Notes: The 2006 Equinox is plagued by a heating problem, as in the heater only blows cold air.
The reported cause of this problem is a small door, known as the air temperature blend door, which allows air to flow past the heater core. This door has a plastic connecting shaft to an electric motor and the shaft is prone to breaking after a few years. The problem has a typical repair cost of over $800.
The 2006 Equinox also has a number of reported problems ranging from the key getting stuck in the ignition, to failing speed sensors, and trouble starting the engine. All in all, this car sounds like one worth avoiding.
Well first of all...seeing that this will be quite long with these vehicles being the huge pieces of junk that they are! I first had an issue with the radiator from a small fender bender. Did the repairs, and the car was fine for a while, and then started having a overheating issue. Well we have a body shop so a friend of ours was coming to do wiring on a vehicle so he mentioned he could get everything all set with the Equinox as well. Well, the interior rugs seemed to have leaking and were ruined so with some reasearch seeing there were no codes or anything, he changed the heater core and I purchased new rugs. Well after that he bled the sytem properly, but the vehicle still overheated(also it has NEVER overheated while driving, it was only at idle every single time). Plugging it in with the scanner didn't really help us, so he said maybe its a stuck thermostat, which is cheap enough, so did that and still overheated at idle. Then I started having a start issue.. it would struggle to start as well as be very rough at idle but drove perfectly fine, so while doing reasearch I was thinking maybe a clogged fuel injector or a few other small things. I plugged it in and had to downstream o2 sensor codes which are the ones on the exhaust, so at the time I didn't think they were related with the overheating and cleared them. But then had a misfire code, and then a week later had a random misfire code. He ended up checking for leaks, doing the liquid test for head gasket(which came back fine),changed the water pump, etc. etc. so there was nothing else to change in the cooling system but it still overheated!! Then I finally put two in two together and just knew I had a head gasket issue and that it wasn't good(to just fix with some seal or something) when you have fuel issues like that, it means its an internal problem and the vehicle is getting combustion/exhaust gases blowing into the coolant system creating pressure. Which we did the smell test for the fumes and yep the head gasket was done to the point where it needs a new motor!! I'm still not sure if its the air temperature blend door like I've seen tons of complaints about or what even caused it to begin with! I'm just so done with this vehicle with all the time, energy and money spent!!! Just NEVER buy one PLEASE, if you can avoid it! Now I know to come on here and one other site before I purchase a vehicle because am so over car issues its not even funny! I can not believe they wouldn't recall something like this. Its just one more thing in the world they win over on you so your screwed, but don't know until its too late!
I have been dealing with this issue for over a year. It keeps trying to overheat when idle. I have had several items replaced to fix the problem which works well for a few weeks then back to running hot! The heat does not work & the cold air works like a small fan which only slightly cools! I have even had the coolant system flushed, new fan, thermostat, & even radiator leak fixed.
I purchased this car from a dealer, seems to be okay. No warning signs and my car overheated (more like exploded). Then my security on the car went crazy. Cannot get the security code as is holiday and now the car is beeping like crazy every few minutes...until the car died! Tried to get a jump, didn't work.Now I need to fix each and every thing so I can find the issue. I was so pissed when I went to this site ( and found the exact same complains as I have. I am going to try a thermostat first, then check the fuses. If not that I guess I will have the pump checked out.!! I happened to be close to Auto Zone and the guys there looked at it and guess what he said.. I owned a 2007 Chevy Equinox and had the same issues..he got rid of it. If anyone has any suggestions on my issue please let me know...
The vehicle never is consistent. After the first time I thought the engine was burning coolant....I realized that it wasn't but it sure does over heat. The water tank is empty! Where did the coolant go in a week? It was good for 2 months after the first time this happened!!! My wife barely crawled across the intersection when the ECU went into self defense mode! Where is the water going if it isn't burning it and sure as heck isn't leaking it??? I had to tell her, When the water sloshing sound behind the instrument panel is gone, its time to check the coolant tank!
If it want for my 2002 Chevy Silverado, Id never buy a Chevy again!!! This comes from a man who has been CHEVY ONLY for 42 years!!!! I might have to go Toyota or even YUGO or something! This is ridiculous!!!!
Well Since I have bought this vehicle I have had problems with heating and cooling system. The dealer ship supposedly fixed it and then 2 months later i had to take it back in becaue it had a bad anit freeze smell. Thery said it was just anit freeze burning off the engine. Then in may it over heated again and i stalled out on the highway. That was determined to be the thermostat. Now on july 5th the hose popped off the heater core or so i was told by autonation chevy whic by the way did a visual check. HOW IN THE HELL DO YOU DETERMINE WHAT IS WRONG WITH A CAR IF YOU RUN NO DIAGNOSTICS!!! I FEEL LIKE THEY DID NOTHING because i am a woman and thougth i knew nothing abotu cars. Then the tech proceeded to get an attitude with me and treat me like sh*t so i yelled and he gave no paper work on what was done.I will never buy another chevy again i should have learned from the impala i bought befiore
- Patricia T.,
Commerce City, CO, US
Search for these popular complaint phrases...
boiled the coolant out of the overflow tank multiple times, always pulled over before it hit the red mark. turns out it's a big problem with the 3.4L V6 chevy engine. head gaskets and who knows what else. it has a LOT of mechanics scratching their heads. vehicle is a POS for sure....never buy one, no matter how pristine she looks.
Has not stopped. First replaced thermostat which seemed to help but the problem came back with revenge now. Starting again in September and has worsened now to point of putting in coolant every day. Today Friday, Dec. 13, 2013 the car actually stopped, shut down with my daughter driving in heavy traffic at an intersection. She waited about 10 -15 minutes, then went another 4 miles and the heat gauge was up again so she turned the motor off,. I arrived to put about 1 quart of Dex-Cool in overflow bottle. She then made it to a parking space.
Then about an hour later her dad drove and I followed close, till he got home, 9 miles. The gauge would go up, no heat in the car, and out the exhaust coolant was coming out. I read where it could be a gasket that Chev made that were not compatible with the type of coolant that we are now using. Stupid. Who is going to stop this before the car stops in heavy traffic and my daughter gets hit by another car, or she break down late at night and gets attacked. Who's fault is it going to be?
We put over 3,000 dollars in the car last year, tires, struts, thermostats (2) and extra checkups trying to find out what is wrong. Help before it is to late. The car has other wise been a very good car till last year.
My husband is a mechanic and he thought that there was a connection problem with the battery. We replaced the battery, still overheated. We replaced the sensors, the fuses, still overheated. In one afternoons time, we went through about 5 gallons of coolant, still overheated. Now he is in the shop working on it and replaced the intake valves and head gaskets.....hopefully that is the problem. I have been without a car for almost a month and I am so ticked at Chevrolet. Ever since I got this car 3 years ago, it has given me nothing but heartache. The depreciation in value is ridiculous! If I didn't still owe on my car loan, I would've pushed it off a cliff a long time ago. One thing is for sure, I will never buy another Chevy!
Frustrating not knowing whether it's really overheating or there is a short in the wiring. There is coolant in the car and everything has been checked several times.
I am frustrated with this vehicle that began overheating. I can't use the AC in 100 degree weather. It has engine coolant but will run hot if I turn on the AC.
Well first of all...seeing that this will be quite long with these vehicles being the huge pieces of junk that they are! I first had an issue with the radiator from a small fender bender. Did the repairs, and the car was fine for a while, and then started having a overheating issue. Well we have a body shop so a friend of ours was coming to do wiring on a vehicle so he mentioned he could get everything all set with the Equinox as well. Well, the interior rugs seemed to have leaking and were ruined so with some reasearch seeing there were no codes or anything, he changed the heater core and I purchased new rugs. Well after that he bled the sytem properly, but the vehicle still overheated(also it has NEVER overheated while driving, it was only at idle every single time). Plugging it in with the scanner didn't really help us, so he said maybe its a stuck thermostat, which is cheap enough, so did that and still overheated at idle. Then I started having a start issue.. it would struggle to start as well as be very rough at idle but drove perfectly fine, so while doing reasearch I was thinking maybe a clogged fuel injector or a few other small things. I plugged it in and had to downstream o2 sensor codes which are the ones on the exhaust, so at the time I didn't think they were related with the overheating and cleared them. But then had a misfire code, and then a week later had a random misfire code. He ended up checking for leaks, doing the liquid test for head gasket(which came back fine),changed the water pump, etc. etc. so there was nothing else to change in the cooling system but it still overheated!! Then I finally put two in two together and just knew I had a head gasket issue and that it wasn't good(to just fix with some seal or something) when you have fuel issues like that, it means its an internal problem and the vehicle is getting combustion/exhaust gases blowing into the coolant system creating pressure. Which we did the smell test for the fumes and yep the head gasket was done to the point where it needs a new motor!! I'm still not sure if its the air temperature blend door like I've seen tons of complaints about or what even caused it to begin with! I'm just so done with this vehicle with all the time, energy and money spent!!! Just NEVER buy one PLEASE, if you can avoid it! Now I know to come on here and one other site before I purchase a vehicle because am so over car issues its not even funny! I can not believe they wouldn't recall something like this. Its just one more thing in the world they win over on you so your screwed, but don't know until its too late!
- Kristy S., PutnamPutnam, CT, US