Notes: The Cobalt was introduced to replace two of Chevy’s smaller cars, the Cavalier and Prizm. But the compact’s fresh start that Chevy was hoping for was riddled with issues, most notably widespread power steering failure.
My wife has a Chevy cobalt 2005, It started stalling backing out of driveway and at stops. I did the usual stuff, oil change, air filter, spark plugs. Kept on stalling, so I hook up my car tester and HELLO a code 0102 Mass Airflow Sensor. I took it out and sprayed the hell out of it with CRC Mass Airflow Cleaner. Helped a little, then I remembered when I replaced the factory plugs the gaps were not at .040, so I took out the new ones and gapped them at .040 not .041 or .039. The car runs great, no stalling!!!!! So anyone with this problem clean the MAS and gap plugs at .040.
My car has been turning off while driving at any speed for the last couple days, everything goes out including my power steering. After reading all of these post I'm appalled that no one on here has found a solution. I'm taking my car to the dealer tomorrow and am very nervous about it. I don't have the money for them to guess and play games with me. This is obviously an issue and it needs to be addressed. I'm just afraid the only way this becomes a recall is if someone get's seriously injured or even killed like the Toyota incident . It first started happening to me when I was driving back from a vacation down a mountain for over to hours in the fog and no where to pull over and restart my car. This is dangerous for us and the people on the road. I just hope for the best tomorrow and if not I will not let this issue left unheard!!!!
This piece of crap car at 75,000 miles needed a new fuel pump put in i for $550.00t, because I smelled gas in the car and when I took it too be checked out the fuel pump fell off. Now the car keeps dying and then when I restarted it, the car was jerking really bad when it shifted. I took it in and it had a bad solenoid in the transmission which cost $908.00. I got the car back and 2 days later it is still stalling. The POS has 113,000 miles on it. Pleas help!!!!
First of all, NOTHING but problems from the day I took it off the lot. it is at least nice to know im not the only one who got screwed on this car. it did as all the others i've read randomly shut off on the highway ,at stops or slow traffic until one day it just wouldn't restart . this of course was just after the engine was replaced due to a bad head !! so lucky for me a friend of mine has rigged this P.O.S. to work by running a wire in the fuse box from ignition to fuel pump and the car has run ever since.(not perfect but doesn't stall) if all of us have this problem WTF why isn't this a F%&* recall!!
was coming home from work one night and when i got on my road was heading towards my drive way when the cobalt began to spit and sputter and the electronic display said engine power reduced and then said engine disabled. it shut off and would not start back up. i went to get someone to help push it in my driveway and when we got back to the car i tried to start it and it cranked right up go figure nothing but trouble since about 85000 miles never buy another one thats for sure
- James H.,
Morganton, NC, US
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this has been going on for about a year and just randomly happens. the car will spit and sputter and the tachometer fluctuates and it stall this last time it happened we had to have tow it home because it would not start back and still wont. i see im not the only one with this problem but i guarantee it wont happen again because ill never buy another Chevy im going back yo my old fords
I bought my cobalt new in 2005 never had problems with it until July 2009. I would go to stop and my rpm would go down and come back up like the car wanted to stall. Now the damn car will stall without no warning lights. I will come to a stop or slow down it will just shut off. Now it does turn over after a couple of tries. It pisses me off when you have people behind you beeping and carrying on. Now my car is due to go in the shop to figure out what is wrong with it but after reading some of the posts I don't know that they will come up with a solution to the problem. I hope it doesn't cost me a arm and a leg. I think we need to sue Chevy. I want my damn money back!
My 2005 Colbalt started stalling as if the gas supply was cut off about a year ago. At first it happened every once in a while and now happens everyday sometimes up to 15 times. My daughters 2006 did the same thing and she had to pay nearly $1000.00 to get it fixed. The serviceman told her it was a defect in her car and to report it to the manufactorer.. I see no recalls on it yet but it is extremely dangerous as you have no warning at all, it stops at stop lights, slow traffic and sometimes even when you are going normal speed on the highway. It just goes dead. The ignition also gets stuck with the key in it, another problem she had also. I don't know what to do as I do not have the money to fix it myself.
As I was driving to Des Moines, IA, my car randomly shut off as crusing speed of 72-73mph. My radio, lights, everything turned off. Luckly my steering wheel didn't lock up and I was able to pull over to the side of the road. My car wouldn't turn over the first couple of times I tried, but everntually did. When accelerating back on to the highway my car would jerk really hard, adnormally hard, whenever my car shift to a higher gear or a lower gear. I took my car to Holmes Chevrolet in Des Moines, IA and didn't find anything wrong with the car........yea right!
I was driving back home from school in Manhattan, KS. About one after passing the toll in Lawerence, KS my car randomly shut off at cruising speed of 70mph. Lights, radio, a/c, everything shut off. It was about 11:45PM and completely dark and was afraid I was going to cause an accident because no one could see me. I was lucky to get over the shoulder. I tried to turn my car back on but it didn't turn over the first couple of times. It finally turned over and again just as the first time, the car jerked hard whenever it shifted to a lower or higher gear. I took my Cobalt to Superior Chevy in Merriam, KS. They couldn't find anything wrong with the car after working on it for a total of 6 six hours 12/05/2009. My car shut off 12/04/2009 and took it to the shop 12/5/2009. Superior Chevy couldn't find anything wrong. So I asked them, "What do I do now? Drive a broken unfixable car?" If they can't fix the issue and as winter comes and my car shuts of while I am driving in the snow.....I would rather not cause a wreck. What a lemon!!!!!!!!!!!!
The car would just randomly die on me for no reason, I thought it was due to setting but after reading these post i know i wasn't the only one having a problem with a cobalt. i think my car died the very same day i bought it but the dealer said it's because it hasn't been running in a while so i took his advice as the truth. Later on the car begin to die randomly and started right back up and ran good. never did find the problem.
For some time now, my car has been cutting off...while I am backing up, while I am turning a corner, while I am driving down the highway in Atlanta!!!!! (Some of the meanest, busiest highways you'll ever find) I am so scared that I will be plummeted by a huge SUV in the middle of the commute home. Recently, Atlanta installed traffic lights at the entry of the highway to ease congestion for those accessing the highway... I come to the light, stop, and proceed all to find out that the car has cut off once again. It seems to have started when the gas crisis was going on...I thought it may have been bad gas at first, but after reading all the comments below, I think that it is a defect in the model year. I was always advised that you should never by the first model year of car because the dealer hasn't worked out all the kinks yet. I have owned this car for alost four years and bought it new. This year is the first time these cut offs have ever happened, and the only solution I have now is to trade it in for a foreign car. Chevy, You suck!!!!!!!!!
Was driving on the highway and the car shuts off with no warning. Was able to steer it to the shoulder-THANK GOD. Waited a few minutes and it came back on. Drove it to the mechanic and he couldn't find anything wrong. No wires wet, etc...Car had gas-lights explanation. What the heck???
I was driving in the pouring rain and the car shuts off on the highway. I have 37,000 miles and the tow wasn't covered. Took it to the mechanic who said it was the fuel pump. He changed the pump, cleaned the injectors, changed fuel filter and did a diagnostics test. Car was fine. I plucked out over 800 dollars in repairs and tows. It is no longer covered under warranty. A week later-driving in the rain on the highway and the car shuts off again. This time it restarted but it is a pain not knowing whats wrong. Mechanic couldn't find anything
I have been having problems for 3 months with my Cobalt stalling. At first they thought it was an air filter, inexpensive but did not solve the problem. Then in the beginning of Sept. they said it was fuel filter and it cost, including my inspection, $460.00. 2 weeks later as i was driving to work my car stalled at a busy intersection. I could not get the car to restart. I had to have the car towed, but of course it started for the tow truck driver. The mechanic kept my card for 5 days and had it out 7 times to test drive and found nothing wrong. He said the computer reads as everything is ok and suspected I had bad gas (for 2 months???) and charged me $171.00. And now a month later it stalled on me yesterday afternoon and was really trying to stall again today. I avoid coming to a full stop at a stop sign and am terrified of some one driving in front of making a left hand turn and I would have to stop in the middle of the road. I am afraid to run the radio and AC/heat for fear that it may increase the chance of stalling. Please if anyone finds a solution please post it.
My Cobalt was really a good car until it reached 72,000 miles. Then it started randomly shutting down at stop lights. Today it shut down 2x. Husband says it's the gas I use, but after reading other complaints I don't think so. When I'm going down the highway it runs fine, but as soon as I reach a stopping point and get down to about 5 mph it acts like it wants to shut down - lights dim, RPM drop way down, and it feels sluggish. When this happens it does not shut down. At other times it acts normal, then just shuts down as I'm stopping.
i have a 2005 cobalt and the engine has shut off on me 5 times in the past 2 times driving the car i have to drive 45 miles to work everyday and this is not right like today i had my son in the car taking him to school and i was doing 60 mph and the car just shuts off and then after that it cranked back up again after awhile and then i went about 3 miles and stopped at a red light and it shut off again then it cranked back up again and i was headed to work and got to another red light and it shut off again and the same with the other 2 times but the shutting off at 60 mph is very dangerous and i think the dealers or Chevrolet NEEDS TO FIND THE PROBLEM THIS IS VERY UNACCEPTABLE
My husband yesterday was driving down the freeway at 65mph when car stopped running. He couldn't get it to stay running so we had it towed to a GM dealer that kept it over night just to lie to us about what was wrong with it they told him that we had a blown motor they said we started it and the sound of the car told them that's what was wrong. Which I know better if the motor was blown it wouldn't start at all. so I don't know what to do that was are only car. So I don't know how we are going to get to work and GM doesn't care I will never buy a GM car ever again. I have only had this car for 1year and 2 months I have kept up on oil changes.
This is my first car my sister and myself where both learning to drive in it. This stupid thing would just shut off with no warning no lights or anything. One day my sister was driving with our mom ata fairly good speed coming back from cheerleading practice and the stupid car just died. Luckily my sister could tell something wasnt right and was able to coast to a safe spot. Another time I was driving and I was coming from a dead stop to make a left handed turned and it just died in the middle of the road. Also sitting at the light the car woud just die. Obviously you didn't need to even be moving. The dealer siad my keys where to heavy. Yeah right. Anyhow they replace the ignition and put a lock on it this seems to have worked. However now my car is at the dealer again because the key wont go in the ignition.
My wife has a Chevy cobalt 2005, It started stalling backing out of driveway and at stops. I did the usual stuff, oil change, air filter, spark plugs. Kept on stalling, so I hook up my car tester and HELLO a code 0102 Mass Airflow Sensor. I took it out and sprayed the hell out of it with CRC Mass Airflow Cleaner. Helped a little, then I remembered when I replaced the factory plugs the gaps were not at .040, so I took out the new ones and gapped them at .040 not .041 or .039. The car runs great, no stalling!!!!! So anyone with this problem clean the MAS and gap plugs at .040.
- Jason C., Lee County, FL, US