Notes: The Cobalt was introduced to replace two of Chevy’s smaller cars, the Cavalier and Prizm. But the compact’s fresh start that Chevy was hoping for was riddled with issues, most notably widespread power steering failure.
Power Steering Loss And Transmission Problem - What I found out, after doing much research, was that the power steering loss was also linked to the transmission not shifting. People owning a Cobalt also had experienced the dashboard "trouble" lights coming on when this happened. Some young kid put up the solution on a Face Book post. The FIX was so simple, It's astounding that GM didn't realize what was happening. It was apparent that the transmission control module, located in the engine compartment and in front of the car's computer, was installed in a plastic "box" or holder and NOT mounted on the Fire wall or any metal body part of the car. The ONLY means of grounding the module was a thin wire that is attached to the multi pin plug that jacks into the module. When the ground connection to the transmission module is lost, the power steering fails. As does the cars transmission ability to properly shift out of gear. The dashboard lights come on all at once. The computer does not recognize the signal from the transmission module. To fix this problem PERMANENTLY, remove the transmission module from the plastic box. DO NOT disconnect the multi pin plug. There are two bolt holes diagonally opposite each other on the module which is in a metal case. Get a 1/4 x 20 x 3/4 inch bolt with a locking nut or washer. Put the bolt in the hole and attach about 4 feet of number 12 solid copper wire to the bolt and tighten. Replace the module in the sleeve. Take the other end of the number 12 copper wire and attach it to one of the 3 bolts that support the front strut on the right side. Loosen one of the nuts, place the wire under the nut and re-tighten. Your problem with the steering and loss of transmission shifting should now be permanently solved. As the module is now permanently grounded to the body of the car.
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2005 Chevrolet Cobalt Owner Comments (Page 2 of 7)
The power steering unit went on a 2005 Chevy Cobalt. Dealer is saying the part alone is $2000.00? plus labor. This should be a chevy RECALL. Any suggestions?
I can't believe that they haven't recallede this stupid car yet. I mean, given, it is a cheap car, but that doesn't meant that it has to be cheaply made. I was driving down I-75 in Estero, Fl at around 70 m.p.h. and the steering will locked up forcing me off the road in the middle of a lot of traffic. I had my two little girls in the backseat and when I contacted the dealership, they said that there was nothing they could do unless I paid for the steering column to be replaced which cost me over 1,000. The trade in value on my car is only 2,000.00!!! I can't believe that they would leave this car on the road in this condition when I've read about this same complaint 1,000's of times. I hope someone is reading this who can do something about it. Recall the car NOW!! Don't wait until more people are hurt or dead.
Hello, I can't believe this site is here, it's like my hero.
I got the 2005 Chevrolet cobalt in 2008, my mother wanted me to have a good car for my safety. It was a good car until about December 2009, the power steering started giving me a headache, so she took it to the dealership in Knoxville, TN. They charged her for the code check, and charged her for a fuse that wasn't even the problem. So the problem fixed it self a couple weeks later it didn't do it anymore, so My mother & I was very relieved. But the other morning as i was heading to school, i stopped to pick up my cousin, Me and him was late for school already, and waiting on him didn't make it any better. So when he gets his things and gets in the car i look at the time and it's 7:49 and school started at 8:15 and we had about 7 miles to go. And it was raining on top of it. So I back out of his drive, and floor it. i was driving the car about 60/64 MPH, and the roads were very wet and the rain was pouring down even harder now. we were in the country part of Knoxville, TN were they are a-lot of 2 lane roads. we was approaching what everyone calls "kiss your ass curve," it was very steep and as i got closer i hear 4 dings looked down, and " Power Steering" was across the message center, the steering was very tight and i tried to whip it to take the curve, and it slides off the road and over a bank then into a tree going about 50 mph. the car took the hit more on the passenger side and both Kyle and I were buckled up. the car came to a sudden stop, deploying both airbags. I got a black eye and a pulled shoulder muscle, kyle got a broken wrist and two broke fingers from trying to brace himself on impact. He's still has to undergo surgery and is in the hospital. The car was pulled to a salvage yard, and the police report reads, "Mechanical failure." And the insurance adjuster, wrote it up. And with full coverage insurance they're paying off the bank no. and getting a replacement car. I just hope it isn't another cobalt because I no longer trust this car. And after seeing complaints on other problems of GM, i don't think i'll ever get another GM car.
Thank you
- Dylan C.
Update from Oct 6, 2010: Can't believe they recalled this after I destroyed my car. But That's how it goes. But I did find out 100% what caused my problem after the insurance investigated the case. They're is a small box like thing I can't really explain it because i'm not educated on the whole operation of cars, but the thing inside of the steering column in my car had went bad, and caused the power steering to just randomly shut down, and by that caused me to lose control at a high speed, I Do blame a-lot of Gm, for the accident but it's a fifty fifty thing. They're were other factors leading up to my accident and me being a new drive was the main thing. But i'm glad they had A recall on this problem it was good finally. But if they keep making cars that's going to need recalled every other year GM might as well go out and everyone go to a different make of car.
I had my car for about 6 months- While, i pay 440 a month car payment- Being a single mom of two children, working full-time and attend school @ night- I need a RELIABLE piece of transportation- While, the colbalt-seemed to be the answer- i needing a economically affordable car- It has been a PAIN in the Butt...It has been so very hard to drive- Power steering keeps locking up -over and over- Its been doing this for about 2months now- The dealership is of no help- since i bought a used automobile- I can't afford to get it fixed- I need a solution! i need transportation! and this is not working- Driving without power steering is very -difficult!! HELP!!!
- liz2010,
Houston, TX, US
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First off, I would like to address the fact that I am an ASE certified technician and manager of R & R Auto Services in Ky. I came across a 2005 Cobalt of my mother in laws today with steering problems. She complained of the same thing everyone is talking about. The steering light illuminated on the instrument panel, and steering assist was minimal. Generally speaking I get discounts through the dealership and at my labor rate for family can save quite a bit of money. Could I in this case? Of course not. It becomes very revealing when a dealership actually has a steering column in stock, yet had it been any other vehicle, that wouldn't be the case. When the parts manager and service department laugh and say "we sell a lot of these things", the problem is apparent. I'm in very close with the parts manager and when he says something you can count on his word. He agrees that this should be recalled, yet the service manager is reluctant to speak a word like that.
GM, stop using the people as lab rats. If you wanted to do electronic power steering assist, test it for years, probe all possible scenarios leading to faulty equipment. Otherwise, stop trying new ideas and stick to something you know, that in the past, has proven to work. Or feel free to hire me for quality control. I'm hard to please because I work for the people and I know what the people not only want, but need, as well.
I have a 2005 chevy cobalt, and the power steering has went out, it started going out slowly, you could turn the car off and then start it back up and it would start working again but I have been going down the road in it several times in the past few months, and it be working fine then all of a sudden it just go out, and it usually does it when Im getting ready to turn and it has caused me to almost wreck more than a few times...I think this should be a recall cause I pay 310 a month on my car, and definitely cant afford to pay 400 to 900 to fix this problem especially when it was a factory defect in the first place.......
I was driving around town and on the highway. The power steering light came on and had no power steering. I was lucky I didnt kill myself or crash into the other car going the other way. I called my GM dealer and they said that the sensor got wet it would be okay and called GM service rep and they said sorry cant do nothing about it. People with the same problem should go to to make a complaint so GM will have to put out a recall for it. It is going to kill someone one day
I have a 2005 Chevy Cobalt BLS. The first time this happened was in the month of June 2009 and approximately 10 times until Feb 14, 2010, my car's message center "dinged" and the message "Power Steering " was being displayed. The tachometer, and speedometer both started jumping up and down, that seemed to stop after a couple of seconds, my steering seemed a little stiffer but nothing really noticeable, it wasn't until i pulled into the parking lot at work and had my car jerk around when it shifted gears. Felt kinda of like someone popped the clutch in a standard.
Last year I brought the car to GM to look into this issue. The mechanic found nothing wrong with the Power Steering and charged me 80.00 for checking it out. It happened many times after this however I wasn't about to bring it back to GM and be charged for something that they say is not a problem. This problem has made me very unhappy with GM and this may also change my thoughts on the company. I also came across this website and noticed that I'm not the only person having this problem. I do not believe this problem is temperature related and that it occurs at higher temps, I am from Ontario, Canada.
GM should not wait until there is a fatality to recall or make the changes. This has happened to many who have purchased the Cobalt and we are very concerned and frightened to be driving and have this happen so many times. When this occurs I need to pull over to the side of the road and wait 10 or 15 minutes and restart the car sometimes the light goes out and I can try again and sometimes I need to wait a little longer. I am afraid of driving around since it has happened often and you never know when an accident can happen.
I have a 2005 Chevy Cobalt LS w/Sport Package. On my way to work this morning, my car's message center "dinged" and the message "Power Steering" was being displayed. The tachometer, and speedometer both started jumping up and down, that seemed to stop after a couple of seconds, my steering seemed a little stiffer but nothing really noticeable, it wasn't until i pulled into the parking lot at work and had my car jerk around when it shifted gears. Felt kinda of like someone popped the clutch in a standard.
I have been very happy with my car to date, but if GM doesn't consider this problem important enough to fix, it will change my thoughts on the company. I came across this website and noticed that I'm not the only person having this problem. I noticed prople seem to think that this problem is temperature related and that it occurs at higher temps, I am from northern Ontario, Canada and it was approximately -30 degrees Celcius this morning when it happened. I've also noticed that the mileage at the time of this happening seems pretty consistent. DEFINITELY think that GM should look into this.
Going to call the dealership tonight and also file a formal complaint to GM, this is a life threatening problem, I am a volunteer firefighter and don't feel like being the victim in one of our Auto Extracations. I just sold my old 1997 Chryler Intrepid, had 330,000km on it but really only minor problems, thought going to a 2005 with only 54,000 at time of purchase would create less problems. Car still has warranty on it, hoping for at least some of this to be covered.
I gave the car to my daugther, she lives in Ottawa and as she was driving on HWY 117 her steering locked up on her, the car starrted jerking and rattling, she pulled over and called me with her cell to ask me what could be wrong. I wasn't sure so told her to shut car off and try starting it again. She did with same problem, not knowing the power steering system i figured it could be low on oil and suggeted she drive home slowly and ask her boufrind to check the oil...called me back to say she could not find reservoir. I looked it up on the internet and realised it was electronic. she called me the next day to tell me the car was ok.
She called me approx 2 months later with same problem I contacted the GM dealer and he told me that if it persisted to bring the car in they may have to change major steering components..up to $2000 in has been ok since but i'm really concerned in case it happenned @ high speed, but GM is not offering any solution. Today i found out they are being investigated with hundreds of crashes caused by same problem...what are my options before somthing happens???
Fall of 2009 my power steering went hay wire. I was on the higway going 60. All electrical things flashing , power steering went ,then the car shut down. My dealership couldn't find anything. They just turned off the computer and reset my car. Also lost all history.
Feb 8, 2009 started my car and the power steering didn't work.
GM sucks! I had got in touch with GM and told them what was going on and they told me that i was out of luck. I provide transportation for my 21/2 year old so it is very dangerous!!! The fact that I have no freaking power streering and on top of that, no use of the air bags because that went out when the power streering went as too!!!!!
I've read probably 50-100 complaints about the electronic power steering in these cars. It pisses me off that chevy has not investigated this issue. I had to have the whole electronic power steering replaced and it cost me over $800.00 because obviously my car warrenty had run out.
I bought this car loaded. Leather interior, heated seats , 6 air bags, ac, cruise control, power locks and windows and a sun roof so I paid a good buck for it and now I hate it.My other point is that they obviously have not looked into it cuz even the newer makes are still having this issue. What the hells it gonna take. Calling the dealer and bitching and complaining got me nowhere. The car wasn't paid for yet so I had to eat the 860.00 bucks to fix it. Not a happy camper!
Okay so here we go. Seems like I have been having much of the same problems as everyone else. I have had my cobalt since April 2007. I did by the car used however it only had 12,000miles at the time of purchase. I have ALWAYS taken my car to the local dealership and continue to pay their outrageous prices for all the minor things i.e.oil changes, etc....Since August 2009 my car has been to the dealership numerous times (around 6-7) for everything but oil changes.
My latest problem however is the power steering issue. Same thing as most. First its the "ding ding" then the 'power steering' message displays. The first time it happened was Dec. 2010. Just out of the blue thank goodness I was in a parking lot so I was able to shut the car off. While I was deciding what to do next I then tried to restart the car. HEY.....everything was fine again!!! NOT!!!! In the weeks since then it just randomly chooses when to steer and when its tired it doesn't. LOL In all seriousness, you never know when the bells will chime and power steering will go out. So far I can shut my car off and it will be okay when I start it up again. It may be okay for 2 minutes or 20. One never knows. I went one whole day with great issues! Then the next, at every stop sign and red light I was switching the engine off to restart my car. I think I'm at the point where I have to break down and fix it myself. So far, I have heard from the dealer that it needs a new steering column. I have also been told that parts alone will be around $690ish.....
We have always been Chevrolet customers but with the lack of customer service skills from the shop crew and the feeling that you have been taken every-time you visit, not to mention cars that have major mechanical problems just AS SOON as their warranty's run out.......leaves one with a disgusting taste in their mouth for Chevrolet and most American made cars.
Also having a severe problem with power steering failure on my 2005 Chevy Cobalt. Only has 56,000 miles on it. It has progressively gotten worse over a short time. At first the power steering light would come on and my wheel would lock up once every couple of days. Now I cannot get the car to run more than a minute without it locking up. Obviously this makes it extremely difficult to manage. I used to have to turn the car off and restart it to get my wheel to unlock, (which is a HUGE safety issue when driving on the highway) but now with as frequent as it has become, there is no point in doing so because it locks back up so shortly after restarting it. After taking it in to my dealership they informed me that it would be expensive to fix and that I DIDN'T need to have it fixed right away because it wouldn't affect any other areas of my car's performance. I'm not so sure I believe this. They charged me over $60.00 just to look at it. Then after calling the manufacturer yesterday, when hearing about the numerous complaints on this same issue, they tried to tell me to bring it back in to pay another $60.00 to look at it again! I don't think so. My car is barely 4 years old and doesn't have a large number of miles. I STRONGLY believe Chevy should be responsible for fixing this issue for all those that appear to be having the exact same problem!
I had no idea this was a problem for so many people. chevy def. needs to step up and admit they made some sort of mistake. my car doesnt even have 40000 miles on it
At first the power steering went out intermittently then it completely went out on me and me like a dumb ass thought I needed power steering fluid but thought it was odd that there was no power steering pump only to find out that it is now an electrical motor in the steering column that cost just pennies less than 800.00. the problem with no power steering was I was working in a southern Missouri town and the roads have very bad curves numerous times I almost went over a the side of a cliff. or almost hit another car. No wonder people are buying imports you cant work on an American car yourself and it cost an arm and a leg to get an American car fixed not to mention that half of out so called American cars aren't even American anymore.
So many people have reported this problem, why isn't there a recall? I could killed in this thing and I can't afford to get it fixed out of pocket.
- Michael T., Mansfield, OH, US