On March 6, 2013, I was driving down a road in the area I live in with a speed limit of 40MPH when another person turned right in front of me. I had absolutely no time to even apply the brake let alone swerve. I t-boned her doing 40 and the damage to my truck is rather substantial. The stupid air bag NEVER EVEN MADE A NOISE let alone do the job it was suppose to do. Why? Isn't is suppose to deploy in a front end collision? At least that was what I thought. OOOPS. I guess I was f#cking wrong on thinking that. So I guess if you hit someone at 10 MPH they go off, according to friends of mine. But at higher speeds, when you need them the MOST, they FAIL. So glad these are in all the newer vehicles now. THANKS FOR THE BETTER PROTECTION AND FEELINGS OF FUZZINESS KNOWING THEY ARE STANDARD. NOT
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On March 6, 2013, I was driving down a road in the area I live in with a speed limit of 40MPH when another person turned right in front of me. I had absolutely no time to even apply the brake let alone swerve. I t-boned her doing 40 and the damage to my truck is rather substantial. The stupid air bag NEVER EVEN MADE A NOISE let alone do the job it was suppose to do. Why? Isn't is suppose to deploy in a front end collision? At least that was what I thought. OOOPS. I guess I was f#cking wrong on thinking that. So I guess if you hit someone at 10 MPH they go off, according to friends of mine. But at higher speeds, when you need them the MOST, they FAIL. So glad these are in all the newer vehicles now. THANKS FOR THE BETTER PROTECTION AND FEELINGS OF FUZZINESS KNOWING THEY ARE STANDARD. NOT
- Jessie S., Baxter, MN, US