This Preliminary Information communication advises the technician to follow this Preliminary Information if there is a diagnostic trouble code P00C6 and or P228C set and normal Service Information diagnostics didn?t lead to a repair. Technician is to recheck the terminals at the Engine Control module for fit and tension as well as the crimp to the wire. The engine control module terminals to inspect are in the X2 connector. Inspect terminal number 3, 18 and 19 for the fuel rail pressure sensor and in the X3 connector terminals 16 and 32 for the high pressure fuel pump. The diagnostic trouble codes could set with as little as a 2 ohm resistance reading on these circuits. If any concerns are found replace the affected terminals and verify the repair.
This Preliminary Information communication advises the technician to follow this Preliminary Information if there is a diagnostic trouble code P00C6 and or P228C set and normal Service Information diagnostics didn?t lead to a repair. Technician is to recheck the terminals at the Engine Control module for fit and tension as well as the crimp to the wire. The engine control module terminals to inspect are in the X2 connector. Inspect terminal number 3, 18 and 19 for the fuel rail pressure sensor and in the X3 connector terminals 16 and 32 for the high pressure fuel pump. The diagnostic trouble codes could set with as little as a 2 ohm resistance reading on these circuits. If any concerns are found replace the affected terminals and verify the repair.