So I bought this car in 2015 for my wife, it had 11,000 miles on it . Within the first month of driving it ,she complains that it stalled out while she was driving it and then proceeded to restart the car with no issues or codes. Took it to the dealer and they said the battery cables were an issue. They replaced the battery cables and said the problem should be fine.
This happened a second time while she was driving down the highway. She was able to stop the vehicle before hitting anyone. The vehicle then had her locked in, she had to call the tow truck to come out. They had to pry open the hood and swap the battery. Took it to the dealer. They couldn't figure out what was wrong with it. Said it had no codes, everything was fine. yada yada
Third time's a charm. She's driving down the freeway 70 miles per hour, the vehicle loses complete power. She can't steer, can't stop. winds up flipped in a canal, where she had to be rescued. The car was full of water, she had only a few inches of air left in the vehicle. Firefighters had to chain the vehicle and use and axe to the windshield to get her out safely.
I filed a complaint with Chevrolet over the issue and of course they say not at fault. The car insurance covered the loss of the vehicle but because Chevy refuses to take fault, despite the many many complaints from other vehicle owners as well, the insurance rolled me at fault and now I have extremely high Insurance fees. How do we get Chevy to take this problem seriously and issue a recall for these vehicles. The really sad part is the Chevy Sonic uses the same engine as the Chevy Cruze. I wish I had knowledge of that before I purchase the Chevy Cruze which is now having the same problem. I filed a different complaint for that.
The Chevy Cruze is definitely a lemon. I have been a mechanic for 12 years and have yet to see such a POS. I bought the car as a gas saver to commute to and from work (like everyone else). I was excited to buy a Chevy, also excited it was an economical 4cyl (my other vehicle is an F-150), but seriously... you NEED TO BE A MECHANIC to drive this car!! I may have racked on 100k miles since I bought it in 2016 but... Chevy... you have got to be kidding me...
1st Complaint:
The PCV system is completely flawed and absolute crap (guaranteed to fail) and this is especially essential on a turbo vehicle. The intake manifold gasket and valve WILL FAIL, the valve cover gasket and PCV WILL FAIL, and the check valve is plastic and prone to breaking. If any one of these components fails, the car will run like crap and throw many many codes... leading to fouled spark plugs, trashed catalytic converters, O2 sensors... and your Cruze will jerk, hesitate, misfire, and leak oil from every pore.
Your only fix for the manifold is to replace it... ($150-300 and WILL fail again) or install an aftermarket external check valve ($175). Tricky if you do not know what you are doing. The valve cover also needs to be replaced ($50-200) and will eventually fail also. The plastic check valve... easy fix ($25).
After all that work... if you STILL get similar symptoms from various components. I will list them on other posts but another culprit is the Gas Pedal Assembly ($35-50).... yea that will fail also.
Ultimately... it seems once this problem starts... there is no way to fix it and keep it that way for an extended period. I had a 1990 Honda last 350k miles with less problems than this "modern" marvel.
The dealer had to rebuild the engine of my 2013 Chevy Cruze at 60,000 miles and now i had to take it back at 71,000 one and a half year later due to it driving sluggish, the service engine light came on and it looks as if oil is coming from the top of the engine. ONLY AFTER HAVING THE ENGINE REBUILT A YEAR AGO!!!!
Daughter was driving car at 45 mph and it shut off while driving. She had no warning lights or clue that it was going to happen. She lost all power steering and panicked thinking she was about to hit. She was over an hour away and called a tow truck company. She was pulled into a grocery store parking lot. Tow driver attempted to jump car and stated it was not the battery. She was charged $80 for towing.
We phoned insurance towing company and had car towed to nearest auto lot, because dealership service department was closed. Monday morning I phoned dealer and spoke to Service manager. I was distraught and stated I paid to have car repaired TWICE. I also stated that it was $150 if I had it towed to them. I stated I paid to have the car repaired and would not pay again for something I already had repaired. Service manager asked if I had any towing costs and was told that they would pick up the car.
Day 1: Car picked up and told they were still running diagnostics when I spoke to service manager at the end of DAY 1.
Day 2: I was told the battery was not discharged and they had my battery back to running again. I shared the car was left with door open and lights on because it was evening and she waiting on tow and alerting other drivers. I explained there is nothing wrong with battery, because tow driver checked. I reminded him that the car shut off. I was told again it was a battery issue. They would keep another day.
Day 3: Service Manager stated there is nothing wrong with car and I can pick up. He has personally driven it for 20 miles and the techs have run their diagnostics. He stated it would be $358 for towing charge and no cost to run diagnostics. I explained that I already paid to have car repaired and I not paying a towing fee for something that should have been repaired. He said I had to pay towing fee and to pick up car. My husband asked to speak to his boss and his contact info was provided. My husband immediately phoned and was told that he was unavailable because he was on vacation. My husband called the service manager again, but only received a voice message. My husband left a few messages, to this date- 5 days have passed and no return calls. Husband is out of town for his job or else he would have went into dealership.
Day 4: Called General Motors Corporate office and requested an investigation. I was told by intake person that this was a reported issue and began to read to me something about loose cables. She put me on hold and said she was transferring me to a senior advisor who would handle my case. Spoke to General Motors senior advisor and was told it would take 24 to 48 hours before someone could respond to my concerns. I shared I have been without my car for nearly a week and I would like to speak to someone today. I was told it was not possible but someone would follow up.
Day 5: No communication.
DAY 6/DAY 7: No communication
DAY 8: General Motors senior advisor phones and states they spoke to District SALES Manager and he confirmed nothing is wrong with car. Battery discharge is the only problem. The towing fee is $250. New price than what we were originally quoted. Husband states he is not paying $250 and the car is not safe. He reiterates all that has occurred with the car. GM states there is nothing wrong with the car and it is safe. They are not doing anything further with the car.
The Chevrolet CRUZE has a horrific problem. Search the internet and you will read numerous accounts of this occurring. No one is taking responsibility until there are deaths involved. This is not how you earn customers for life, if you are putting them in danger of losing their life.
PLEASE RECALL AND FIX THIS ISSUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Daughter was driving car when it shut off. She was pushed to the side of the road by a stranger because she was holding up traffic. She had no power steering. By the time her father arrived, the car started up again. The next day my husband drove the car to the dealership, the car stopped again. This time it was on a 2 lane bridge with no emergency lane. The car stopped, but the "Check Engine Light" came on. A digital display showed "Reduced Engine Power". Husband was able to restart car, but warning messages went away and the car was back to "normal".
Took into dealership and husband explained we brought car back in a few months before for the same issue. Dealer says they have no record of it. Dealer said they would look at car. Given estimate of $141. Dealer said they scanned car and found P2135 stored in ECM. Checked wiring from ECM to throttle body. Was told it was necessary to replace throttle body assembly.
Was charged $223.53 for parts and $209.83 for labor. Was told problem was fixed and safe to drive.
- cruzeowner,
Norfolk, US
Search for these popular complaint phrases...
I have an ongoing problem with my 2013 Chevy Cruze. My car's engine loses power and pukes out oil and smoke. I have replaced the valve cover three times and the dealer replaced the cat converter two weeks ago and the problem continues. I have contacted GM and I am waiting for a response. Does anyone else have this problem? Please advise.
When you are driving the car, loose acceleration and you have to floor the gas petal to keep your speed up. Again had it at the dealership. They can't seem to find any problems.
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So I bought this car in 2015 for my wife, it had 11,000 miles on it . Within the first month of driving it ,she complains that it stalled out while she was driving it and then proceeded to restart the car with no issues or codes. Took it to the dealer and they said the battery cables were an issue. They replaced the battery cables and said the problem should be fine.
This happened a second time while she was driving down the highway. She was able to stop the vehicle before hitting anyone. The vehicle then had her locked in, she had to call the tow truck to come out. They had to pry open the hood and swap the battery. Took it to the dealer. They couldn't figure out what was wrong with it. Said it had no codes, everything was fine. yada yada
Third time's a charm. She's driving down the freeway 70 miles per hour, the vehicle loses complete power. She can't steer, can't stop. winds up flipped in a canal, where she had to be rescued. The car was full of water, she had only a few inches of air left in the vehicle. Firefighters had to chain the vehicle and use and axe to the windshield to get her out safely.
I filed a complaint with Chevrolet over the issue and of course they say not at fault. The car insurance covered the loss of the vehicle but because Chevy refuses to take fault, despite the many many complaints from other vehicle owners as well, the insurance rolled me at fault and now I have extremely high Insurance fees. How do we get Chevy to take this problem seriously and issue a recall for these vehicles. The really sad part is the Chevy Sonic uses the same engine as the Chevy Cruze. I wish I had knowledge of that before I purchase the Chevy Cruze which is now having the same problem. I filed a different complaint for that.
I will not be buying another Chevy.
- Gary C., Los Banos, US