. Waiting for the car to break down, I drove the car, trying to avoid taking my children anywhere because I was scared to break down again with them in it. When I returned, NO oil was on dipstick again (big surprise). I asked if they could replace engine under warranty, or at least the rings. The service manager basically laughed at me and said "Good luck with Chevy". Wow, so that’s it? Yes, you will have to call Chevy and see if this is covered under warranty. I asked them for a printout of all service on this vehicle. We usually charge $5.00 a page for these (with laughter in the background from another employee). What? Are you serious? I basically said I'm not leaving until you print these for me. Reluctantly, after basically begging, they finally did.
This is where things get so much better. I called Chevy to see what the deal was. After on hold, wait time automated systems, and promised return calls about the issue from a "specialist" for about a week, I finally got a call back. "We will have to contact the dealer, and see what info the oil consumption test providedâ€. After waiting for about another week I got a call back from GMC. They said that they contacted Nick Chevrolet and they said that I never completed the oil consumption test. What? I was totally floored. I cannot type the emotions and thoughts that were going thorough my head. I almost could not respond to what was just told to me. I explained that I had the paper work for the oil consumption test. I had to fax all this paperwork over to Chevy, so they could verify. Then after about 10 days of calling Chevy, they would say that a specialist would be getting a hold of me on "tomorrow at 5:00 pm". OK, I waited and the call never came. I called again and told them I never got a call. They said a specialist will be calling you "today at 1:30 PM...Call never came. Finally after loosing hair, and days more of waiting, I got a hold of a specialist after stating that I would not hang up until I did, they connected me. "Sir, there is nothing GMC can do because the dealer stated that you did not complete the oil consumption test".
I contacted an attorney and tried this route. After 2 months of them battling with GMC, and me topping off my oil and dealing with on going problems, I was offered a $1600.00 settlement or possibly waiting in court for up to 2 years. I took the $1600.00 settlement, for breach of warranty claim, which has not been received yet. The lawyer took $1900. Now I’m thinking, should I get rid of this car? How could I pawn this off on someone else without telling them (karma) and selling it for next to nothing because of the extensive problems? Should I try and trade in and use the $1600.00 toward a down payment. All of this made me so upset. I do not have the money for another car payment right now. My Equinox only has 52000 on it, and I wish I could see the day it hit 150,000, before thinking about all of this.
Because the warranty is still valid till Sept 26th, I decided to yet try another dealer for oil consumption test and see if they would be any better and work with me. At first, Tom Henry Chevrolet Gibsonia PA seemed to really care about the problem and was quick to take my $40.00 for an oil change and start the consumption test. After doing this and getting it home, I checked oil level. It appeared to be about a quart overfilled! Here we go again! I took the vehicle back to Tom Henry after 600 miles, they said to have a seat in the waiting room and could we have your keys. No thanks, you can just check it here in front of me. They checked the Oil, then Ed, told me it looks like your 1/3 of a quart low. "That's because it was overfilled in the first place" He told me that he would not deal with me on this issue if I continued to say things like that. They topped the oil off, and I was sure to check to see where the oil was on dipstick and take pictures. Ed said come back in 1000 miles to check again. He also stated that after a "New Test they have conducted" it’s normal for this car to burn1 quart every 750 miles. WAIT A MINUTE! Chevrolet said that 1 quart every 2000 miles is acceptable, and their standard for doing warranty work. I have about 100 miles to go until I can take back to check the oil level, and the oil is not showing on dipstick. I called Tom Henry, they said that I should wait till 1000 miles or over and bring back in and they will check level again, and add oil. Then I would have to repeat this 2 or 3 more times. All this was explained to me again, even after I had said how it broke down with my children, and all the ongoing problems. Wow! My mind is finally spinning.
So I am waiting to take to Equinox back in in another 100 miles to get the oil level checked, and topped off, so I can drive this thing around for another 1000 miles and wonder when it will blow up. Furthermore, the warranty is up on Sept 26th. Ed told me that they could put "A Hold" on the car and if they find that it is burning enough oil they could then do work out of warranty, because I came in before it was up. Wait, the same guy who lied to me to my face and said 1 quart for 750 miles. If by some chance they do the replacement rings, that does not fix all the other problems that this oil consumption issue is causing.
I feel exhausted, mad, and tricked. I wish Chevrolet would of just replaced this engine 2 years ago (which I hear didn’t fix the problem either). Now, I’m waiting to go back to Tom Henry for them to check oil and top off, and then tell me to return in 1000 miles to check again. Maybe the rings will get fixed and that would remedy this 1 problem that this Equinox is having, and I could trade in and use the $1600.00 settlement toward that? Who knows? I also, could not accept the offer, call attorney back and re open the case in hopes of this load of crap, doesn't break down again and kill my family or me. There is also the option of trying to sell it out right and buy a new car, but I can't bring myself to pawn this car off on anyone else, including my worst enemy.
I feel exhausted, but will not give up! GMC in some way needs to be held responsible for the 2010 Chevy Equinox.
I bought the Equinox brand new in 2010 mainly because of the styling and the fuel economy. Shortly after purchase people were telling me how noisy the engine was. So Chevy replaced the timing chain and assembly. A few oil changes ago I checked the oil prior to going in for the oil change and there was no oil on the dipstick. So I raced to get the oil change.
This current oil change I decided to check oil again prior to heading to the garage. So it took 3 quarts of oil to fill the oil to normal on the dipstick. That 3 quarts in 5000 miles. The dealership tells me that's normal. So now I have it there today for the whole oil change/consumption testing. The fuel mileage is down 3 mpg from when new. The engine seems sluggish. The pinging is worse than ever. The oil consumption is crazy. I was hoping to keep this SUV for another 2 or 3 years. It's frustrating. I hope that they make good on this. It is still under powertrain warranty.
What kind of engine burns a litre (quart) every 1000km (620miles)? A 2.4L 4cyl piece of garbage from GM, that's what kind! Maybe the engine just needs to be broken in. Nope, that's not it. Maybe it needs synthetic. Nope, not that either. The geniuses at my dealership were pretty stumped when I approached them back in 2010 with this problem. They told me I had to do something called an "oil report" to confirm that it was burning oil. Cause that's something that people lie about? Regardless, This process involves me driving out of my way to the dealership everytime I get low on oil - which is about every 2nd tank of gas. What if I'm out of town? "Well...try to get topped up before you go". Right, because I have time for that.
Huge inconvenience? Absolutely. Apparently this oil report was a huge inconvenience for them as well. Every time I showed up at the dealership to get oil added, they treated me like a second class citizen. So I gave up on the oil report and resigned myself to adding a litre at every 2nd fill up.
Now, 4 years later I read online that some people are getting their engines replaced as a result of excessive oil consumption! Thanks CARCOMPLAINTS.COM! I'll be working on my dealership to replace my engine.
Then I will be trading in my Equinox for an import.
On Wednesday June 3rd my Chevy Equinox stalled 3 times in a matter of 10-15 minutes. A week prior the check engine light went on intermittently as well as the check air bag light. Memorial day weekend car was shaking while I applied the breaks and the engine was choking back. Monday I had the same problem, Tuesday check engine light and air bag light was on and off. By Wednesday June 3rd my car stalled 3 times. I called Union GMC, which is where I purchased the vehicle and they couldn't help me with my car they said =, until Friday.
I took my car to a local repair shop where he test drove my car and he checked the oil well and it was completely dry! How can this be if I wasn't due for an oil change until 52000 miles and my panel read that I had 205 oil life??? He then added 3 1/2 quarts of oil and advised me to take it to the dealer. At this point I called Union GM and they couldn't help me until Friday. I needed immediate attention because prior to that I had received notice from GM that there was a recall on the oil reader that needed to be replaced. I had taken care of that issue so it alarmed me that I was having a problem with my oil now.
I contacted that same Wednesday GM Executive offices, I was informed that there was a "Special Service Number" issued for that particular problem with my vehicle and that I should take it to be repaired. I asked what should I do in the meantime?? Should I continue to drive my vehicle since it stalled on me several times, etc..and was told that it was OK since the mechanic had added oil to it. Thursday night I drove the vehicle and it stalled once again, and this time the control panel went completely blank as I was on the highway. I managed to return the vehicle home, and called GM offices once again Friday morning and was assigned a case manager to handle the issues with my vehicle, she, Latoya, was able to put me in contact with Englewood Auto Group and was given an apt for Monday June 9th. It is Wednesday June 11th and have been on the phone since last week which seems hundreds of times because Englewood Auto Group is giving me the runaround. Instead of changing the fuel pump...which is causing the problem...because from what I have read on several sites is leaking fuel into my oil compartment therefore causing the car to consume oil at a rapid rate.
Today I was told that there was very little oil in the car and that the engine was "sludgie" . My car has been serviced on time and maintained. The manager told me at this point to take it to where I purchased the car because he can't help me. I called GM executive offices and haven't heard back, once again!! I need help! There are several complaints online regarding this fuel/oil consumption issue but the dealer is unwilling to help me! Please contact me at iflo1022@gmail,com. I have posted another problem regarding the electrical that I'm having as well. Any help or information will be appreciated. Thank You!
I have always stuck with Chevy as my choice of vehicle. The fact of the matter is ever since I bought this, I have had nothing but issues with it. It is going through an easy 5 quarts of oil a week and no sign of where it is going. Also, have a loud ticking noise that sounds like my vehicle is just going to break down on me every time I turn it on. Being a 2010 and only 50,000 miles on it I do not think I should be dealing with this kind of issue. I only drive back and forth to work or around town. I have only done 2 long trips with it in the past 2 years I have had it. Is it worth getting fixed or should I just sell it and look for a new vehicle is my decision.
- Brittney R., Copperas Cove, TX, US