Accident happened in the province of British Columbia on the Alaskan Hwy in Fort St John.
While driving north on a new section of the hwy while making a slight turn to move over to the inner lane ( 4 lane hwy) when the car just veered to the left and then tried to correct the movement by counter steering to the right when the whole car took off and started to slide side ways making a 180 turn crossing the outside lane and going into a ditch ass end first then rolling onto its roof smacking the front end and coming to rest on its roof. Needless to say the car is a right off and General motors are washing their hands saying they do not have any data ( re air bag memory unit to warrant a defect in the steering unit)
This really gets me upset since we bought the car from a Calgary dealer and have not experienced any troubles with the steering to that date. As we all know the complaints kept coming in from customers regarding some steering issues and due too the number of reports GM had to respond quickly since Toyota was on the hot seat.
I bought the car since my son who was working in Calgary at the time and we wanted a safe vehicle for him to be in. Well that was a mistake. Previous to this vehicle we had a 96 Cavalier and to this day the better choice would have been to keep it instead. The only thing I am grateful for is that my son did not get injured but should there have been others in the vehicle that would be a different issue.
I just received notification from GM today and they have just started me off on a mission to let all Cobalt owners to be aware of a potential problem involving the electronic steering. I don't want to hear of some one getting seriously injured due to this problem . You can't put a price on life and I don't give a dam about whether your data is conclusive or not.Would be a different case if someone lost their life and the vehicle was a total lost with no data recovery?
Accident happened in the province of British Columbia on the Alaskan Hwy in Fort St John.
While driving north on a new section of the hwy while making a slight turn to move over to the inner lane ( 4 lane hwy) when the car just veered to the left and then tried to correct the movement by counter steering to the right when the whole car took off and started to slide side ways making a 180 turn crossing the outside lane and going into a ditch ass end first then rolling onto its roof smacking the front end and coming to rest on its roof. Needless to say the car is a right off and General motors are washing their hands saying they do not have any data ( re air bag memory unit to warrant a defect in the steering unit)
This really gets me upset since we bought the car from a Calgary dealer and have not experienced any troubles with the steering to that date. As we all know the complaints kept coming in from customers regarding some steering issues and due too the number of reports GM had to respond quickly since Toyota was on the hot seat.
I bought the car since my son who was working in Calgary at the time and we wanted a safe vehicle for him to be in. Well that was a mistake. Previous to this vehicle we had a 96 Cavalier and to this day the better choice would have been to keep it instead. The only thing I am grateful for is that my son did not get injured but should there have been others in the vehicle that would be a different issue.
I just received notification from GM today and they have just started me off on a mission to let all Cobalt owners to be aware of a potential problem involving the electronic steering. I don't want to hear of some one getting seriously injured due to this problem . You can't put a price on life and I don't give a dam about whether your data is conclusive or not.Would be a different case if someone lost their life and the vehicle was a total lost with no data recovery?
Edward J. Catania
- ecatania, Keswick, Ontario, Canada