Since I purchased this car used in 2012 with 26000 miles on it, I have had poltergeist like issues, since day one of owning it, the DIC [Drivier Information Center] has told me that my door has been ajar at 100 kph on the highway when it was clearly closed, ice possible in 35 C weather, but my most disturbing issue is, the passanger seat air bag being engaged and disengaged randomly when no one was sitting in the seat. After a few trips to the dealership and hours of countless research, I appear to be the only person in north america with a haunted passanger seat, the worst part is Richard (the ghost, I named him) sometimes will make the airbag service light pop up, causing me to briefly lose my mind, resulting in a downwards haymaker to the seat, which seems to cure the problem for a few weeks, I've had the seat belt replaced, seat sensors, wiring, also the entire SRS system checked but Richard contiues to plague me, maybe he is the spirit of the previous owner... I'll never know.
Update from Nov 13, 2015: Update: It appears that Richard has finally moved on to rest peacefully on the other side, the car now has 95000 Miles and all paranormal activities have stopped, this also included have a full after market ECU flash installed and replacing 95% of the original factory turbocharger system to clear up any other issues. The repair for the air bag service light was complete removal of the front seats and back tracking the wiring harness, which lead to a few loose connections under the passenger side seat, after zip tying back a few things and taping all the wiring looms tight again, all the issues have disappeared, simple fix that two dealerships couldn't figure out
Since I purchased this car used in 2012 with 26000 miles on it, I have had poltergeist like issues, since day one of owning it, the DIC [Drivier Information Center] has told me that my door has been ajar at 100 kph on the highway when it was clearly closed, ice possible in 35 C weather, but my most disturbing issue is, the passanger seat air bag being engaged and disengaged randomly when no one was sitting in the seat. After a few trips to the dealership and hours of countless research, I appear to be the only person in north america with a haunted passanger seat, the worst part is Richard (the ghost, I named him) sometimes will make the airbag service light pop up, causing me to briefly lose my mind, resulting in a downwards haymaker to the seat, which seems to cure the problem for a few weeks, I've had the seat belt replaced, seat sensors, wiring, also the entire SRS system checked but Richard contiues to plague me, maybe he is the spirit of the previous owner... I'll never know.
Update from Nov 13, 2015: Update: It appears that Richard has finally moved on to rest peacefully on the other side, the car now has 95000 Miles and all paranormal activities have stopped, this also included have a full after market ECU flash installed and replacing 95% of the original factory turbocharger system to clear up any other issues. The repair for the air bag service light was complete removal of the front seats and back tracking the wiring harness, which lead to a few loose connections under the passenger side seat, after zip tying back a few things and taping all the wiring looms tight again, all the issues have disappeared, simple fix that two dealerships couldn't figure out
- slowbaltss, Georgetown, Ontario, canada