Sorry, the NHTSA has not posted this TSB document yet.
You can still get the detailed info from Chevrolet for this TSB. Call your local Chevrolet dealer's service department & ask for a copy of TSB# 17-NA-261.
Engine Overheat When Driving Aggressively with Accessory Grille and Outboard Cooler Installed
Condition - Some customers may comment on the vehicle overheating when driving aggressively with accessory grille installed in addition to outboard cooler installed.
Cause - This may be due to outboard aero blockers restricting airflow to the outboard coolers, causing the vehicle to overheat.
Correction - If the vehicle is equipped with (RPO V18) outboard coolers and an accessory grille, the grille blockers should not be installed. If installed, they should be removed.