On my 2000 Chevy Blazer the emergency brake sticks causing the brakes to grind into the rotors. Being that the back rotors cost alot of money it is a significant problem. The actual brake is inside the hub kinda like a brea shoe. It is very hard to get the thing apart and you need a wheel puller to take the dang on thing apart. Those are about 100 bucks! The other thing is that after you get it apart there are all kinds of springs that need to be adjusted which is another pain! I was told by a friend that they have the same break set up as a corvette. Which means it's going to cost a lot to get replaced. I think it's funny that the bigger your vehicle is the harder it is on your wallet. Another thing is I have had a few sets of tires on the thing and they always go flat. But that is another thing for another gripe!
On my 2000 Chevy Blazer the emergency brake sticks causing the brakes to grind into the rotors. Being that the back rotors cost alot of money it is a significant problem. The actual brake is inside the hub kinda like a brea shoe. It is very hard to get the thing apart and you need a wheel puller to take the dang on thing apart. Those are about 100 bucks! The other thing is that after you get it apart there are all kinds of springs that need to be adjusted which is another pain! I was told by a friend that they have the same break set up as a corvette. Which means it's going to cost a lot to get replaced. I think it's funny that the bigger your vehicle is the harder it is on your wallet. Another thing is I have had a few sets of tires on the thing and they always go flat. But that is another thing for another gripe!
- furman, Washington, yes, US